Answer the following question.

What are the two fundamental problems of the T-grammar?

How does the T-grammar classify all the sentences?

What is the problem of the kernel?

Whose lists of kernel sentence structures do you know?

Why was it necessary for some authors to enlarge Harris' list of kernel sen­tences?

Does a different estimation of the kernel set mar the general idea of the T-grammar?

How are the sentences grouped within the kernel set?

Why is BE considered to be unique?

What is the criterion of choosing kernel sentences?

What is a transformational rule?

What does a transformational rule tell us?

What is the product of a transformation?

What are the relations between a kernel sentence and its transform?

Are there any sentences underlying such sentences as "John went" and "Mary has come home"?

What else can you call the transformational rule?

What is there in common between the morphological derivation and the syntac­tic derivation?

What main types of transformations do you know?

What is the product of transformations in simple sentences?

* * *

What are the two types of transformations in simple sentences?

Which of them are the transformations on the morphemic level?

What is the product of the obligatory transformations?

What does the term 'intramodei transform' mean?

On what level are optional transformations performed or applied?

What do you call the transformations for the finite V?

How many changes of the finite V does the T-AUX involve and what are they? To which particular forms of the finite verb does the T-grammar apply the term 'tense'?

How many tenses of the finite verb does the T-grammar recognise?

What are the other verbal phrasal constructions considered to be?

What is the general formula for the grammar of the finite verb?

What does the sign V / BE in the formula show?

What does the sign M show?

What does the sign AUX stand for?

What elements in the formula does 'tense' apply to?

What transformations does the application of tense involve?

What are the points of difference between the number and person transforma­tions for a V and BE?

How does this formula work?

* * *

What kind of sentences does the T-AUX apply to?

What is the special rule for the NP is NP kernel sentences?

What is the product of an optional transformation?

By what factor is the choice of an optional transformation controlled?

How many transforms are produced by optional transformations

S S?

What is T-A and why is it so designated?

What is the underlying sentence for T-A?

What operation does the T-A consist in?

What transformations on the morphological level does the introduction of the

function word 'do' involve?

What is T-Q and why is it so designated?

What is the product of T-Q?

What is the underlying sentence to which T-Q is applied?

What operation does T-Q consist in?

How is this operation performed?

What do you call the change in the arrangement of the class words?

Does T- Q leave the intonation contour of the underlying sentence intact?

How many colloquial variants of questions do you know and what are they?

* * *

What is the special rule for BE and HAVE?

What transformation is designated by T-W?

Why is the special question transformation designated as T-W?

What does the interrogative function word substitute in the kernel sentence and what is the result of the substitution?

How many cases are there to distinguish in the substitution and what are they?

Does the T-W change the intonation contour of the kernel sentence?

What groups are the interrogative function words classified into?

What does T-NOT produce?

What are the underlying sentences for the T-NOT?

Why does the negative sentence always contain the function word 'do' ?

Are there any exceptions to this rule?

What does the procedure of the T-NOTconsist in?

What are the other ways of constructing negative transforms?

What is the product of T-EX and why is it so designated?

* * *

How many exclamatory transforms do you know?

What procedures are applied to produce them?

What are the transformations on the V-subclass level?

How many transformations of the kind do you know?

What sentences can the T-PASSIVE be applied to?

What procedures does the T-PASSIVE consist in?

Which of the procedures applied is optional?

How is it marked?

What is the final formula of the passive transform?

When and why is the by-phrase deleted?

How many types of the passive transforms can you distinguish?

What does their number depend on?

Which kernel sentences admit of two passive transforms?

What verbs does the separation transformation apply to?

What procedures does the T-SEP consist in?

Which V-siibclasses can the T-TO be applied to?

What does the T-TO operation consist in?

What is the effect of the transform?

What does the use of the T-TO sometimes depend on?

* * *

Does there exist any difference in the set of the obligatory transformations for the V- and the BE-sentences'?

What are the differences between the V- and the BE-sentences in the set of op­tional transformations?

What and how many are the special transformations which are almost exclu­sively applied to BE ?

What kernel construction is the T-ART applied to?

What is the structural meaning of the construction NP is NP with the indefi­nite determiner in the second NP ?

What operation does the T-ART consist in?

* * *

What change in the structural meaning of the construction does the T-ART en­tail?

What is the meaning of the kernel construction NP is A?

What verbs can substitute for BE in this kernel construction?

How does the substitution of BE for other link-verbs affect the meaning of the construction?

In what other construction is this substitution also possible?

What additional operations does the substitution involve?

What kind of sentence structures is the T-INTRODUCER generally applied to?

What function words are used as the introducers in this transformation?

How does Harris describe this transformation?

What can you say about a sentence like: "A book is on the table"?

What must it undergo to become a grammatical sentence?

What definition of the introducer can you now give?

What is the product of the use of the introducer 'it' ?

What sentence structures are the product of the T-REDUCTION?

* * *

What is the favourite English sentence structure?

What element in this sentence structure is reduced to make it a request?

What does the command / request sentence structure contain?

Can this sentence structure contain an NP and how does it differ from the VP command?

What is the general scheme of the imperative sentence structure produced by T-REDUCTION?

What other transformations can the T-REDUCTION combine with?

How does the T-REDUCTION combine with the T-A and the T?

What function words can be used as introducers in the command / request sen­tence structure?

In what way can the introducers 'please' and 'lets' be used to overcome struc­tural ambiguity?

What transformations does the construction with the introducer 'lets' admit of?

What is one of the merits of the T-grammar?


Lecture № 8