V. Answer the following questions


1. What are the basic features of public education in Great Britain?

2. How long does the compulsory schooling last?

3. Where do children between 2 and 5 receive education?

4. Where do children go on from the infant school?

5. Where do children go after the age of 11?

6. Where do most school-leavers gain entry at 18?

7. How many terms do the academic year is divided into?

8. How many universities are there in Britain?

9. What will be after three years of study at the university?

10. What is an important part of university work?


VI. Make up a plan of the text

VII. Give a short story about Education in Great Britain


VIII. Speak about Secondary Education in Great Britain using the following words and word combinations


To be supported, public funds, basic features, variations, social system, classdivided, selective, pay, opportunities, syllabus, study groups, primary, secondary, further, compulsory, age, university courses, last, cost.

IX. Speak about the students life in Great Britain using the following words and

Word combinations


University, differ, date of foundation, size, history, tradition, organization, methods of instruction, student life, graduate, to leave, Degree of Bachelor of, continue, Master’s Degree, Doctor’s Degree, research.






I. Vocabulary list


1. bank – берег

2. anniversary – годовщина

3. merchant – купец, купеческий

4. inhabitant – житель

5. unpaved – немощенный

6. crooked – кривой

7. pass through – проходить

8. exile – ссылка

9. welfare – материальный

10. spirit – дух

11. fate – судьба

12. eminent – замечательный

13. strive – стремиться

14. revalue – переоценить

15. energies – усилия




1. siberian – сибирский

2. oil Refinery – нефтеперерабатывающий завод

3. tire-making plant – шинный завод

4. synthetic Rubber plant – завод по производству синтетического каучука

5. smoke-black plant – сажевый завод

6. trans-Siberian Railway – Транссибирская железная дорога

7. drama Theatre – Драматический театр

8. musical Theatre – Музыкальный театр

9. puppet Theatre – Кукольный театр

10. concert Hall – Концертный зал

11. sports and Concert Palace – СКК

12. omsk Folk Choir – Омский русский народный хор

13. omsk Symphony Orchestra – Омский симфонический оркестр

14. fine Arts Museum – Музей изобразительного искусства

15. memorial Square – мемориал

16. eternal Flame – Вечный огонь


III. Text




Omsk is one of the oldest Russian towns. Omsk is situated on the banks of the Irtish and Om rivers. The Siberian City of Omsk celebrated its 280th Anniversary in 1996. A former small merchant town has turned for the years of Soviet power into a large industrial, scientific and cultural center of West Siberia. The city today numbers about 1200000 inhabitants.

At the beginning of the 18 century a group of Russian soldiers and Cossacks under the guidance of an officer Buhgolts founded a fortress on the left bank of the Om river. The fortress was later renamed a town of Omsk. So Omsk was founded in 1716. At the end of 19th century the Great Trans-Siberian Railway passed through Omsk. Before the revolution Omsk was just like any other Siberian town – wooden houses, unpaved, dirty, crooked streets, no parks and gardens. Omsk was a place of exile. Decemberists and revolutionaries were exiled by the tzarist government to Omsk. A great Russian writer Dostoevsky spent 4 years in the Omsk fortress.

The city of labour produces goods in sum of more than 6 billion roubles a year. Some items are being supplied to more than 60 countries all over the world. The pride of our city is the first Oil Refinery, a giant of Siberian petrochemistry, which was put into operation in 1965. Besides the chemical enterprises of our city include Synthetic Rubber plant, the Type – making plant, the Smoke – Black plant and others. Engineering, instrument making, light and building industries are developed in Omsk.

Omsk is with good reason considered a city of students, of the youth. Every the fourth of the city’s residents is studying. There are all kinds of educational institutions in Omsk. We have 14 Universities, many technical schools, libraries. The A.S.Pushkin library is the biggest of them.

The city’s history of welfare standards and culture has a particular effect on its characteristics and spirit. The lives and fates of such eminent people of the country as F.Dostoevsky and M.Vrubel, V.Kuibyshev and D.Karbyshev, P.Dravert and V.Shebalin, L.Martinov, S.Zaligin and other prominent figures in science and art are closely connected with Omsk.

There are a lot of varieties for leisure – theatres, museums, concert halls, exhibitions, gymnasiums, sports grounds, Palaces of Culture, discotheques and swimming pools – for townsfolk. For the believers there are cathedrals, prayers houses of various in the city. The best known theatres in Omsk are the Drama theatre, the Musical theatre, the Children’s theatre and the Puppet theatre. A fine Concert Hall, an Organ Hall, a Circus, the Sports and Concert Palace are at our disposal. The Omsk Folk Choir and the Omsk Symphony Orchestra are famous in the world. The Fine Arts Museum and other museums possess wide collections of exhibits and paintings. They are worth visiting. There is the Memorial Square with the Eternal Flame in the center of the city, a lot of monuments, fine green parks and gardens with many beautiful flowers and different kinds of entertainments.

But at the same time Omsk is the city with its own unsolved problems. We live in the period of great changes. We strive to revalue many respects and start life afresh. Our energies are directed to creating required productive, living and spiritual conditions for the Omsk residents.