Практикування граматичних структур ‘Present Simple Passive’. – Structures to practise.
Заняття 7
Тема:Визначні місця США. Білий Дім. Займенники – some, any. Пасивний стан.
Вид заняття:лекція-семінар
Мета:Ознайомити студентів із одним із найвизначніших місць у США – Білим Домом: історією його спорудження, його адресою, кімнатами, відкритими для відвідувачів та кімнат, закритих для відвідування, статистикою відвідувань Білого Дому щорічно. Ознайомитися із правилами використання неозначених займенників – some, any, few, a few, little, a little. Повторити пасивний стан, правила утворення Present (Past, Future) Simple, Present (Past) Continuous, Present Perfect.
Обладнання:дошка, словники, підручники, роздатковий матеріал.
Хід заняття:
Вступ. Організаційний момент. Повідомлення теми та мети заняття. Введення в іншомовне середовище. Відпрацювання вимови окремих слів: the Department of Defense, miles, building, nurses, to guard, fire department, Marines, Coast Guard, important center for communications, the Statute of Liberty, storey, to get lost, hundreds of feet under the ground, the largest office building in the world.
Dear students! Today we’ll talk about one of the most famous sightseeings in the world, the White House, the home for all the Presidents of the USA, except for George Washington.
2. Повторення вивченого матеріалу попереднього заняття. Відповіді на питання. - Answer the following questions:
1. Where is the Pentagon situated ?
2. What office are there in the Pentagon ? What offices does it have ?
3. What does the word ‘pentagon’ mean ?
4. What is the largest office building in the world ?
5. How many people work there ?
6. What is the size of the Pentagon ?
7. What helps people to know where they are in the Pentagon ?
8. What does the Greek word ‘penta’ mean ?
9. How many kilometers are there in one mile ?
10. How many santimeters are there in one inch ?
3. Ознайомлення із новим лексичним матеріалом. – (Learn the following words and word-combinations):
the pressing business of government | невідкладні справи уряду | free of charge | безкоштовно |
to be conducted | бути проведеним | to allow | дозволяти |
burn-burnt-burnt | спалити, підпалити | to be allowed | бути дозволеним |
to be whitewashed | бути побіленим | gilt | позолота |
to be painted white | бути пофарбованим у білий колір | furnishings | пристосування, меблі |
the charred remains of the building | обвуглені залишки споруди | lobby | вестибюль, фойє |
to remain | залишити | a settee | (невеликий) диван |
to go through | проходити скрізь | a daughter-in-law | невістка |
hostess | хазяйка,стюардеса | mahogany | червоне дерево, колір червоного дерева |
mantel (piece) | камінна полка | fan | вентилятор |
shade | тінь, відтінок |
4. Читання та переклад тексту. – Read the text and translate it:
White House
The White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is the home and office of every US President except George Washington who laid the cornerstone in1793. It is based on a design by James Hoban. In the White House the pressing business of the government is being conducted. The White House is a museum of American history.
The White House is conducted (1800) of white sandstone. In 1814, the House was burnt by the British. Later the charred remains of the building were whitewashed. Since that time the White House has always been painted white. The White House has 132 rooms; 54 rooms on the second floor and the third floor are reserved for the First Family. 5 of the rooms are opened to the public. They are the Blue Room, East Room, East Room, red Room and the Dining Room.
A million of visitors go through the White House every year free of charge. Visitors are not allowed in the rooms where the President lives and works. But occasionally the President stops by to greet tourists in the public rooms.
Most visitors to the White House enter through the East Wing Lobby.
5. Робота в парах. По черзі із своїм партнером складіть питання і дайте відповідь на нього за темою тексту вище. – Take turns to ask and answer question to the text above.
For example:
1. When did George Washington lay the first corner stone of the White House ?
2. What is the address of the White House ?
3. How many rooms are open to the public ? Name them.
4. How much do the visitors pay for going through the White House ?
5. Are the visitors allowed in the rooms where the President works and lives ?
6. What is the colour of the White House ?
7. Since what time has the White House been painted white ?
8. How many rooms are there in the White House ?
9. How many visitors go through the White House every year ?
10. Does the President often greet visitors in the public rooms ?
11. Where do the visitors enter the White House ?
6. Читання та переклад тексту. – Read the text and translate it:
State Floor
The First Room was designed as the ‘Public Audience Room’. It is used for large gatherings. The grand piano with gilt American eagle supports was given to the White House in 1938. There is a full-length portrait of George Washington.
The Green Room was intended to be the ‘Common Public Room’. On the sofa table there are several historic pieces of Presidential silver. Portraits of two presidents hang above the doors.
The Oval Blue room contains furnishings in the French Empire Style. There is a settee [se’ti;] and seven gilded chairs.
The Red Room is one of the four state reception rooms. A portrait of Angelica Singleton Van Buren, President’s Van Buren daughter-in law and official hostess, hangs above the mantel. The furniture in the Red Room dates back the years 1810-1830.
The State Dining Room seats 140 guests. Its table is surrounded by Queen Ann-style chairs. The Family Dining Room has 8 chairs of furniture from the Federal period.
The East Sitting Hall is lemon yellow. The Clintons have personalized the room by using their own carpet. In front of the fan window stands a mahogany sofa made in 1800. Above the desk hangs ‘Florida Sunrsie’ by M.Heade (1819-1904).
The Queen’s Bedroom is named for its many royal guests including Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Ann. It is decorated in shades of rose and white.
7. Відповіді на питання після читання тексту. – Answer the questions after reading the text:
1. What purpose is the East Room used for ?
2. What was the Green Room intended to be ?
3. What does the Blue Room contain ?
4. How many guests does the State Dining Room seat ?
5. What way did the Clintons personalized the East Sitting Hall ?
6. What kind of room is the Red one ?
7. What kind of guests usually visit the Queen’s Bedroom ?
Практикування граматичних структур ‘Present Simple Passive’. – Structures to practise.
The Passive is often used to describe how things are made or done.
Look at these examples.
The chef makes ice cream from cream, eggs and sugar,
Ice cream is made from cream, eggs and sugar.
The chef makes pancakes from eggs, milk and flour.
Pancakes are made from eggs, milk and flour.