Listen to the text and read the sentences. Choose the right word.

1) This is the New Year (flower, tree, bird).

2) It is a (pine­tree, fir­tree).

3) It is very (small, big, large, green).

4) Children decorated it with many (books, pencils, toys, erasers).

5) We can see a (cow, crocodile, toy­fox, toy­rabbit, ele­


6) There are apples, nuts, many bright little (cats, lights, dogs, kites) on the New Year Tree.

7) Children like to (skate, ski, dance, sledge) around the New

Year Tree.

8) They (read, recite, draw, learn) poems near it.

9) They are (sad, little, tall, happy).

10) Happy (Christmas, New Year, Birthday) to you!


Listen to the text and answer the questions.

1) What is the text about?

2) Is it a pine­tree or a fir­tree?

8 Тестові та перевірочні завдання з англійської мови. 2–11 класи


3) Where is this New Year Tree?

4) Who decorated this New Year Tree?’

5) What are there on the New Year Tree?

6) What do children like to do around the New Year Tree?

7) Are they happy and gay?


Retell the story. What presents do children usually get for the

New Year?



4th Form




A Crow once sat in a tree. She had a large piece of cheese in her mouth. She wanted to eat it, but suddenly she saw a Fox. The Fox came up lo the tree. He looked up and saw a Crow. He saw a cheese also. The Fox wanted to get the cheese. “How beautiful you are, Mrs. Crow! what big eyes you have. What a pity you cannot sing. “The Crow opened her mouth and said: “of course I can sing. Car­r! Car­r!” When the Crow opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell out. The Fox ran up to the cheese and quickly ate it up.

“Thank you very much”, said he. “The cheese was good and you sang well. What a pity you don’t think well’.


1. Listen to the text and say “true” or “false” (T/F)

1) A Crow sat under the tree.

2) A Crow had a big apple in her mouth.

3) The Crow saw a Wolf.

4) The Fox wanted to get the cheese.

5) “How beautiful you are, Mrs. Crow”, said the Fox.

6) The Crow had a big piece of cheese in her mouth.

7) The Crow opened her mouth and the cheese fell out.

8) The Fox didn’t get the cheese.

9) The Fox ate the cheese.

10) The Fox thanked the Crow.


2. Fil 1) l in the blanks. Choose the right word. A sat in the tree. (cock, duck, crow, hen)
  2) She had a big in her mouth. (piece of bread, apple, piece of
    cheese, piece of chalk)
  3) Uie Crow wanted to cat the cheese, but suddenly she saw a
    (wolf, cat, fox, dog).
  4) The Fox was the tree. (in, at, under, near)

LISTENING. 5th form 9


5) “Hie Fox wanted to gel the (Crow, tree, cheese, chalk).

6) “How beautiful you are, Mrs. Crow! What a big you have!”

said the Fox. (ears, nose, eyes, mouth)

7) When the Crow opened her the fell out. (eyes, mouth, ears, bag), (chalk, bread, apple, heese)

8) The Fox ran up to the cheese and quickly it. (took, ate, gave)

9) “The cheese was good and you sang (bad, loud, well, good).

10) “It’s a pity you don’t well”, said the Fox to the Crow. (run, speak, sing, jump)