Everything is ready for shooting.

Ex.: to inform everyone involved about the time and place of shooting. – Has everyone been

informed about the time and place of shooting?

· to prepare the set

· to deliver the props

· to place the furniture

· to inform actors about their call time

· to check the equipment

· to order lunchboxes

· to provide tea and coffee making facilities

· to rent a storage room for the equipment and costumes

· to hire wardrobe masters

· to iron costumes

· to equip make-up and changing rooms

· to confirm the hotel reservations for the guest stars

· to arrange and prepay transportation services

Exercise 39. Translate into English using Present Perfect Passive.


1. К сожалению, гастроли этой группы отменили.

2. Что касается страховки, она ещё не была приобретена.

3. Сколько уже наняли декораторов?

4. С бригадиром массовки связались?

5. Сегодня отснятый материал не просматривали.

6. На этой неделе были подписаны почти все необходимые контракты.

7. Только что было получено разрешение на съёмку.

8. Смету составили, да?

Exercise 40. Do you like crossword puzzles? Try your hand at this one. Good luck!



4 clear and logical

6 not perfect, not fully completed

9 the right to do something that is given to you

10 ADR

11 duties

12 location scouting

14 improve, make more attractive

15 someone whose job is to make things from wood


1 the words that characters speak

2 hire, engage

3 the events in a film

5 costs

7 the space between two straight lines

8 organizing food and drinks for an event

13 team, unit


Exercise 41. Board game for two or more players.


1. Each player chooses a token and places it on “Start”.

2. Roll a dice and move your token accordingly.

3. Once you land on a square, do the task specified on it.

4. If you can’t do the task, move your token one square back and do that task.

5. The winner is the player who is the first to reach “Finish”.





Exercise 42. Familiarize yourself with e-mail clichés given below.


Many people enjoy sending and receiving e-mails, especially if they share a common interest.
E-mails are usually written in a less formal style than letters. It is common to start an e-mail with the name of the person you are writing to, without starting with the word “Dear”. The following are examples of some appropriate ways to start and end an e-mail:


(1) Writing to your partner / husband / wife
Start: Dear + use the person’s first name
Ending: “Take care”, or “Love”, or “Thinking of you”
Signature: Your first name, or nickname


(2) Writing to a friend
Start: Use the person’s first name or nickname
Ending: “Best wishes”, or “Yours”, or “Take care”
Signature: Your first name


(3) Writing to someone in your own company
Start: Use the person’s first name (in a few companies you might need to be more formal, but this is rare in the UK)
Ending: “Regards”, or “Best wishes”
Signature: Your first name and last name, and below this your job title and department, and phone number (or extension)


(4) Writing to someone in another organization or someone in a formal position of responsibility
Start: Dear + use the person’s title (eg: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr) and surname (eg: Dr Smith), or just “Sir/Madam” if you don’t know the name
Ending: “Regards”
Signature: Your first name and last name (you might add your title after this in brackets if you want to make it clear if you are a man or woman). Below this your job title (if appropriate) and contact details (you may want to include your telephone number or address).



TO… james.scarfield@tmb.de

FROM alison.mcdermont@hasbro.com

CC (Copy to)

BCC (Blind copy to )

SUBJECT Meeting in Berlin

Dear James,

You may remember we met at the Learntech fair in Kuala Lumpur last fall. You were interested in our company’s automation equipment. I am visiting Berlin at the end of next month and would like to visit you if you are around. I’ll be there from 27 to 31 March.

Let me know if you have time.



Alison McDemont

Product Manager

Has Bro Equipment Inc.

Box 28


e-mail: alison.mcdermont@hasbro.com



TO… james.scarfield@tmb.de

FROM Alison.mcdermont@hasbro.com

CC (Copy to)

BCC (Blind copy to )

SUBJECT Meeting in Berlin


Hi James,

I’m over in Berlin from 27-31 March. Could we meet up some time? It would be great to see you!

Let me know if you’re free.

Best wishes,
