Benign and Malignant Tumors


LESSON 1. Anatomic Terms………………..…………….2

LESSON 2. Cells………………………….......................6

LESSON 3. Tissues..……………………………………….10

LESSON 4. Systems of the Body..…….…………………13

LESSON 5. Skin……………………………..………………16

LESSON 6. The Muscular System…………….………..20

LESSON 7. Our Skeleton…………………………………24

LESSON 8. Bones and Joints.………………..…………27

LESSON 9. Cardiovascular System………………..…..30

LESSON 10. Blood………………………………..………..34

LESSON 11. Respiratory System..……………………..37

LESSON 12. Digestive System…………..……..……….43

LESSON 13. Organs of Digestion..……..……..……….48

LESSON 14. Nervous System….…………………….…..52

LESSON 15. Sensory System.………………..…………..57

LESSON 16. Endocrine System………………..…………61

LESSON 17. Urinary System….…………………….……65

LESSON 18. Female Reproductive System..……………69

LESSON 19. Male Reproductive System……..…………73


Lesson 1

Anatomic Terms

1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words

trunk - тулуб; limb - кінцівка;

skull -череп; cheek - щока;

chin - підборіддя; shoulder - плече;

mouth - рот; heart - серце;

lip - губа; lung- легеня;

gum -ясна; liver - печінка;

gullet - стравохід; intestines - кишки;

stomach - шлунок; bladder - сечовий міхур;

spleen - селезінка; forearm - передпліччя;

kidney - нирка; gallbladder - жовчний міхур;

elbow - лікоть; hip — стегно;

wrist - зап'ясток; knee - коліно;

abdominal cavity - черевна порожнина;

thumb - великий палець руки;


2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:


The principal parts of our body are the head, the trunk and the limbs. We have the upper and lower limbs. They are our arms and legs.

The head consists of the skull and the face. On the face we can see the forehead, the eyes, the nose, the cheeks, the ears, the mouth and the chin. The mouth has two lips. In the mouth there are gums with teeth, a tongue and a palate. Our neck connects the head with the trunk. The upper part of the trunk is the chest and the lower part is the abdomen. In the chest the principal organs are the heart, the lungs and the gullet. In the abdominal cavity we have the principal organs, such as the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the intestines, the kidneys, the gallbladder and the bladder.

Our skeleton supports the soft parts and protects the organs from injury. It is covered with muscles. The shoulders connect our arms with the chest. Each arm consists of the upper arm, the forearm, the elbow, the wrist and the hand. We have four fingers and a thumb on each hand.

The leg consists of the hip (the thigh), the knee, the calf, the ankle and the foot. Our body is covered with the skin.


3. Vocabulary exercises

3.1 Give the Ukrainian equivalents for:

the principal parts of our body; the upper and lower limbs; the skull and the face; there are gums with teeth; connects the head with the trunk; the upper part of the trunk; the principal organs; in the abdominal cavity; supports the soft parts; protects the organs from injury; is covered with muscles; connect our arms with the chest;


3.2 Give the English equivalents for:

голова, тулуб і кінцівки; руки та ноги; верхня частина тулуба; черевна порожнина; нижня частина тулуба; жовчний міхур; печінка; захищає органи від ушкодження; вкрито шкірою.


3.3 Fill in:

1. The principal parts of our body are ... .2. The head consists of ... . 3. The mouth has ... . 4. Our neck connects the head ... .5. The upper part of the trunk is the .... and the lower part is the ... . 6. In the chest the principal organs are ... . 7. In the ... we have the principal organs, such as the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the intestines, the kidneys, the gallbladder and the bladder. 8. Our skeleton ... the soft parts and ... the organs from injury. 9. The shoulders connect our arms with ... .


4. Post-reading activities

4.1 Say if it is true or false:

1. We have the upper and lower limbs.

2. The head consists of the hair and the face.

3. Our neck connects the head with the arm.

4. The upper part of the trunk is the chest.

5. In the chest the principal organs are the heart, the lungs
and the gullet.

6. Our skeleton supports the hard parts and protects the
organs from injury.

7. Our body is covered with the skin.


4.2 Answer the questions to the text:

What are the principal parts of our body? 2. What does the head consists of? 3. What can we see on the face? 4. Where are the heart and the lungs located? 5. What organs do we have in the abdominal cavity? 6. What is our skeleton covered with? 7. What does each arm consist of? 8. What does each leg consist of?


