The distribution of the Far Eastern leopard in border areas, and the extremely small area of its habitat, as well its low population numbers gives special significance to international coordination of measures to protect the animal. Supporting stable contacts of the remaining populations across state borders is becoming the most important condition for the survival of the subspecies as a whole.
It will be very difficult to preserve the Russian population without uniting the efforts of Russia, China and North Korea.
Considering that the habitat of the Far Eastern leopard encompasses mainly the remaining mountain forests at the juncture of three countries, it is expedient to prepare a project of a tri-lateral intergovernmental agreement on the protection and preservation of the unique biological diversity of tlris region. First of all, it is necessary to establish immediately close contact with Cliina on an inter-governmental level for the development of a coordinated policy for the preservation of the border leopard population. Responsibility for the development and implementation of tliis policy could be assumed by a bilateral working group.
One of the most pressing goals must be the drafting of a plan for a cross-border international reserve for the preservation of the Far Eastern leopard, the Amur tiger and other rare species living in the border territory.Work on the restoration of the lost areas of the leopard's habitat by means of reintroduction of leopard populations must also, undoubtedly, be conducted through international cooperation. Mutual understanding of the necessity for joint efforts on saving the leopard will ease the exchange of information, the coordination of scientific research, the unification of census-taking methods and monitoring of the state of the population and its habitat; such understanding will also aid in the increasing the efficacy of measures to stop the illegal trade in biological resources across borders.
The implementation of a program for rein-troducing the leopard by providing for the
Стратегия сохранения дальневосточного леопарда
вотных в неволе, вряд ли сможет обойтись без помощи зарубежных зоопарков. Комплекс мероприятий по сохранению леопарда в России требует финансовых вложений, а при поддержке зарубежных и международных экологических фондов их выполнение будет более успешным. Международная конференция во Владивостоке показала большой интерес зарубежных ученых к проблеме сохранения дальневосточного леопарда и их желание помочь России в этом благородном деле. Однако этого пока нельзя сказать о зарубежной общественности, весьма слабо информированной о тревожной судьбе пятнистой кошки, пока еще бродящей в заснеженных горах Дальнего Востока.
breeding of animals in captivity, would be next to impossible without the aid of foreign zoos. A set of measures on saving the leopard in Russia will require investment, and with the support of foreign and international ecological funds the implementation of these measures will be more successful. The international conference in Vladivostok demonstrated the great interest of foreign scientists in the problem of saving the Far Eastern leopard and their desire to help Russia in tliis noble effort. However, this is not yet the case with public opinion abroad: there is very little information about the alarming fate of this spotted cat which still roams the snow-covered hills of the Far East.