Ex. 2. Answer the questions.
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Кафедра английского языка
Для студентов 1-го курса всех факультетов
Горки 2009
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Кафедра английского языка
Для студентов 1-го курса всех факультетов
Горки 2009
Одобрено методической комиссией факультета по международным связям 31.03.2009 (протокол № 8).
Составили: О. С. КОЛЫБЕНКО, Т.И. БИСКУП.
Введение ……………………………………………………………………………………... | |
Unit 1...................................................................................................………………………... | |
Unit 2.................................................................................................………………….……… | |
Unit 3..............................................................................................…………………....……… | |
Unit 4 ...............................................................................................…………………..……… | |
Unit 5................................................................................................…………………..……… | |
Unit 6 ......................................................................................…………………...........……… | |
Unit 7 ......................................................................................…………………...........……… | |
Unit 8 ......................................................................................…………………...........……… | |
Литература …………………………………………………………………………………… | |
УДК 42(072)
Разговорные темы: методические разработки / Белорусская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия; сост. О.С. Колыбенко, Т.И. Бискуп, 2009, с.
Приведены разговорные темы по английскому языку. Каждый урок содержит тематический словарь, серию предтекстовых и послетекстовых упражнений, имеющих коммуникативно-речевую направленность.
Для студентов первых курсов всех факультетов.
Библиогр. 8.
Рецензент И.П. макаренко.
© Составление. О.С. Колыбенко,
Т.И. Бискуп, 2009
© Учреждение образования
«Белорусская государственная
сельскохозяйственная академия», 2009
Методические разработки предназначены для студентов первых курсов всех факультетов.
Цель методических разработок – расширение лексического запаса студентов, а также развитие и совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической речи в рамках указанных тем.
Методические указания состоят из восьми уроков. Каждый урок содержит тематический словарь; базовый и дополнительные тексты; серию предтекстовых и послетекстовых заданий, имеющих коммуникативно-речевую направленность.
Темы расположены в том порядке, в котором их обычно изучают: «Моя семья», «Я – студент», «Академия», «Страна изучаемого языка (Великобритания)», «Лондон», «Сельское хозяйство Великобритании», «Беларусь», «Сельское хозяйство Беларуси».
Лексика текстов отрабатывается и усваивается в ходе выполнения упражнений. Также включены задания творческого характера, требующие самостоятельного поиска нужной информации с последующей ее презентацией.
Методические разработки могут использоваться как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.
Unit 1
My Family
Topical Vocabulary
1) biography – биография;
2) name – имя;
3) surname – фамилия;
4) nationality – национальность;
5) age – возраст;
6) occupation – занятие, профессия;
7) to be married – быть женатым, быть замужем.
8) to be single – быть холостым, быть не замужем;
9) to leave (finish) school – закончить школу;
10) applicant – абитуриент;
11) first-year student – студент-первокурсник;
12) to get acquainted – познакомиться;
13) to be born – родиться;
14) to come from – происходить, быть родом;
15) to enter the university – поступить в университет;
16) to fail in an exam – провалить ( не сдать) экзамен;
17) to pass exams – сдать экзамены;
18) the extended family – патриархальная семья;
19) the nuclear family – традиционная семья;
20) the blended family – смешанная семья;
21) aunt – тетя;
22) uncle – дядя;
23) niece – племянница;
24) nephew – племянник;
25) grandparents – дедушка и бабушка;
26) granddaughter – внучка;
27) grandson – внук;
28) to be divorced – быть в разводе;
29) to be on pension – быть на пенсии;
30) husband – муж;
31) wife – жена;
32) cousin – двоюродный брат (сестра);
33) mother-in-law– свекровь, теща;
34) daughter-in-law – невестка;
35) son-in-law – зять;
36) father-in-law – свекор, тесть;
37) relatives (close, distant) – родственники (близкие, дальние);
38) child – ребенок;
39) baby – грудной ребенок;
40) to consist of – состоять из;
41) to look like – выглядеть;
42) to share domestic duties – разделять домашние обязанности;
43) to get along with – ладить, уживаться.
Ex. 1. Read the text.
Text A
What is a family? I think it's a small society with its laws, customs and traditions. As a fact any family has its head. Every family has its own budget and, of course, all members of the family have certain rights and duties. If there is mutual understanding in the family and if duties are fulfilled well, this society can be quite happy.
My family consists of five people: Mother, Father, my elder sister, my younger brother and me. We live in the ancient town of Polotsk in a new flat of three rooms, which we got last year. We like our town and our new flat. My father's name is Vladimir. He is fifty and he is a surgeon. He works in the children's hospital. To tell the truth, it's difficult for me to see him very often even on weekends, as he is always very busy with his work. He is a loving father and often gives us presents. We love him very much, too. Father is the real head of our family. He also takes care of our health, especially when we spend holidays in the country. In summer we often go on tramps, wander through forests and occasionally go for a swim in the lake. As my father is fond of music, he takes a tape-recorder with him or his guitar. He can play the guitar very well, but he can't afford it very often. I am always glad to see my father at home.
It's my mother who keeps the house. She knows what we need very well and tries to meet our needs. She is forty-six and she is a bookkeeper. Her hobby is knitting. We all wear sweaters made by her. She is also a loving mother, and I like to share my secrets with her.
My sister is a student of the Polotsk Polytechnic Institute. She is four years older than I am and is an undergraduate now. She is leaving the Institute next year and is going to become an economist. She thinks it's the most necessary profession for our country. She also has a hobby. Her hobby is playing chess. My sister can also play the piano very well. I often play chess with her and she sometimes plays the pieces of classical music by Sviridov, Tchaikovsky, Rakhmaninov and other famous composers. My brother is a schoolboy. He is in his fourth year at school now, so he is seven years younger than I am. I often play chess with him, but he can't play chess very well. His hobby is football and he is going to become a professional player.
Ex. 2. Answer the questions.
1. What is your name? /Who are you? 2. Where and when were you born? 3. How old are you? 4. Are you Belarusian? 5. Where do you live? /What’s your permanent address? 6. When did you finish school? 7. How well did you do at school? 8. What were your favourite subjects? 9. How many members are there in your family? 10. What relations do you have in your family (parents, sisters, brothers, etc.)? 11. Have you got any grandparents? Where do they live? 12. Have you got any uncles or aunts? 13. Do you have any cousins? 14. Do you have any nieces or nephews? 15. Where does your family live? 16. Where do your parents work? 17. How do they call your father? 18. How do they call your mother? 19. What are your brothers and sisters (if any)? 20. Which of you is the oldest person in the family? 21. Which of you is the youngest? 22. Can any one of you play chess (the guitar, the piano, football)? 23. Who is the head of the family: the father or the mother? 24. Does your family often spend holidays in the country? 25. Who usually does the housework (goes shopping)? 26. Do you have any relatives, who live abroad? How often do you visit them? Do they often come to see you? 27. Why is it important to have a good family?