Active and Passive Voice (Present Indefinite Tense)


Tenses Active Passive
  examine, examines, examined, will examine to be (am, is, are, was, were, will be ) + Past Participle (V3, V-ed)
Present The doctor examines the patients everу day. The patients are examined by the doctor every day.


Складіть речення за таблицею.


Injections is taken here.
Computers are made there.
Tablets   repaired in hospital.
Pulse   given in this district.
Nurses   trained at this college.  


Exercise 2

Перекладіть речення українською мовою, звертаючи

увагу на час і стан дієслів:

1. Professor B. teaches us Biology. 4. At the Institute the students are taught many different subjects. 5. This maga­zine publishes medical articles. 6. New methods in medicine are published in this magazine. 7. Professor N. demonstrates the new devices at the lectures. 8. New medical instruments are demonstrated to us by our professor.

Exercise 3

Do the tests:

1. The house ..... by a pop star.

a) bought b) is bought c)are bought

2. A new book ..... by that company.

a) publishes b) is published c) is publishing

3. Our plan ..... by the members of the committee.

a) considers b)is being considered c) is considered

4. The Earth's surface ..... mostly ..... with water.

a) is ... covered b)are ... covered c) has ... been covered

5. Weekends ..... outdoors by most English people.

a) spend b) are spended c) are spent


Самостійна робота №1

1. Read and translate the text:

What is Pathology?

Pathology is the study and diagnosis of disease through examination of organs, tissues, body fluids, and whole bodies (autopsies). Medical pathology is divided into two main branches, anatomical pathology and clinical pathology.

General pathology, also called investigative pathology, experimental pathology, or theoretical pathology, is a broad and complex scientific field which seeks to understand the mechanisms of injury to cells and tissues, as well as the body's means of responding to and repairing injury. Areas of study include cellular adaptation to injury, necrosis, inflammation, wound healing, and neoplasia. It forms the foundation of pathology, the application of this knowledge to diagnose diseases in humans and animals.

Pathologists are doctors who diagnose and characterize disease in living patients by examining biopsies or bodily fluids. In addition, pathologists interpret medical laboratory tests to help prevent illness or monitor a chronic condition.

The vast majority of cancer diagnoses are made by pathologists. Pathologists examine tissue biopsies to determine if they are benign or cancerous. Pathologists may also conduct autopsies to investigate causes of death. Autopsy results can aid living patients by revealing a hereditary disease unknown to a patient's family

2. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is pathology? 2. How many branches is medical pathology divided into? 3. What is the other name for general pathology? 4. What do the areas of study of general pathology include? 5. What are pathologists? 6. What do pathologists interpret medical laboratory tests for? 7. What can autopsy results aid living patients?


3. Say if it true or false:

1.Medical pathology is divided into anatomical pathology and clinical pathology.

2. General pathology is also called investigative pathology.

3. Pathologists are doctors who treat diseases.

4. Pathologists interpret medical laboratory tests to help prevent illness.

5. Pathologists examine cell biopsies to determine if they are benign or cancerous.

Lesson 2


1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words

cell – клітина inclusion – включення

nucleus – ядро cellular – клітинний

cytoplasm – цитоплазма pore - отвір

mammalian – ссавець organelle - органела

leakage - витік, просочування

ingestion – поглинання

1.2 Match the words-combinations:

short life span процес всмоктування

two main parts попереджує витік

the nuclear membrane кліткова оболонка

the cell membrane дві основні частини

contains tiny holes оточуюче середовище

prevents leakage коротка тривалість життя

the surrounding environment механізм захисту

the process of absorption оболонка ядра

a mechanism of defense вміщує крихітні отвори

1. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text


A large number of cells make up our body. They range from small cell, some of which have a short life span, to others which are extremely large and which may survive in our body as long as we remain alive.

Structurally, each of the cells is divided into two main parts, the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The nucleus is a large, spherical structure. It is surrounded by cytoplasm. The nucleus is the most important structure of the cell. It is present in all mammalian and keratinized cells. Very often nuclei serve as the basis for diagnosing a pathologic process.

A double membrane, the nuclear membrane, separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains many well-organized structures, called organelles and inclusions. The inclusions contain food and secretory and pigment granules.

