e.g.:He has…

1. Пациент заразился гриппом от своей дочери и страдает от тяжелого осложнения после болезни с сильными болями и острыми приступами.
2. При гриппе я страдала от острых симптомов: температуры, кашля, насморка и сильной головной и мышечных болей.
3. Если вы заболели гриппом, оставайтесь в постели и пейте больше горячего чая с медом, чтобы избежать тяжелых осложнений после гриппа.
4. Я болею простудой и не хочу заразить всю свою семью, поэтому принимаю «Колдрекс» и лежу в постели.
5. Когда Петров болел пневмонией, он страдал от приступов острого кашля и лихорадки.
6. При сильной головной или зубной боли принимайте обезболивающее средство и пейте больше жидкости.
| Disease characterized by abrupt or sudden onset, usually with severe symptoms. Acute disease, as a rule, lasts a comparatively short time—no more than a few weeks.
| Chronic
| Disease characterized by longer duration, often months or years. It is usually associated with symptoms of less severe intensity.
| Communicable
| Disease that is transmissible by direct or indirect contact with infection.
| Complicating
| Disease that occurs during or after an illness and has the same cause as the original disease or results from changes produced by the original disease.
| Congenital
| Disease present in an infant at birth; it may be caused by hereditary factors or result from a prenatal condition or disease.
| Contagious
| Highly transmissible disease.
| Deficiency
| Disease resulting from a lack of vitamins or minerals in the diet or a failure to absorb vitamins or minerals from food.
| Endemic
| Disease that occurs continuously or recurrently in a particular geographic region.
| Epidemic
| Disease that attacks simultaneously a large number of persons living in a particular geographic region.
| Functional
| Disease in which there is no significant anatomical change in the tissues or organs to account for the change in function or the performance of the body.
| Hereditary
| Disease transmitted from parent to offspring genetically.
| Idiopathic
| Disease in which the cause is unknown.
| Occupational
| Disease that results directly or indirectly from the patient's job.
| Organic
| Disease in which there are significant anatomical changes in the tissues or organs.
| Pandemic
| Disease that occurs more or less over the entire world at the same time.
| Primary
| Term used in several ways to characterize disease. When an individual has several diseases, the term primary may refer to the initial disease or to the most important disease. Sometimes it is used to denote a disease or group of diseases for which there is no specific cause. At times it is used to indicate the site in which a pathological process begins.
| Prognosis
| Medical assessment of the probable outcome or the prospect for recovery of the disease.
| Psychosomatic
| Disease that seems to be caused or worsened by psychological factors. It may or may not produce anatomical changes.
| Secondary
| Disease that results from a definite contributing factor. For instance, secondary anemia may result from blood loss or blood destruction.
| Sporadic
| Disease that occurs in isolated cases in a locality where it is neither endemic nor epidemic.
| Subacute
| Disease characterized by an onset that is not as abrupt as in the acute form and with symptoms less severe and of shorter duration than chronic.
It is very helpful to evaluate symptoms and signs in diagnosing the causes of health problems and in monitoring the status of diagnosed diseases. Moreover, assessment of symptoms and signs is important during treatment with medications in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment and the development of side effects. What is a Symptom? Symptom: Any subjective evidence of disease. A symptom is a phenomenon that is experienced by an individual. Anxiety, lower back pain, and fatigue are all symptoms. They are sensations only the patient can perceive. In contrast, a sign is objective evidence of disease. A bloody nose is a sign. It is evident to the patient, doctor, nurse, and other observers. What is a Sign? Sign: Any objective evidence of disease. A sign can be detected by a person other than the affected individual. Gross blood in the stool is a sign of disease. It can be recognized by the patient, doctor, nurse, or others. In contrast, a symptom is, by its nature, subjective. Abdominal pain is a symptom. It is something only the patient can know.
1. What is the difference between “infect with…” and “was infected with… by…”?
2. What is the difference between “affect “and “was affected by…”?
3. What is the difference between “be ill with” and “fall ill with …”?
4. What is the difference between “signs of …” and “symptoms of …”?