What Your Signature Says About You
Summary 3-8
New Words
reflect | отражать | assertive | напористый, самоуверенный |
evolve /ivlv/ | развиваться, формироваться | ambitious | честолюбивый, целеустремленный |
self | личность, сущность | lack self-confidence | не иметь уверенности в себе |
prominent | крупный, выдающийся | stable | твердый, непоколебимый |
imply | значить, подразумевать | well-balanced | уравновешенный, спокойный |
space | пространство | self-confident | уверенный в себе |
legible / illegible /ledbl/ | разборчивый/неразборчивый (о почерке) | arrogant | высокомерный, надменный |
descend /dsend/ | опускаться, снижаться | insecure | неуверенный в себе, закомплексованный |
angle | угол (наклона) | have low self-esteem | иметь заниженную самооценку |
keep things separate/seprt/ | не смешивать что-то | secretive /sikrtv/ | скрытный, замкнутый |
disorganized | неорганизованный | big-headed | самодовольный |
indecisive /ndsasv/ | нерешительный | disheartened | унылый |
determined | решительный, целеустремленный |
Your signature is the part of your handwriting that says the most about your personality. It is quite normal for your signature to change during your life, as your signature reflects how you evolve as a person. It is also common to have several signatures, for example a more formal signature (name and surname) when you sign a credit card or passport, and an informal signature just your first name) when you sign a birthday card.
Your formal signature A signature usually contains either a first name and a surname, or initials /nlz/ and a surname, or, less frequently a first name and initials. Your first name represents your private or family self, and your surname represents your public self, how you are socially and at work.
If your first name is more prominent in your signature, this implies that you have positive feelings about your childhood and that your 'private' self is more important to you than your 'public' self.
If your surname is more prominent, this means that your 'public' self is more important to you. The more space there is between your name and surname, the more you wish to keep your public and private self separate.
If you use only initials either for your first name or your surname in your signature, this means that you are more secretive about this part of your personality (your private or public persona).
Legibility A legible /ledbl/ signature, where names can be clearly read, implies that you are a person with clear ideas and objectives. The more illegible your signature is, the less assertive you are as a person, and the more you tend to avoid conflict.
Angle Most signatures are horizontal, rising, or descending. A rising signature means that you are the kind of person who, when faced with problems, will work to overcome them. Usually optimistic, you are in control and ambitious.
A descending signature means that you have a tendency to get depressed and give up when faced with problems, and lack self-confidence. Some people's signatures go through a temporary phase where they go down, which shows that they are going through a hard time or an illness. A horizontal signature suggests an emotionally stable person who is well-balanced and generally satisfied with the way their life is going.
Size If your signature is bigger than the rest of the letter or document you have written, that means that you are self-confident and have quite a high opinion of yourself. Some people actually sign in capital letters, which suggests they are arrogant rather than self-confident. People whose signature is smaller than the rest of the text may be insecure and have low self-esteem.
practice homework for the 17-th of October