The cell membrane is the thin membrane which surrounds the cytoplasm. The cellular membrane contains lipid and protein molecules. The membrane also contains tiny holes, called pores. The cellular membrane prevents leakage of the inner cellular structures into the surrounding environment. The membrane keeps certain unwanted substances from entering the cell but admits other substances that are necessary for maintaining cellular life.

Pinocytosis is the process of absorption of liquids through a cellular membrane. Phagocytosis refers to the process of ingestion or moving of solids through the cell membrane. Phagocytosis is a mechanism of defense against bacteria, or other harmful substances, since these substances are ingested by the cells that combat inflammation.

3.Post-reading activities

3.1 Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

A large number of cells; a short life span; two main parts; the nucleus and the cytoplasm; it is surrounded by cytoplasm; for diagnosing a pathologic process; separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm; the cell membrane; lipid and protein molecules; the process of absorption of liquids; a mechanism of defense against bacteria.

3.2 Give the English equivalents for:

Коротка тривалість життя; поділяється на дві головні частини; найбільш важлива структура; корисні для гістологів; подвійна оболонка; крихітний отвір; запобігає витоку; небажані речовини; інші шкідливі речовини.

3.3 Say if it is true or false:

1. Some cells may survive in our body as long as we remain alive.

2. Each of the cells is divided into three main parts.

3. The nucleus is a large, spherical structure.

4. The nucleus is surrounded by cytoplasm.

5. A double membrane separates the nucleus from the organelles.

6. The cell membrane is the thick membrane which surrounds the cytoplasm.

7. Phagocytosis is a mechanism of defense against bacteria.

3.4 Finish the sentences:

1. A large number of cells ... . 2. The nucleus is a .... 3. It is important because ... . 4. Very frequently nuclei serve ... . 5. The cytoplasm contains many ... . 6. The cellular membrane contains … . 7. The membrane keeps certain ... . 8. Phagocytosis is ... . 9. Pinocytosis ....


Past Indefinite Passive


Tenses Active Passive
  examined was, were + Past Participle (V3, V-ed)
Past The doctor examined the patients yesterday. The patients were examined by the doctor yesterday.



Exercise 1 Складіть речення за таблицею.

Injections was taken last year.
Computers were made at ten o’clock.
Tablets   repaired five years ago.
Pulse   given in September.
Nurses   trained yesterday


Exercise 2 Перекладіть речення українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на час і стан дієслів:

1. This student wrote a very interesting article. 2. This textbook was written by some well-known scientists. 3. These books were given to you for two days only. 4. Our teacher gave us some newspapers and magazines at the lesson. 5. The laboratory equipped with modern devices belongs to the medi­cal faculty. 6. This hospital was equipped with new devices last year.


Exercise 3 Do the tests:

1. This house ..... in 1930.

a) built b) was built c) has built

2. I ..... last Friday.

a) arrived b) was arrived c) were arrived

3. A decision ..... last meeting.

a) were made b) was made c) be made

4. Many accidents ..... by dangerous driving.

a) caused b) were caused c) was caused

5. The book ..... by Hardy.

a) wrote b) was written c) was wrote

6. Hundreds of people ..... by the new factory this year.

a) are employed b) were employed c) have been employed

Самостійна робота №2

1. Read and translate the text:

Benign and Malignant Tumors

A tumor is an abnormal growth of body tissue. Tumors can be cancerous (malignant) or noncancerous (benign). In general, a benign tumor is usually not harmful and they usually grow slowly. They can usually be removed and in most cases they never come back. However, if a benign tumor is big enough, the size and weight can press on nearby organs, blood vessels and nerves and thus cause problems.

The opposite of benign is malignant tumor. Malignant tumors are cancer, where the cancer cells can invade and damage tissues and organs near the tumor. Also, cancer cells can break away from a malignant tumor and enter the lymphatic system or the bloodstream. This is how cancer spreads from the original tumor to form new tumors in other parts of the body.

Problems with the body's immune system can lead to tumors. Tobacco causes more deaths from cancer than any other environmental substance. Other causes of tumors include: chemicals and toxins, drinking too much alcohol, excessive sunlight exposure, genetic problems, obesity, radiation and viruses.


2. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is the difference between malignant and benign tumours? 2. How do benign tumors grow? 3. When does benign tumor cause problems? 4. How does cancer spread? 5. What causes of tumors do you know?


3. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents:

аномальний ріст тканин тіла; зазвичай видаляються; злоякісна пухлина; ушкоджують тканини і органи; надмірне вживання алкоголю; потрапляє в лімфатичну систему.


Lesson 3


1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

tissue – тканина connective - сполучна

cell – клітина fibrous - фіброзна

bone tissue - кісткова тканина tough band - міцний в'язок

muscle tissue - м'язева тканина periosteum – надкісниця

nervous tissue - нервова тканина tendon – сухожилля

adipose tissue – жирова тканина

epithelial tissue – епітеліальна тканина


1.2 Match the words-combinations:

different kinds of cells м’язoва тканина

different size and shape з'єднані разом

are grouped together нервова тканина

bone tissue клітини різного виду

nerve tissue кісткова тканина

muscle tissue різного розміру та форми


2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:


Our body is made up of different kinds of cells. Each kind is of different size and shape. Each kind does a different job. When many cells of the same kind are grouped together, they make up tissue. In the human body there are four groups of tissue: epithelial, connective, nerve and muscle. Epithelium forms a protective covering of the body and all the organs, it lines the cavities. The epithelial tissue also forms glands.

Connective tissue supports, binds and forms the framework of the body. Connective tissue may be classified according to its degree of hardness: soft (adipose tissue and fibrous connective tissue); hard (cartilage and bone); liquid (blood and lymph). The adipose tissue stores up fat for the body as reserve food, serves as heat regulator. Many bone cells together make up bone or osseous tissue. The covering of the bone is composed of a fibrous connective tissue. Many muscle cells together make up muscle tissue. The muscles are held together by the connective tissue. Many nerve cells together make up nerve tissue which is the building material for the central nervous system.

3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

different kinds of cells; of different size and shape; make up bone tissue; connective tissue; forms the framework; according to its degree of hardness; are held together.


3.2 Suggest the English equivalents:

складається з; різного розміру та форми; з’єднані разом; утворюють тканину; сполучна тканина; утворюють кісткову тканину; накопичує жир; утворює залози.

3.3 Say if it is true or false:

1. Our body is made up of different kinds of cells.

2. Each kind is of the same size and shape.

3. Each kind does the same job.

4. The covering of the bone is composed of a fibrous connective tissue.

5. Many muscle cells together make up bone tissue.

6. The connective tissue also forms glands


3.4 Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is our body made of?

2. What do many bone cells together make up?

3. The covering of the bone is composed of a fibrous tissue, isn't it?

4. What are the muscles held together by?

5. How many types is connective tissue classified?

6. What does the adipose tissue store?


Future Indefinite Passive

Tenses Active Passive
  will examine will be + Past Participle (V3, V-ed)
Future The doctor will examine the patients tomorrow. The patients will be examined by the doctor tomorrow.

Exercise 1 Складіть речення за таблицею.


Injections Computers Tablets Pulse Nurses will be taken made repaired given trained   tomorrow, next year, on Monday, in half an hour.

Exercise 2 Перекладіть речення українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на час і стан дієслів:

1. Next year this magazine will publish some medical articles. 2. Some articles will be published in this magazine. 3. Professor N. will demonstrate the new device at the next lecture. 4. New medical instruments will be demonstrated to us by our professor. 5. These books will be given to the students. 6. The teacher will give us some newspapers and magazines at the next lesson.

Exercise 3 Do the tests:

1. A new drug ______ to combat asthma in small children.

a) will develop b) will be developed c) develop

2. ______ he ______ at the airport tomorrow?

a) Is … being met b) Will … be meet c) Will… meet

3. A number of political prisoners ______ within the next week.

a) will be released b) release c) were released

4. A new supermarket ... next year.

a) build b) be built c) will be built

5. The new computer system ... next month.

a) is be installed b) will be installed c) will been installed

Lesson 4


1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

circulatory – кровоносний cartilage – хрящ

digestive – травний ligaments – зв’язки

respiratory – дихальний urinary – сечовивідний

spinal cord – спинний мозок bone - кістка


1.2 Match the words-combinations:

the chief function регулює об’єм

skeletal muscles кровоносні судини

external environment зовнішнє середовище

air passageways перетравлення

blood vessels головна функція

digestion скелетні м’язи

regulate volume повітряні шляхи


2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:


There are nine main systems of the body: the skeletal, the muscular, the nervous, the circulatory, the digestive, the respiratory, the urinary, the endocrine and the reproductive systems.

