Many happy returns (of the day)

(А)Happy birthday! - more common, especially in informal situ­ations.

Congratulations may be used when someone comes of age (достичь совершеннолетия)

eg Congratulations on your coming-of-age.

Otherwise it is practically never used as a birthday greeting nowadays.

The answer to all these is "Thank you".

Now here are some other wishes for various occasions (случаев):

Have a good/nice holiday - to someone going away on holiday. Note that "holiday" here means отпуск.

Reply: Thank you/Thanks (I’m sure I/we shall).

Have a good/nice weekend. - to one’s colleagues before leaving work on Friday evening.

Reply: Thank you. (You too).

Have a good/nice time to someone who is going to a party or

Enjoy yourselfentertainment (развлечение)


Reply: Thank you (I’m sure I shall.)

Have a good journey. - to someone about to travel somewhere, but not usually when he is going on holiday (Here "Have a good holiday" is more usual).

Reply: Thank you/Thanks.

Good Luck!to someone about to take an exam,

The best of luck!go for interview, etc.

The person addressed replies "Thank you" and may add "I shall need it".

All the best. - to someone who is leaving for a long time, or before an examination, interview, etc.

I hope you’ll soon be better. - to someone who is ill.

Note that there is no wish in English corresponding to the Russian Приятного аппетита!



Exercise 1. Choose the right answer.

1. When it is someone’s birthday you say:

a. Best wishes b. Congratulations on your birthday. c. Happy birthday.

2. When someone is going to a party you say:

a. Good luck. b. Enjoy yourself. c. All the best.

3. When you see your English teacher on New Year’s Day you say:

a. Congratulations on New Year. b. Have a good holiday. c. Happy New Year.

4. When you see a friend off to Moscow (he is going on business) you say:

a. Have a good journey. b. Have a good time. c. Good luck.

5. When your fellow-student has just passed a test in English you say:

a. Good luck. b. All the best. c. Congratulations.

6. When you leave your sick relative you say:

a. I hope you’ll soon be better b. I hope you will be very happy. c. My best wishes.

7. When you leave your group mates after classes on Saturday you say:

a. Have a good time. b. All the best. c. Have a nice weekend.

8. When you leave a friend of yours, who is going to travel to the USA you say:

a. Have a good holiday. b. Enjoy yourself. с. Have a good journey.


Exercise 2. Reply to the following.

1. Congratulations on getting into the university.

2. Many happy returns of the day.

3. I hope you’ll soon be better.

4. Merry Christmas.

5. Have a good holiday.

6. Congratulations on your coming-of-age.

7. Good luck (in your exam).

8. Enjoy yourself (at the dance).

9. Happy birthday.

10. Have a nice weekend.


Exercise 3. What would you say in the following situations?

1. It’s your friend's birthday.

2. Your brother has passed an exam.

3. It’s Christmas.

4. You visit a sick relative.

5. You meet a friend who is going for an Interview.

6. Your sister is going to a concert.

7. It’s Women's Day.

8. Your neighbours ere going on holiday.

9. Your fellow-student is going to a party.


Exercise 4. Read the following dialogues with your partner.

Learn the underlined words and expressions.