Exercise 5. Insert the correct preposition before the gerund where required.
1. "I hated the idea __ your going," he said simply. (Greene) 2. She said: "Excuse me __ corning in __ knocking." (Lessing) 3. The others insisted __ accompanying them. (Lessing) 4. I am tired __ being old and wise. (Greene) 5. We'll look forward __ seeing you. (Hansford Johnson) 6. Why were you so anxious to prevent anybody. __ leaving the house? (Maugham) 7. I'm afraid I shan't succeed __ being as sympathetic as you have the right to expect. (Maugham) 8. I was afraid __ saying the wrong thing. (Maugham) 9. Look here, it may sound funny, but I'm terrifically grateful to you __ saying it. (Hansford Johnson) 10. Both windows needed __ cleaning. (Hansford Johnson) 11. I've paid very heavily __ being a romantic girl. (Maugham) 12. She could not bear __ lying. (Priestley) 13. I suppose nothing is gained __ delaying. (Maugham) 14. They were in the habit __ coming up to I ondon for the season. (Maugham) 15. We wouldn't mind __ being poor again. (Hansford Johnson) 16. I didn't at all like the idea __ going to the station in the luggage cart. (Maugham) 17. He looked at me for a long time __ answering. (Clark) 18. He felt he was going to be denounced __ daring to suggest such a thing. (Priestley) 19. I thought you had just been blaming me __ being neutral. (Snow) 20. If you won't tell me what's wrong, what's the use __ my being here? (Braine)
Exercise 6. Insert not+participle or without+gerund.
1. Dr. Wallace filled a pipe from the bowl on his desk, then put it down __ it. (to light) (Stone) 2. __ what he wanted, he looked slowly about the room, (to find) (Priestley) 3. Zee drew a breath and leaned against the birch for a moment __ anything. (to say) (Aldridge) 4. I won't go abroad __ you. (to see) (Gatsworthy) 5. __ what.to reply, I remained silent, (to know) (Maugham) 6.... on the street he would look directly at friends __ them, (to see) (Stone) 7. Only thea.., __ what further to say, had he become silent, (to know) (Stone) 8. We walked __ for a short while, (to speak) (Hansford Johnson) 9. Would she have gone away __ you if she loved you? (to see) (Heym) 10. Then she saw Lise and turned away, __ to talk with her. She went hastily to cross the road __ and was almost run over by a bus. (to want, to look) (Lindsay) 11. __ to leave him in the club, I offered to take him home to my wife, or to go with him to his own house, deserted now. (to like) (Snow) 12. He returned the salutes of several privates __ them, (to see) (Jones) 13. He stopped, __ how to continue and stood shifting from one foot to the other, (to know) (Greene) 14. Miss Casement stood for a moment, __ whether to be pleased or not at this unforseen familiarity, (to know) (Murdoch) 15. He sat down, __ his mackintosh, (to take off) (Snow) 16. __, the driver rudely shrugged his shoulders, (to turn around) (Salinger) 17. __ 1 any sale to take place 1 told Evan I wanted a chat with him and took him downstairs, (to wish) (Hansford Johnson) 18. They sat there __ for several minutes. (to talk) (Mailer) 19. __ him greatly, she could not be jealous in a disturbing way. (to love) (Dreiser)
Exercise 7, Translate into English, using not + participle or without -(gerund.
1. Смотритель (posmaster), не отвечая, вошел в залу. (Пушкин) 2. Не получая ответа, Дуня подняла голову... и с криком упала на ковер. (Пушкин) 3. Маша по целым дням, не осушая глаз (to dry one's eyes) плакала... (Л. Толстой)4. Не закончив своей речи, он побежал за уходившею (retreating) девушкой. (Тургенев) 5. Не зная пароля (password), я хотел молча проехать мимо них. (Пушкин) 6. Не имея привычки (to be in the habit) кокетничать с прохожими офицерами, она [Лиза] перестала глядеть на улицу, и шила около двух часов, не приподнимая головы. (Пушкин) 7. Но Василий Иванович, не оборачиваясь, только рукой махнул и вышел. (Тургенев) 8. Но обойдя кругом (to make the round of...) палубу, и не найдя Даши, Иван Ильич взволновался, стал заглядывать (to search) повсюду. Даши нигде не было. (А. Толстой) 9. Берг еще что-то говорил, но Ростов, не дослушав его (to hear somebody to the end), уже поехал дальше. (Л. Толстой) 10. Соня, Наташа спали не раздеваясь, в диванной. (Л. Толстой)11. Наташа подошла к нему и спросила, что с ним. Он [князь Андрей] не ответил ей и, не понимая ее, посмотрел на нее странным взглядом. (Л. Толстой)12. Алексей Александрович вздохнул, и не сказав больше ничего, отправился в спальню. (Л. Толстой)13. Он... оглянулся своими сощуренными (half-shut) глазами и, взглянув на князя Андрея, видимо не узнав его, зашагал... к крыльцу (the steps). (Л. Толстой)14. Княгиня Бетси, не дождавшись конца последнего акта, уехала из театра. (Л. Толстой)15. Анна, не отвечая мужу, подняла бинокль и смотрела на то место, где упал Вронский... (Л. Толстой)