The skeletal system consists of the bones of the body and ligaments and cartilages, which joint them. The chief function of the skeletal system is structural.

The muscular system consists of the skeletal muscles and their associated structures. The main function of this system is to move us about.

The nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord, nerves, ganglia and receptors. It is a complex information system which receives stimuli from external and internal environment and transmits impulses to muscles and glands.

The respiratory system consists of lungs and air passageways. Its main function is to exchange gases between blood and external environment.

The circulatory system consists of the heart, blood vessels and the blood, which is pumped through the blood vessels by the heart. It transports materials from one part of the body to another; the lymphatic system (a subsystem of the circulatory system) defends body against disease.

The digestive system consists of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas. It is responsible for digestion and absorption of food. Digestion is the process of breaking down large molecules, including carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, into smaller molecules that can be absorbed from the digestive tract and used by the cells of the body.

The urinary system consists of the kidneys, bladder, urethra and renal ducts. It excretes metabolic wastes; helps regulate volume and composition of blood and other body fluids.

The reproductive system is a system of organs within an organism which work together for the purpose of reproduction.

The endocrine system consists of specialized tissues and endocrine glands, which secrete chemical messengers called hormones. It helps regulate growth, reproduction, use of nutrients by cells, salt and fluid balance, and metabolic rate and also helps us respond to stress.


3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents:

nine main systems of the body; bones of the body; to move us about; receives stimuli from external and internal environment; it is responsible for; can be absorbed
from the digestive tract; composition of blood; for the purpose of reproduction.


3.2 Give the English equivalents:

зв'язки і хрящі; скелетні м’язи; нервова система; складна інформаційна система; кровоносна система; кровоносні судини; видаляти побічні продукти метаболізму; всмоктуються з травного каналу; регулює ріст; допомагає реагувати на стрес.


3.3 Answer the questions:

1. How many main systems are there in the body? 2. What does the skeletal system consists of? 3. What is the chief function of the skeletal system? 4. What does the muscular system consists of? 5. The nervous system is a complex information system, isn't it? 6. What does the circulatory system consists of? 7. What does the urinary system excrete? 8. What is digestion? 9. What does the endocrine system help to regulate?

3.4 Say if it true or false:

1. There are nine main systems of the body.

2. The chief function of the skeletal system is to excrete waste products.

3. The respiratory system consists of lungs and renal ducts.

4. Digestion is the process of breaking down large
molecules into smaller ones.

5. The endocrine system consists of specialized tissues and endocrine ducts.

6. The circulatory system consists of the heart, blood vessels and the blood.

7. The urinary system consists of the kidneys, bladder, urethra and glands.


Passive Voice (Indefinite Tenses)

1. Fill in:

l. Nick ... to Moscow next week (send). 2. I ... at the lesson yesterday (ask). 3. Many houses ... in our town every year (build). 4. This work ... tomorrow (do). 5. Bread ... every day (eat). 6. The letter ... yesterday (receive). 7. This text ... at the last lesson (translate). 8. His new book ... next year (finish). 9. This bone ... to my dog tomorrow (give). 10. We ... to a concert last Saturday (invite).


2. Ask questions:

1. The patient was examined by the doctor. (Who ... ?) 2. The ward is aired every day. (When ... ?) 3. The nurses were given the instructions. (What ... ?) 4. Our medical college was founded in .1868. (When ... ?) 5. The case histories will be filled in after dinner. (What ... ?) 6. Injections are made well by this nurse. (How ... ?) 7. This problem was discussed at the lesson. (Where…?)

Lesson 5


1.1 Read and memorize the words:

subcutaneous - підшкірний connective - сполучний

layer -шар outer - зовнішній

inner - внутрішній fibres - волокна

interlace - переплітати permeate – проникнути

sebaceous – сальний


1.2 Match the words-combinations:

is covered by потові залози

consists of two layers видаляти побічні продукти

vary in shape вкритий

possess great vitality складається з двох шарів

loosely connected fibres діяти як захісне покриття

interlacing with each other різняться за формою

the sweat glands мати велику життєздатність

to act as a protective covering переплетені між собою

to excrete certain waste вільно з'єднані


2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:


The skeleton is covered by the skin, by the layer of subcutaneous tissue and fat, and by the muscles.

The skin consists of two layers: an outer layer termed the epidermis, and an inner layer termed the dermis.

