Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных. Piano, concerto, wife, deer, ear, brother, army, son, life, tooth, bus, horse, baby, day, country, pencil

Piano, concerto, wife, deer, ear, brother, army, son, life, tooth, bus, horse, baby, day, country, pencil, woman, money, safe, child, fish, locus, thesis, analysis, hero, sportswoman, mother-in-law, gas mask.


Выпишите существительные, которые употребляются только во множественном числе (25 существительных).

economics, police, news, means, goods, pants, subjects, billiards, darts, outskirts, tongs, toothpaste, headphones.premises, equipment, research, authorities, athletics, cattle, delays, binoculars, scissors, taxes, pyjamas, mechanics, spectacles, clothes, stairs, maths, shorts, tights, gymnastics, congratulations, electronics, patience, scales, lodgings, foundations, soap, crossroads, looks, countryside, traffic-lights, contents, eyes, trousers.

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Could you open ___door, please?

2. Where are ___Canaries situated?

3. The Moslems don't eat ___pork.

4. I went to ___church last Sunday but I couldn't pray. There were too many people in___ church.

5. Could you phone later, please? Kate’s having ___bath.

6. When___ father came home, he had ___dinner and then watched ___TV.

7. She usually goes shopping on ___Thursdays, but ___last Thursday she didn't do shopping.

8. "You must do this exercise at ___school and that one at___ home," said our teacher in a loud voice.

9. He has ___deep knowledge in mathematics.

10. ___ United Kingdom consists of four parts: ___England, ___Scotland, Wales and ___Northern Ireland.


Раскройте скобки, употребив сравнительную или превосходную степень прилагательного или наречия.

11. With the coming of the spring all people seemed (happy) and (quiet).

12. Which is (large): the United States or Canada?

13. Who is the (strong) boy in your group?

14. Yekaterinburg is one of the (big) industrial centers of Russia.

15. St. Petersburg is one of the (beautiful) cities in the world.

16. Is Yekaterinburg as (big) as Moscow?

17. Today the weather is (bad) than it was yesterday.

18. He is (little) educated than his father.

19. Where is the (far) point?

20. The (much) I knew my teacher, (well) I liked him.


Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную форму местоимения.

1. That's not (my/mine/me) ball. (My/mine/me) is red.

2. We want to see them but they don't want to see (us/our/ours).

3. We are going to the cinema. Do you want to come with (us/our/ours)?

4. I don't like dogs. I'm afraid of (them/their/theirs)?

5. They know (our/ours/yours) friends, but we don't know (theirs/them/they).

6. Употребите глаголы to have или to be в нужной форме.

1. When … Jane's birthday?

2. You … good at playing chess.

3. … you any English books at home?

4. We … at our aunt's house yesterday.

5. I … no free time now.

6. My friend … in Leningrad during the war.

7. The future of our planet … in our hands

8. When I … a child, my main hobby … football.

9. Did they … a lecture yesterday?

10. I … a very good day yesterday.


Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. There is a monument near my house

2. There was a restaurant in this area.

3. Look, there is a letter on your desk!

4. What is there on the table?

5. There was an airport and two railway stations in our city

6. There aren't any people at the store.

7. Why are there so many policemen in the bank?

8. There were not cars in the tunnel.

9. Is there any sugar in my tea?

10. What is there in your bag?


Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную форму глагола.

25. We (wait) twenty-five minutes for a Number 68 bus yesterday.

26. It (be) a stormy night when Jenny (arrive).

27. You (be) busy now? Yes, I (be) very busy. I (do) my lessons now.

28. By the time we arrived to the party, It (finish).

29. The window was open and birds (fly) into and out of the room.

30. Take your raincoat with you. I am afraid it (rain) in the evening and you (get) wet through if you (not to put) on your raincoat.

31. I (make) a meal when the light (go) out. I had to stop.

32. They (hope) to come here next year?

33. Why you (not to put) your coat on yesterday? It (be) cold.

34. You (skate) last Sunday? – Yes, we (skate) the whole day last Sunday. We (skate) again next Sunday.

35. We never (be) in France before.

36. I (finish) this report by the end of the day.

Часть 2.


Прочитайте текст, переведите текст на русский язык, выпишите незнакомые слова и письменно ответьте на вопросы.


The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). It occupies the southern part of North America and stretches from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. It also includes Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. The total area of the country is about nine and a half million square kilometres. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It also has a sea-boarder with Russia.

The USA is made up of 50 states and the District of Columbia, a special federal area where the capital of the country, Washington, is situated. The population of the country is more than 270 million.

If we look at the map of the USA, we can see lowlands and mountains.

The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada. The highest peak is Mount McKinley which is located in Alaska.

America's largest rivers are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande and the Columbia. The Great Lakes on the border with Canada are the largest and deepest in the USA.

The climate of the country varies greatly. The coldest regions are in the north. The climate of Alaska is arctic. The climate of the central part is continental. The south has a subtropical climate. Hot winds blowing from the Gulf of Mexico often bring typhoons. The climate along the Pacific coast is much warmer than that of the Atlantic coast.

The USA is a highly developed industrial country. It's the world's leading producer of copper and oil and the world's second producer of iron ore and coal. Among the most important manufacturing industries are aircraft, cars, textiles, radio and television sets, armaments, furniture and paper.

Though mainly European and African in origin, Americans are made up from nearly all races and nations, including Chinese and native Americans.

The largest cities are: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San-Francisco, Washington and others.

The United States is a federal union of 50 states, each of which has its own government. The seat of the central (federal) government is Washington, DC. According to the US Constitution the powers of the government are divided into 3 branches: the executive, headed by the President, the legislative, exercised by the Congress, and the judicial. The Congress consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

There are two main political parties in the USA: the Republican and the Democratic, though there's hardly any difference between their political lines.



1. Where is the USA situated?

2. What's the total area of the country?

3. What countries does the USA border on?

4. How many states does the USA consist of?

5. What is the capital of the country?

6. Can you name any other cities in the USA?

7. What is the population of the United States?

8. What mountains in the USA do you know?

9. What are the largest rivers?

10. What can you say about the climate of the country?

11. What does the USA produce?

12. According to the US Constitution the powers of the government are divided into 3 branches. What are they?