20. What goes first education or experience?
21. What should I always list under the Education section?
22. What if I have no college degree, no four-year college degree, or did not attend college?
23. Should my other major heading be "Employment" or "Experience?"
24. Should the Experience section be further broken down into subsections?
25. How should my jobs be listed under the Experience section?
26. Should I list company names first or job titles first?
27. How should I list what I did in each job?
28. How do I handle multiple jobs with the same employer?
29. How far back should I go in my job history to avoid age discrimination?
30. What if a former employer no longer exists or has changed its name?
31. What are transferable skills, and what is their significance on a resume?
32. How do I handle employment gaps?
33. How can I avoid appearing to be a job-hopper?
34. What if I have no paid experience?
35. Which transferable skills are most in demand by employers?
36. Why and how should accomplishments and achievements be incorporated in the Experience section?
37. What are Situation > Action > Results statements?
38. What is the significance of quantifying on a resume?
39. What is parallelism, and what is its significance on a resume?
40. What other sections could my resume include?
41. Should I list Hobbies and Interests?
42. Should I list References on my resume?
43. How should I handle references?
44. Should I use the line: "References available upon Request?"
45. How can I position myself for a career or industry change?
46. How do I handle relocation?
47. As an entrepreneur transitioning back to the workplace, how can I make the most of my resume?
48. How can I ensure my resume will be kept confidential?
49. How many pages should my resume be?
50. What are the most important design elements for a resume?
51. What kind of paper should I use?
52. How should I duplicate my resume?
53. How should I mail my resume?
54. How can I make sure I've covered all the bases with my resume?
55. Should I hire a professional resume writer?
Прочитайте информацию об особенностях составления резюме на русском языке. Ответьте на следующие вопросы
1) Is it hard to write a good resume?
2) What is Curriculum Vitae (CV)?
3) Is there any difference between CV and resume?
4) Have you ever written CV?
5) Did your resume do a good job of "selling" your qualifications?
6) Was it up to today's standards?