Международное морское право. Правовой режим прибрежных зон. Проблема морского пиратства.

The law of the Sea: legal regime of coastal zones

The 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea (entered into force in 1994):

Internal waters:

- rivers, lakes, sea waters within baselines

- full and exclusive sovereignty of the State

- no right of innocent passage

The territorial sea:

- breadth limit – 12 nautical miles from baseline

- complete sovereignty of the coastal State (along with airspace, seabed, and subsoil)

- right of innocent passage of foreign merchants' ships and warships

The contiguous zone:

- up to 24 nautical miles from the baselines

- coastal State may enforce laws in four specific areas: pollution, taxation, customs, and immigration.

The exclusive economic zone

- extends to 200 nautical miles

- coastal State has sole exploitation rights over all natural resources

- freedom of navigation and overflight

The continental shelf – seabed and subsoil extending beyond territorial sea throughout the natural prolongation of the land territory

- not more than 350 nautical miles from baselines

- exclusive control over living resources "attached" to the continental shelf, but not to creatures living in the water column beyond the exclusive economic zone.

High seas:

- free for every State, is province of all mankind (res communis omnium)

- freedoms of navigation and overflight,

- laying submarine cables and pipelines,

- fishing, scientific research,

- constructing artificial islands and other installations (if permitted by international rules)

Landlocked states are given a right of access to and from the sea, without taxation of traffic through transit states.

The right of hot pursuit ceases as soon as the pursued vessel enters territorial waters of its state or territorial waters of the third state.

2. Понятие культуры. Чем обусловлено поведение представителей отдельной культуры? Что может вызвать культурный шок? Понятие нормы.

Culture – “the collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one category of people from another”

Collective programming – a process to which we are subjected since birth, it begins in the cradle and reinforces in the kindergarten, school and workplace.

Brainwashing – imposing on somebody new core beliefs of a strange or sometimes alien against his will, often with connotation of political coercion

We learn our core beliefs from our parents and teachers, we find them almost impossible to discard. Types of traits:

· inherited (common to mankind) – “deep inside all people are alike” – not numerous

· learned (result of collective programming) – they become our core beliefs – others = strange

· individual (deviants) – by personal originality and even genius

Cultural display – utterance or action, through which you reveal your cultural attitudes

Cultures: 1) own culture 2) friendly culture 3) alien culture

Cultural shock – when 2 different cultures clash (example: an Italian late for 30 mins for the meeting with a German -> deadlock or withdrawal from a project. An Italian late for a meeting with a French -> criticism, but okay -> next time Italian late for 20 mins and French late for 15 mins himself)

Every nation thinks it is normal and others are abnormal (Finns consider Italians overly emotional, Japanese consider Americans straight-talking as rude, Germans think Australians are undisciplined)


- Collective programming in our culture convinces us that we are normal, others eccentric

- then we consider everybody else abnormal

- We also make assumptions on the basis of our subjective view and, even worse, assumptions about other people's assumptions.

- Nearly all nations think they are the best (Americans – best, Spaniard – the bravest, French – intellectually superior etc.)

Chauvinism – aggressive or fanatical patriotism

Билет 22

1. Понятие международного права: основные исторические вехи. Лига Наций: создание, роль.

Historical milestones mark the development of modern IL:

1. the Peace of Westphalia

- ended the Thirty Years' War established system for peace and cooperation in Europe

2. the Congress of Vienna,

- 1815 ended the Napoleonic Wars

3. the establishment of the League of Nations

- came into being in 1920 with force of its Covenant, part of the Treaty of Versailles, which ended WWI.

- the first effort to create a permanent inter-governmental institutional framework for the resolution of political disputes and the preservation of peace.

- established the Permanent Court of International Justice

4. The United Nations

- founded in 194


2. Предпринимательская революция. Молодые предприниматели эпохи Маргарет Тетчер.

In modern globalizing world young entrepreneurs are not a rare case. 1 of 8 startup businesses today is founded by a person aged 16 to 24.


- Possibility to become a self-made millionaire in your early years

- Lots of organizations to help you (special trusts and helplines)

- Customers believe you don’t have preconcieved ideas and choose you

- Being self-employed means you can keep all your profit (+secrecy of financial records)

- The simplest from of business


- Success comes at a price (you have to work very hardly, have no free time + give up your social life)

- High risk of failure (beacause of shartage of business and real life experience)

- Difficult to raise the initial capital (to find money to start your business)

- Customers often percieve you with prejudice (they think you are naive and inexperienced)