Higher Education in the UK

1. Reading. Read the text and mark the sentences T (True), F (False), or DS (Doesn’t Say).

1. There are over 60 universities in the UK.

2. Oxford University is the leading university of the UK.

3. British universities do not have many students.

4. Foreigners are not allowed to study in London University.

5. William Shakespeare studied in Cambridge.

6. After two years of studу a student may proceed to a Bachelor's degree.

7. The teachers of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge are usually called Dons.

8. Students are involved into different sport activities.

9. The scholarship in Oxford University is £ 100 a month.


There are more than 60 universities in the UK. The leading universities are Oxford (1069), Cambridge (1209), Edinburgh University (1583), and London (1836).


University’s ‘New College’


Edinburgh University is the 6th in the UK, and is one of the most prestigious universities in the world. It receives approximately 47,000 applications every year, making it the third most popular university in the UK by volume of applicants.