ruins['ridnz] руины, развалины
ancient['einjant] древний
to enjoy[in'd30i] наслаждаться
picturesque[piktja'resk] живописный
change of scene[si:n] перемена обстановки
to discover[dis'k/we] открывать, обнаруживать
rhythm [ridm] ритм
art gallery['gaeleri] картинная галерея
exotic[ig'zotik] экзотический
restaurant['restront] ресторан
city-dweller['dwele] горожанин
to bathe[beid] купаться
to laze[leiz] in the sunваляться на солнце
holiday-makerотдыхающий, отпускник
camera['kaemare] фотоаппарат
to take pictures ofфотографировать
sight['salt] вид
church[tjaitj] церковь
castlef'ka:sl] замок
view[yju:] вид
valley[vaeli] долина
plain[plein] равнина
waterfall['wo:tafo:l] водопад
to remind[ri'maind] напоминать
photo['feutauj фотография
advantage[ed'va:ntid3] преимущество
disadvantage[,disad'va:ntid3] недостаток
destination[,desti'neijn] место назначения,
цель (путешествия, похода и т.п.)
1. Are you fond of travelling?
2. Why do people travel?
3. Why do people take a camera with them? What do they usually photograph?
4. What do we see and learn while travelling?
5. Do you agree that travelling broadens our minds?
6. How do different people spend their holidays?
7. What means of travel do you know? What are their advantages and disadvantages?
8. What places have you visited?
9. Have you ever taken a holiday cruise ([kru:z] круиз) along the Black Sea coast or down the Volga?
10. Some people prefer to travel on their own and hate travelling in a group. What about you?
11. What countries would you like to visit?
12. Do you like to explore new places?
13. If someone invited you to spend a week on a desert island, would you agree?
14. Do you believe that one day people will be able to travel hi space?
15. Would you like to go to Mars or some other planet?