Members of the organizing committee

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Belarus State Economic University

Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal

School of International Business Communications, Belarus State Economic University

Spanish-Russian University Center, University of Cadiz, Spain


We cordially invite you to take part

in the 6th International Research and Practical Conference


“The World in the 21st Century: Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Issues

(in foreign languages) ”

To be held on November 25, 2016

The conference themes:

Current trends of the global economy development

2. Specifics of doing business in the world’s regions and countries

Social-cultural environment of global business

Modern socio-political and socio-economic development of regions and countries

Specifics of the development of modern lingual-cultural environment.


For the participation in the conference you are required – by October 1, 2016 –to e-mail the following papers to the organizing committee:

– an application form (see below);

– the paper’s abstract (the subject is the presenter’s surname).


Requirements for the abstracts:

The text up to 2 pages on a standard A4 sheet, the e-version is in Microsoft Word for Windows, Times New Roman, 14 pt, 1.5 space. Margins on the left – 25 mm, on the right – 10 mm, at the top and at the bottom – 20 mm.

The topic of the email letter must contain the applicant’s surname + the number of the panel + the language of the report (e.g. Ivanov_5_german). The abstract and the application form files must contain the applicant’s surname + the number of the panel + the language of the report (e.g. application form_Ivanov_5_esp; abstract_Ivanov_5_eng).

The organizing committee has the right to select abstracts for publication. The abstracts submitted after the deadline or those which do not meet the conference requirements shall not be accepted.

The Organizing Committee Address:

Belarus State Economic University

Partizanski Prosp., 26, bldg 2, room 212

Minsk 220070


ph.: +375-17-209-88-57, +375-17-229-12-99

fax: +375-17-2097865


The conference organizing committee

G.A.Korolenok Dr. hab. of Economics, Professor,

(Chairman) Vice Rector in charge of research work

M.V. Mishkevich Ph.D., Associate Professor,

(Deputy Chairman) Vice Rector in charge of curriculum



Members of the organizing committee

A. Santana Arribas Head of the Spanish-Russian University Center

University of Cadiz, Spain

I.A. Chumbo DEA in Translation and Intercultural Studies, Adjunct Professor,

Polytechnic Institute Bragança, Portugal

A.L. Mujika Dr.Phil., Professor,

Lasiandro Alvarado University, Venezuela

H. Tanaka Ed. D., Professor

School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Meisei University, Japan

N.V. Popok Ph.D., Associate Professor,

Dean, School of International Business Communications

V.V. Tur Ph.D.,

Vice Dean, School of International Business Communications

N.P. Mogilenskikh Ph.D., Associate Professor,

Head, Department of Intercultural Economic Communication

N.A. Novik Ph.D., Associate Professor,

Head, Department of Profession-Oriented English Discourse

V.S. Slepovitch Ph.D., Associate Professor,

Head, Department of Business English

T.F. Salanovich Ph.D., Associate Professor,

Head, Department of Theory and Practice of English Discourse

V.A. Shevtsova Ph.D., Associate Professor,

Head, Department of German

A.V. Vayakhina Ph.D., Associate Professor,

Head, Department of Romance Languages

A.V. Rachkovskaya Ph.D., Associate Professor,

Head, Department of Russian and Belarussian Languages


Appendix 1




И. И. Иванов УО БГЭУ (Минск) науч. рук. В.В. Васильев YOUTH EMPLOYMENT: VIEWS AND APPROACHES …………………………………………………………… ………………………………..


Appendix 2



of a participant of the International research and practical conference

The World in the XXI Century: Economic, Political Social and Cultural Issues (in foreign languages)

1 . Full name      
2. The paper title (in the language of the report)    
3. Conference theme  
4. The language of the report      
5 . Technical equipment (if needed)    
6. The name and address of the educational institution      
7. Research supervisor (full name, place of employment, academic degree, academic title)        
8. The author’s contact details (contact telephone number, E-mail, postal address)