Read the following texts about four seasons. (Прочитайте следующие тексты о временах года.)

a) In winter, there is snow everywhere. The sun comes very late in the morning. It sets very early in the evening. It is dull and cloudy most of the day. When the sun shines, snow sparkles and icicles glitter. The wind is always cold. It is very chilly in February. Even the stars are not visible during the winter!


b) In spring, the snow begins to melt. Streets get slushy with the melted snow. Grass starts showing up. Days get brighter and warmer. New leaves appear; new flowers bloom. Birds sing their spring songs. The smell of fresh leaves, grass, and bushes fills the air. There is happiness everywhere. Spring is a symbol of new life –nature is born again.


c) In summer, days are warm and hot. Trees look beautiful. Flowers look pretty. Students have vacation. Some people go to beaches; some people go camping, and some people go to forest to pick up berries, mushrooms, and nuts. It rains a lot in some areas in summer. The summer rain is usually warm and pleasant and is essential for plants.


d) In fall, the nature prepares itself for the winter. The leaves in the trees start turning yellow and red. It gets cool in October. It rains almost every day. The wind is very chilly. The period when it is still warm and everything is multicolor is called Indian summer.


10 Say whether the following sentences make any sense (in terms of the seasons/months they refer to) by choosing either true or false. If you choose false, please rewrite the sentences to make them meaningful. Use the model given for the first sentence. (Скажите, верны или неверны следующие утверждения. Если предложение неверно – исправьте его.)

Example: People go to beaches in winter.

It’s false - People go to beaches in summer.

a) The smell of fresh leaves, grass and bushes fills the air in fall.


b) It is very chilly in February.


c) Students have vacations in spring _________________________________________________

d) The Russian summer refers to the warm and multicolor days

in fall.


e) Spring is a symbol of the rebirth of life.



Learn the appropriate vocabulary about your favorite season. (Выучите слова и выражения о своем любимом времени года из текстов.)

January январь Remember! (Запомните!) В английском языке названия месяцев всегда пишутся с заглавной буквы. Перед ними не ставится артикль.   12 Learn the names of the months using a dictionary. Note that the stress goes before the stressed syllable. (Посмотрите произношение названий месяцев в словаре. Ударение всегда ставится перед ударным слогом.)
February февраль
March март
April апрель
May май
June июнь
July июль
August август
September сентябрь
October октябрь
November ноябрь
December декабрь


Using the example given below, construct sentences on your own for the other three seasons. (Используя данный ниже пример, составьте свои предложения для трех оставшихся времен года.)

Example (Пример): December, January and February are winter months.

Grammar (Грамматика)