The epidermis is composed of a number of layers of cells which vary in shape from above downward. The cells in the surface layers are flat. Those in the layers lower down are round or many-sided; the cells in the deeper layers are column-shaped, and possess great vitality and power of reproduction.

The dermis is composed of a mass of loosely connected fibres which can be divided into two layers: 1) An outer layer which is raised into a great number of conical or finger-like projections termed papillae. Each papilla contains blood vessels and nerve endings and also the rudiment of a hair. 2) An inner layer consisting of bands of connective tissue interlacing with each other and permeated by blood vessels, glands and fat.

The skin contains two sets of glands: the sweat glands and the sebaceous glands. The nails and hair are special structures developed from the epidermis.

The functions of the skin are of great importance. The skin protects the body against injury, receives information about the outside world, prevents drying out, helps maintain body temperature, has sweat glands that excrete excess water and some wastes from the body and contains a compound that is converted to vitamin D.

3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

is covered by the skin; the layer of subcutaneous tissue; consists of two layers; an outer layer; contains blood vessels; two sets of glands; the functions of the skin; to act as a protective covering; to contain special nerve endings; the sense of touch.


3.2 Give the English equivalents:

шар підшкірної тканини; складається з двох шарів; внутрішній шар; містить кровоносні судини та нервові закінчення; два види залоз; нігті та волосся; функції шкіри; відчуття дотику; видаляє побічні продукти; у вигляді поту.

3.3 Answer the questions:

1. What is the body covered by? 2. How many layers does the skin consist of? 3. What are the cells in the surface layers like? 4. What is the dermis composed of? 5. How many sets of glands does the skin contain? 6. What does each papilla contain? 7. What are the functions of the skin?


3.4 Say if it is true or false:

1. The skin consists of two layers.

2.An outer layer is termed the dermis, and an inner layer
is termed the epidermis..,

3.The epidermis is composed of a number of layers of cells.

4.The cells in the surface layers are round.

5. Each papilla contains blood vessels and nerve endings.

6. The skin contains three sets of glands.

7. The nails and hair are special structures developed from the dermis.

8. The functions of the skin are of great importance.


Continuous Tenses (Active and Passive)

  Active Passive
  to be (am, is, are, was, were, will be) + Participle I to be (am, is, are, was, were, will be) + being + Participle II
Present They are discussing a new plan now. A new plan is being discussed now.
Past They were discussing a new plan when we came. A new plan was being discussed when we came.
Future They will be discussing a new plan at 6 o'clock. -


Exercise 1 Перекладіть речення українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на стан і час дієслів:

1. The teacher is examining a student at present. 2. Some students are being examined by this teacher now. 3. At the last lecture the students were being shown a medical film. 4. They were demonstrating a new film from 10 till 12. 5. Our students will be carrying out the experimental work at five o’clock. 6. These analysis are being carried out with the help of our students. 7. The doctors are doing everything in order to help these patients. 8. Much was being done to help this patient when the professor came to the clinic. 9. The surgeon was performing this operation from 10 till 11 o’clock. 10. This operation was being performed when we came in. 11. These new instruments are being introduced into practice at present. 12. This doctor is introducing a new instrument now.

Exercise 2 Fill in

1. We … a new film now (show). 2. We … a new medical film when you came (show). 3. The text … at 11 o’clock yesterday (translate). 4. The text … now. 5. They … this story when he came in (tell). 6. We … the medical news now (tell).


Exercise 3 Складіть речення за таблицею.

The hospital The book The film The houses The injections is being are being written, built, given, discussed, read.     now at this moment    


The hospital The film The nurses The injections The book was being were being discussed written built given trained at that time. when I came in. when he moved here. when we were there.

Самостійна робота №3

1. Read and translate the text:


Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene is the first step to good health. Elementary cleanliness can help you avoid many problems Some problems may not be your fault at all, but improving standards of hygiene will control these conditions. Good looks are the result of careful and continuous grooming. Every external part of the body demands a basic amount of attention on a regular basis.

Soap and water are essential for keeping the skin clean. A good bath once or twice a day is recommended. Those who are involved in active sports or work out to a sweat would do well to take a shower after the activity. Change into clean underwear after bath. Brush teeth twice a day and rinse well after every meal. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after every meal and after visiting the toilet. Cut your nails. Short nails make less trouble. Wash your hair at least once a week using soap or mild shampoo. This will help you to stay healthy.

