Ex. 13. Insert articles where necessary.
1. I could never afford to stay at hotels like _____Brown’s or _____Hilton.
2. You can’t visit___ London without seeing__ Buckingham Palace.
3. We had an early dinner at___ Leoni’s and then went to play at_ Globe theatre.
4. Go down____ Oxford Street till you come to__ Oxford Circus, then turn right.
5. Do you know the song about _____London Bridge?
6. Look at the percentage of lawyers in__ Senate.
7. Two famous works of art are recently acquired by_ Tate Gallery, _London.
8. He spoke about the role of___ Labour Party during the election period.
9. And eventually___ Queen Elizabeth was put to sea.
10. The Kings and Queens of England were crowned and buried in _____ Westminster Abbey.
11. There is an interesting article in_ Times.
12. He never read___ Pravda.
13. He attended___ Congress only nine times.
14. Governmental offices line__ Whitehall, and on the right is_ Downing street.
Ex. 14. Insert articles where necessary.
1. When you are in___ sky, you see only snow in ____Arctic or _____Greenland. 2. You have glimpses of _____ Andes or _____ Pacific.
3. ____Riviera in____ Caucasus is the most popular place in sum
4. _____Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
5. _____Elbrus is the highest peak in__ Europe.
6. _____Hague, a city in___ Netherlands near___ North Sea, is the seat of the
_____ Government.
7. The home ownership rate in___ South East of___ England is higher than in
8. _____Suez Canal was blocked.
9. _____Sahara is the greatest desert in__ North Africa, extending from _____ Atlantic Ocean to Nile.
10. _____Philippines is an archipelago which consists of thousands of islands.
11. West Indies is a chain of islands between_____ North and____ South America.
12. The surface of___ Mediterranean is never so blue as that of__ Adriatic.
Ex. 15. Insert articles where necessary.
1. “Queen Mary” was launched by Queen Mary in 1938.
2. There was a little sentimentality about_ Forsytes.
3. He is the nearest we have to___ English Leonardo da Vinci.
4. He has the humour of___ Chekhov.
5. To feel more comfortable you should have taken_ Pullman.
6. He predicted the victory of___ Mrs Thatcher in the 1979 election.
7. I know very little about him as you do - he is_ Mr. Tarantino.
8. One of the correspondents handed McCartney the paper and asked, “Are you _____ McCartney who wrote this?”
9. “I’ll run to Mother”, he said in loud whisper.
1. _____Willowbys left town as soon as they were married.
2. This wasn’t _____Beatrice she knew.
3. _____father and daughter appeared at last.
4. _____professor Keitel is man to whom you’ll be responsible for your undergraduate teaching.
5. This Pat wasn’t like _____ Pat of his memories.
6. If you are _____Napoleon, you’ll play______ game of________ power, if you’re__________ Leonardo you’ll play for_________ ______ knowledge.
7. Elsie said she would ring up ______ Doctor Hitchcock.
8. _ poor Edward muttered something, but what it was nobody knew.
9. _ gentle, tender-hearted Amelia sadly was_ only person to whom Becky could attach herself.
10. I am_____ Mr Keaton to whom you were to come
Ex. 16. Translate into English.
1. Кордильеры находятся в Северной Америке.
2. Берега Рейна очень живописны.
3. Эльбрус - очень красивая гора.
4. Они купили дом в Марлоу, который выходил окнами на Темзу.
5. Средиземное море находится между Европой, Азией и Африкой.
6. Венеция расположена на берегу Адриатического моря.
7. Ливингстон погиб в Центральной Африке.
8. Они любили гулять в Гайд-парке.
9. Она показывала мне фотографию замечательной долины в Баварии.
Ex. 17. Translate into English.
1. Вас ждет какой-то Медников.
2. Она вышла замуж за Кормана, с которым нас познакомили у Кэмеронов.
3. Константиновы поселились здесь два года назад.
4. Она была Клэптон, и, как все Клэптоны, очень умна.
5. Крылова называли русским Лафонтеном.
6. Москва наших дней - это не Москва XIX века.
7. И.В. Мичурин родился в 1855 г. в деревне Долгое, недалеко от Козлова.
Мичурины всегда были садовниками.
8. Крым и Кавказ расположены на берегу Черного моря.
9. Вам нравится эта картина? Это Шемякин.
10. Про какого Толстого вы говорите? - Про Толстого, который написал роман “Петр Первый”.
Ex. 18. Insert articles where necessary.
Names of Seasons
1.____ day had been fine and warm; but at___ coming on of____ night,____ air grew cool. 2. All___ nature was very calm and beautiful. 3. You see,_________ winter was very bad time for me, and I really had no money at all to buy___________ bread with. 4. summer drew to_______________________________ end, and________ early autumn. 5. It was _____ lovely evening in______spring time of_ year. 6. It was pretty late in_ autumn of year. 7.____ declining sun looked brightly upon____ little Wiltshire village. 8. There was going to be_____ election soon, we all knew: this was___ spring of 1955. 9. It was ___ cold fall and _____wind came down from______________ mountains.
Bed, School, Prison, Town
1. Maycomb was__ old town. 2. Dolores said nothing at all on ______way to town. 3. Before that she had taught history in_____________________ girls’ school. 4. school was not _____________ particularly good one. 5. I never knew____ lawyer yet who didn’t threaten to put me in ______ prison sooner or later. 6. In all probability he was already in town. 7. Among other public buildings in________________________ certain town ... there is one anciently common to most towns, great or small____________ workhouse. 8.____ hospital where Amy worked was in the East End. 9. They went to_____ church every Sunday morning. 10. He told with_____
perfect truth how he had in time been released from__ prison. 11. You take your man home, Mrs Douglas, and get him to____________________ bed before eleven. 12. I’m going to be out of _____________________________________ town for few days. 13. Unless we can give_______________________________________ rector____ bed, he had nowhere to lay his head this night. 14. Who could be in___________ prison_____ quarter of _____century, and be prosperous!