2. Say if it is true or false:

1. Personal hygiene is the first step to good health.

2. Good looks are the result of careful and continuous treatment.

3. Soap and water are essential for keeping the skin clean.

4. A good bath twice or three times a day is recommended.

5. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after every meal.

6. Short nails make more trouble.

Lesson 6

The Muscular System

1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

extremities – кінцівки contraction – скорочення

facial – лицьовий attach – прикріпляти

relaxation – розслаблення striated – смугастий

smooth – гладкий voluntary – довільний


1.2 Match the words-combinations:

body weight серцевий м’яз

form the walls робити рухи

attached to the bones м’язові волокна

make movements утворюють стінки

striated muscles вага тіла

cardiac muscle кріпляться до кісток

muscle fibers смугасті м’язи

2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:

The Muscles

The muscles form about 40 per cent of the body weight. They are subdivided into three groups. These groups are the muscles of the trunk, head and extremities. There are about 600 skeletal muscles. As far as their form is concerned they can be long, wide and short. The long muscles compose the extremities; the wide ones lie on the trunk and form the walls of the body cavities. Skeletal muscles are considered "voluntary" muscles because the person controls their use. The short muscles are not numerous. Some of them form facial muscles. Muscles are attached to the bones, internal organs and blood vessels. They allow us to make an internal or external movement due to their contraction or relaxation.

As for the structure of the muscles there are also three types of them: striated (skeletal) muscles, smooth (visceral) muscles and a cardiac muscle. The first ones move all the bones, face and eyes. The second ones move our internal organs such as the digestive tract, blood vessels and secretory ducts. Smooth muscles are called "involuntary" because they cannot be made to work by conscious choice, but are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The cardiac muscles are only found in the heart. These muscles, which contain both striped and smooth tissue, are involuntary. We have no control over cardiac muscles.

The muscles contain many muscle fibers which are connected together by connective tissue. There are many nerves and blood vessels in the muscles.


3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents for:

are subdivided into three groups; the muscles of the trunk, head and extremities; as far as their form is concerned; form the walls of the body cavities; allow us to make an internal or external movement; have no control over visceral muscles.


3. 2 Suggest the English equivalents for:

маса тіла; поділяються на; скелетні м’язи; довгі, широкі та короткі; скорочення; смугасті м'язи; гладкі м’язи; cерцевий м’яз; волокна; кровоносні судини.


3.3 Choose the proper words:

1. The muscles are subdivided into ... (two, three) groups. 2. The long muscles compose the ... (extremities, the walls of the body cavities). 3. Muscles are ... (attached, connected) to the bones, internal organs and blood vessels. 4. The .... (striated, smooth) muscles move all the bones, face and eyes. 5. The ... (striated, smooth) muscles move our internal organs such as the digestive tract, blood vessels. 6. The muscles contain many muscle fibres which are connected together by ... (connective, nervous) tissue.


3.4 Answer the questions to the text:

1. How many per cent of the body weight do the muscles form? 2. What do the long muscles compose? 3. What muscles form the walls of the body cavities? 4. What are muscles attached to? 5. What types of muscles do you know? 6. The striated muscles move all the bones, face and eyes, don’t they? 7. What are muscle fibers connected together by?


3 .5 Say if it true or false:

1. The muscles are subdivided into four groups.

2. The wide muscles compose the extremities.

3. Muscles are attached to the bones, internal organs and blood vessels.

4. Smooth muscles move our internal organs.

5. We have no control over striated muscles.

6. There are many nerves and blood vessels in the muscles.


Passive Voice (Continuous Tenses)

Exercise1. Fill in:

1. The student ... by the teacher now (examine). 2. He ... by the when we came (operate). 3. The nurses ... instructions at 8 o’clock in the morning (give). 4. A new film ... from 10 till 12 (demonstrate). 5. This new hospital ... near our institute now (build). 6. The injections ... at this time yesterday (make). 7. The operation ... at this moment (perform).

Exercise 2. Make up questions:

1. This new hospital is being built near our Institute. (Where?) 2. New instruments were being demonstrated at the lecture when we came in. (When?) 3. This medical problem was being discussed at the meeting at 5 o'clock yesterday. (What problem?) 4. This patient is being operated now. (Who?) 5. This work was being fulfilled by a group of students when the doctor came in. (When?)


Самостійна робота №4

1. Read and translate the text: