Ex.14 Question tags: mixed

See notes to Exercises 12 and 13.

Note that a statement containing words such as none, nobody,

hardly/hardly any etc. is treated as a negative statement:

He hardly ever makes a mistake, does he?

When the subject is nobody/anybody/everybody etc., the pronoun they is used in the tag:

Nobody liked the play, did they?

Add question tags to the following statements.

1 You take sugar in tea.

2 But you don't take it in coffee.

3 The lift isn't working today.

4 It never works very well.

5 The area was evacuated at once.

6 There was no panic.

7 Though everybody realized the danger.

8 There was a lot of noise.

9 But nobody complained.

10 Mary hardly ever cooks.

11 She buys convenience foods.

12 She'd save money if she bought fresh food.

13 Mr Smith usually remembered his wife's birthdays.

14 But he didn't remember this one.

15 And his wife was very disappointed.

16 He ought to have made a note of it.

17 Neither of them offered to help you.

18 They don't allow pet dogs in this shop.

19 But guide dogs can come in. 20 He hardly ever leaves the house.

21 That isn't Bill driving.

22 Nothing went wrong.

23 Lions are loose in this reserve.

24 So we'd better get back in the car.

25 It'd be unpleasant to be attacked by a lion.

26 And it wouldn't be any use running away.

27 It is a pity Ann didn't come with us.

28 She'd have enjoyed it.

29 They should have planned the expedition more carefully.

30 Lives were lost unnecessarily.

31 She warned him not to ride the stallion.

32 But he never takes advice.

33 There used to be trees here.

34 There isn't any point in waiting.

35 He'll hardly come now.

36 Your central heating doesn't work very well.


Ex.15 Auxiliaries followed by full or bare infinitive

Put to where necessary before the infinitives in brackets.

1 You needn't (come) tomorrow.

2 People used (travel) on horseback.

3 I'll have (hurry).

4 You ought (take) a holiday.

5 I'll (lend) him some money.

6 You are (go) at once.

7 We didn't have (pay) anything.

8 There won't (be) enough room for everyone.

9 You can (see) the windmill from here.

10 He was able (explain).

11 We may have (stay) here all night.

12 He used (spend) a lot of time in his library.

13 He didn't dare (say) anything.

14 Don't (move).

15 We'll (look) for a hotel.

16 You needn't (look) for a hotel; I'll be able (put) you up.

17 The doctor said that I ought (give up) smoking.

18 He used (drink) quite a lot.

19 He should (be) ready by now.

20 May I (ask) you a question?

21 I shan't be able (do) it till after the holidays.

22 I didn't need (say) anything.

23 How dare you (open) my letters!

24 They ought (warn) people about the dangerous currents.

25 I should (say) nothing about it if I were you.

26 You are not (mention) this to anyone.

27 Why do they (obey) him? -They don't dare (refuse).

28 You must (look) both ways before crossing the road.

29 Your map may (have been) out of date.

30 You ought (have finished) it last night.

31 I must (say) I think you behaved very badly.

32 I will have (carry) a tent.

33 We've got (get out).

34 It might (kill) somebody.

35 Ought you (be) watching TV?

36 Shouldn't you (be) doing your homework?

Ex.16 Auxiliaries: mixed

Fill each of the following gaps with a suitable auxiliary or auxiliary form.

1 Schoolboy to friend: I left my book at home. ... I share yours?

2 I'm taking swimming lessons. I hope to ... to swim by the end of the month.

3 You . . . better take off your wet shoes.

4 I'm sorry I'm late. I... to wait ages for a bus.

5 Teacher: You . . . (obligation) read the play, but you . . . (no obligation) read the preface.

6 I knew he was wrong but I... (hadn't the courage) to tell him so.

7 You're getting fat. You ... to cut down on your beer drinking.

8 He ... to smoke very heavily. Now he hardly smokes at all.

9 The new motorway . . . opened this afternoon, (plan)

10 I've come without any money. . . . you possibly lend me £5?

11 Ann: ... we meet at Piccadilly Circus?

12 Tom: It ... be better to meet at the theatre. We . . . miss one another at Piccadilly.

13 ... you like to come canoeing with me next weekend?

14 Mary: I ... to pay 20p. for this little chap on the bus yesterday.

15 Ann: My little boy's under three so I ... (No obligation. Use present tense.) to pay for him.

16 The plane . . . landed (unfulfilled plan) at Heathrow, but it has been diverted to Gatwick.

17 You've spelt it wrong. There ... be another 's'.

18 You . . . told me! (I'm disappointed that you didn't fell me.)

19 We ... to take a taxi. Otherwise we'll be late.

20 At the holiday camp we ... to get up at six and bathe in the river. Then we ... come back and cook an enormous breakfast, (routine actions)

21 Tom . . . know the address. (Tom probably knows.)

22 Tom . . . know the address. (I'm sure that Tom knows.)

23 I've lost my umbrella! I ... left it on the bus! (deduction)

24 Theatre regulations: At the end of the performance the public . . . (are permitted to) leave by all exit doors.

25 If I ... you I'd get a taxi.

26 Did you paint it yourself or did you ... it painted?

27 You . . . (negative) to be driving so fast. There's a speed limit here.

28 You . . . (request) get me some aspirin when you're at the chemist's.


Ex.17 have: possessive

In British English, have meaning possess is not normally conjugated with do except when there is an idea of habit.

I haven't (got) a watch, (present possession)

How many corners has a (a characteristic rather than a habit)


He doesn't usually have time (habit)

to study.

In the past, did is used for habit; otherwise either form is possible:

Did you have/Had you an umbrella when you left the house?

In other English-speaking countries, however, the do forms are used almost exclusively. It would therefore be possible to use do/did forms throughout the following exercises (except in no. 27), but students are asked to use have not/have you forms where they could be used. Where both are equally usual this will be noted in the key.

Fill the spaces with the correct forms of have, adding got where possible. Only one space will be left in each clause, but note that got may be separated from have by another word. When a negative form is required '(negative)' will be placed at the end of the example.

1 He is standing there in the rain and . . . even the sense to put up his umbrella, (negative)

2 He ... a cold in the head. ~

That's nothing new; he always ... a cold.

3 I ... brainwaves very often, but I... one now. (1st verb negative)

4 It is no good arguing with someone who ... a bee in his bonnet.

5 Why don't you say something? You ... an excuse? (negative)

6 You . . . this toothache yesterday?

7 How many letters . . . the alphabet?

8 The houses in your country . . . flat roofs? i) You . . . the time? (= Do you know the time?) ~ No, I ... a watch. (negative)

10 You ever ... an impulse to smash something?

11 He ... £1,000 a year when his father dies.

12 Air passengers usually . . . much luggage, (negative)

13 You . . . any objection to sitting with your back to the engine?

14 Oysters . . . always pearls in them. (negative)

15 Your door ... a little hole through which you can peep at callers? (negative)

16 You ... a match on you?~

No, I don't smoke so I never . . . matches.

17 What is your opinion? ~ I ... an opinion, (negative)

18 That cup ... a crack in it.

19 You . . . any suspicion who did it?

20 This desk ... a secret drawer? ~

No, modern desks ever . . . secret drawers, (negative)

21 When you go to a place for the first time, you ever ... a feeling that you've been there before?

22 Babies . . . teeth when they're born?

23 How many sides ... a pentagon?

24 Our cat ... kittens every year. ~ How many she . . . each time?

25 They say that if children . . . complete freedom when they are young, they . . . inhibitions when they grow up. (2nd verb negative)

26 You . . . mosquitoes in your country in summer?

27 You. . .children?~

Yes, I... two, a boy and a girl.

28 You ... a motor cycle? ~

No, I only ... an ordinary bicycle, but I ... a motor cycle next year.

29 Why do you suddenly want to back out? You . . . cold feet?

30 Customer: You . . . any mushrooms today?

Shopkeeper: We usually . . . them but I'm afraid we ... any at the moment, (last verb negative)

31 I think I know the man you mean. He ... one blue eye and one brown one? (negative)

32 Children nowadays ... far too much pocket money. I ... any when I was at school. (2nd verb negative)

33 We were always getting lost in the desert. ~ You . . . compasses? (negative)

34 Red-haired people always . . . bad tempers?

35 Do you think we should eat this meat? It... a very nice smell. (negative)

36 The stairs are on fire! You ... a long rope?


Ex.18 have: various uses

Have can mean take (a meal/lesson/bath, etc.), entertain (guests), encounter (difficulty, etc.), enjoy (a time/journey, etc.). When used in these ways:

(a) have usually forms its negative and interrogative with do.

(b) have can be used in the continuous tenses.

Put the correct form of have into the following sentences. Use am having, is having, etc., as a future form.

1 We . . . some friends in for dinner tomorrow night.

2 You ... a good journey yesterday?

3 Don't disturb him; he ... a rest.

4 We . . . lunch early tomorrow.

5 How many lessons he ... a week?-He usually . . . four.

6 You . . . earthquakes in your country?

7 What time you . . . breakfast? ~ We usually ... it at 8.00.

8 What you ... for breakfast? ~ We . . . toast and coffee.

9 Why you ... a cooked breakfast? (negative) ~ It's too much trouble.

10 Why were they making such a noise? ~ They ... an argument.

11 You ... a thunderstorm yesterday?

12 Come in, we ... a debate.

13 You ... a cup of coffee?~ Yes, please.

14 We ... a meeting tomorrow to discuss safety precautions.

15 The tree just missed the roof, we ... a very lucky escape.

16 How did you damage your car? You ... an accident?

17 I ... a look at that house tomorrow. If I like it I'll buy it.

18 We . . . very bad weather just now.

19 I ... a very interesting conversation with the milkman when my neighbour interrupted me.

20 English people always . . . roast beef for lunch on Sundays?

21 It is difficult to learn a foreign language when you ... an opportunity of speaking it. (negative)

22 The farmers ... a lot of trouble with foxes at present.

23 On the whole women drivers ... so many accidents as men drivers. (negative)

24 You . . . anything to eat before you left home? ~ Oh yes, I ... bacon and eggs.

25 You . . . any difficulty getting into your flat last night?

26 Are you enjoying yourself? ~ Yes, I ... a wonderful time.

27 How often he ... a singing lesson?

28 You ... a good night? ~ No, I slept very badly.

29 Why were they late? ~ They ... a puncture.

30 We ... a party here next week. Would you like to come?

31 Why didn't you speak to her? ~ I ... a chance, (negative)

32 We ... a lecture next Monday.

33 I ... tea with her tomorrow.

34 He ... an operation next week.

35 He ever . . . nightmares?

36 When he got tired of it I ... a try. ~ You . . . any luck? ~ Yes, I caught a great big fish.


Ex.19 The have + object + past participle construction (Objective+PII)

Part 1. Fill in the spaces by inserting the correct form of have. Use am/is/are having as a future form. (get can be used instead of have, but is more colloquial.)

1 I ... my house painted. That is why there is all this mess.

2 My hair looks dreadful; I think I ... it set tomorrow.

3 The attic was dark so last year we ... skylight put in.

4 That dead tree is dangerous. I... it cut down tomorrow.

5 We . . . just. . . central heating installed. The house is warm!

6 I can't read Greek so I ... the documents translated. My nephew is helping with the translation.

7 ... you ... the film developed or did you develop it yourself?

8 Why ... he ... all his shoes specially made?

He says that he has to because his feet are different sizes.

9 ... you . . . your milk delivered or do you go to the shop for it?

10 If you hate cleaning fish why . . . you . . . them cleaned at the fishmonger's? (negative)

11 How often . . . you . . . your brakes tested?

12 I'm afraid it's rather draughty here but I... that broken pane replaced tomorrow.

Part 2 Fill in the spaces by inserting the correct form of have, the past participle of the verb in brackets and, where necessary, a pronoun.

13 Your ankle is very swollen. You'd better ... it... (x-ray)

14 Your roof is leaking, you should ... it... (repair)

15 The trousers are too long; I must . . . (shorten)

16 No one will be able to read your notes. ~ I know; I ... them . . . (type)

17 That's a good piano but you should ... it... (tune)

18 Why don't you . . . the document . . . ? (photocopy)

19 He didn't like the colour of the curtains so he ... (dye)

20 He went to a garage to ... the puncture . . . (mend)

21 His arm was broken so he had to go to hospital to ... (set)

22 The battery is all right now. I ... just... it... (recharge)

23 It's a beautiful photo. I'm going to ... (enlarge)

24 Be careful of those knives. I ... just . . . (sharpen)

Part 3 Rewrite the sentences using a have + object + past participle construction and omitting the words in bold type.

I employed a plumber to examine my boiler.

I had my boiler examined.

25 I pay a garage to service my car.

26 The tap keeps dripping so I must send for a plumber to see to it.

27 I paid a watchmaker to clean my watch.

28 An artist is painting her portrait. She . . .

29 They arranged for the police to arrest the man.

30 He paid a lorry driver to tow the car to a garage.

31 They are employing builders to build a garage.

32 I pay a window cleaner to clean my windows every month.

33 I went to an oculist and he tested my eyes for me.

34 The old gypsy is telling Tom's fortune. Tom . . .

35 I asked the fishmonger to open the oysters for me.

36 I went to a jeweller and he pierced my ears for me.


Ex.20 be

This is a general exercise which includes infinitives, subjunctives, conditionals, and some examples of the be + infinitive construction. When this last construction or a passive construction is required the second verb is given in brackets at the end of the sentence. Why are all those dogs wearing harness? ~ They ... as guide dogs for the blind, (train) They are being trained as guide dogs for the blind.

Fill the spaces in the following sentences by inserting the correct form of be with, where necessary, the past participle or present or the perfect infinitive of the verb in brackets.

Remember that, in the passive, be can be used in the continuous tenses.

1 They are cutting down all the trees. The countryside . . . (ruin)

2 The Prime Minister ... a speech tonight, (make)

3 If I ... you I'd go on to the next exercise.

4 ... late once is excusable but. . . late every day is not.

5 He ordered that all lights . . . (extinguish)

6 How long you . . . here?

7 My flat was full of dust because the old house just opposite . . . (pull down)

8 He asked where he ... it. (put) I told him to put it on the mantelpiece.

9 It... difficult to read a newspaper upside down? (Use negative.)

10 You . . . here till I return. That is an order, (stay)

11 He suggests that prominent people ... to contribute, (ask)

12 Even if you ... to go on your knees to him I don't think it would make him change his mind.

13 I ... on a catering course when I leave school. My parents have arranged it. (go)

14 What is happening now? ~

The injured man ... out of the arena, (carry)

15 It's better . . . too early than too late.

16 I wish you . . . here. I miss you very much.

17 Why did you leave him behind? You . . . him with you. (Those were your instructions.) (take)

18 She is learning Italian. She ... by a professor from Milan, (teach)

19 I know I ... half an hour late yesterday but I... half an hour early tomorrow. ~ I'd rather you . . . punctual every day. (see 297)

20 It is impossible . . . right every time.

21 He ... here by seven but now it's nine and there's no sign of him. (be)

22 They decided that voting papers ... to all members, (send)

23 There . . . eggs for breakfast tomorrow?

24 If only I ... there! (But I wasn't.)

25 The Queen ... the new hospital next week. (open)

26 I couldn't see the man who was guiding us and I didn't know where we ... (take)

27 It ... a trilogy but in the end the author found that he had only enough material for two volumes, (be)

28 You . . . very angry if I refused?

29 The matter . . . discussed in tomorrow's debate.

30 His mare ... in tomorrow's race but he said this morning that she was sick and wouldn't be running after all. (run)

31 The house wasn't ready; it still . . . and there were pots of paint and ladders everywhere, (paint)

32 They decided that an expurgated edition ... for use in schools, (print)

33 His works are immensely popular; they . . . into all the major European languages, (translate)

34 It is high time you ... in bed.

35 I had my instructions and I knew exactly what I... (do)

36 If this report . . . believed, we are going to have a very severe drought.


Ex.21 it is/there is

Insert it is/there is in the spaces. In some sentences, contracted plural, negative and interrogative forms, or the past or future tense are required.

1 What's the time?- ... ... 3.30. ~

And what's the date? ~ . . . ... the 24th.

2 How far. .... . to York?~

... ... 50 miles.

3 ... ... very stormy last night. ~

Yes, ... ... storms all over the country.

4 ... ... freezing very hard. ... ... ... ice on the lake tomorrow.

5 As ... ... sunny she decided to take the children to the sea.

6 Why don't you go for a walk?... ... a pity to stay in when ......

so nice outside.

7 ... ... not any shadows because ... ... not any sun.

8 ... ... going to be a bus strike tomorrow. ~

... ... ... all right if ... ... a fine day; but if ... ... wet

... ... ... long queues on the Underground.

9 ... ... not any glass in the windows; that is why ... ... so cold in

the room.

10 ... ... very wet yesterday; ... ... impossible to go out.

11 ... ... a lot of rain last week. ... ... floods everywhere.

12 ... ... a thick fog last night. ... ... several accidents on the


13 ... ... foolish to drive fast when ... ... foggy.

14 ... ... difficult to find your way round this town.... ... so many

streets all looking exactly alike.

15 Come on, children! ... ... time to get up!... ... nearly breakfast


16 ... ... ... lunch time when we get to York, so let's have lunch

there. -

No, ... ... not be time for lunch because our train to Edinburgh

leaves York at 13.15.

17 ... ... a funny smell here. ... ... turpentine?

18 ... ... all sorts of stories about Robin Hood, but... ... not

known exactly who he was or what he did.

19 ... ... said that if you break a mirror you'll be unlucky for seven


20 As he had very bad sight... ... difficult for him to recognize


21 'Can I have a Telegraph, please?' said the customer.

'I'm afraid ... ... not any left,' said the newsagent. 'But... ... a

Guardian on the rack beside you. Why not take that? ... ... just as


22 ... ... not necessary to carry your passport everywhere with you

but... ... advisable to carry some document of identity.

23 ... ... a guard outside the door and ... ... bars on the windows.

... ... impossible to escape.

24 ... ... a garage behind the hotel? ~

Yes, but... ... rather full. I don't think ... ... room for your


25 One night... ... a heavy fall of snow which blocked all the roads.

Luckily ... ... plenty of food in the house.

26 ... ... a hotel in the village, so we decided to stay there.

... ... a charming village and I was very happy there, but my

children were bored because ... ... nothing to do in the evenings.

27 ... ... five flats in the building—one on each floor. Mine's on the

top floor. ... ... no lift but... ... supposed to be good for the

figure to run up and down stairs, ... . . .?

28 ... ... a pity you haven't another bedroom. ~

I Yes, but ... ... quite a big loft, which I am thinking of turning into

a bedroom. ... ... a skylight so ... ... not... a ventilation


29 ... ... all sorts of legends about these caves. ... ... said that

smugglers hid their goods here and that... ... an underground

passage leading to the village inn.

30 Tell me something about King bear. ~

... ... the story of a king who divided his kingdom between his

daughters. ... ... foolish to give away your property like that. . . .

. . . never certain that your family will behave generously to you in return.

31 Has Tom any more children? -Yes. ... ... a daughter, Ann. ~

Oh yes, ... ... Ann who opened the door to us yesterday, ... . . .?

32 He thought that... ... better to say nothing about his change of


33 ... ... a long time before I got an answer. Then one day a letter

arrived—well, ... ... not really a letter, for ... ... only one

sentence on the paper.

34 ... ... a pond beside your house? ~ Yes, ... . . . ~

How deep ... .. .?

35 We've done all we can. ... ... nothing to do now but wait.

36 Just cross out that word and go on. ... ... not necessary to begin

again, (or . . . ... no need to begin again.)


Ex.22 can and be able

Part 1. Can, used to express ability with could, shall/will be able. Fill the following spaces, using can for present, could for past and shall/will be able for future. There is no need to use other able forms in this section. Put to where necessary before the infinitives.

1 ... you stand on your head? ~

I ... when I was at school but I ... now. (2nd verb negative)

2 When I've passed my driving test I... hire a car from our local garage.

3 At the end of the month the Post Office will send him an enormous telephone bill which he ... pay. (negative)

4 I ... remember the address, (negative) ~ . . . you even remember the street? (negative)

5 When the fog lifts we ... see where we are.

6 You've put too much in your rucksack; you never . . . carry all that.

7 When I was a child I ... understand adults, and now that I am an adult I ... understand children, (negative, negative)

8 When you have taken your degree you . . . put letters after your name?

9 Don't try to look at all the pictures in the gallery. Otherwise when you get home you . . . remember any of them. (negative)

10 When I first went to Spain I ... read Spanish but I... speak it. (2nd verb negative)

11 ... you type?-

Yes, I ... type but I... do shorthand. (2nd verb negative)

12 I'm locked in. I ... get out! (negative) ~

. . . you squeeze between the bars? (negative) ~ No! I. . .; I'm too fat. (negative)

Part 2. Could and was able

In some of the following sentences either could or was able could be used. In others only was/were able is possible. Fill the spaces and put to where necessary before the infinitives.

13 He was very strong; he ... ski all day and dance all night.

14 The car plunged into the river. The driver . . . get out but the passengers were drowned.

15 I was a long way from the stage. I... see all right but I... hear very well. (2nd verb negative)

16 We . . . borrow umbrellas; so we didn't get wet.

17 ... you walk or did they have to carry you?

18 I had no key so I ... lock the door. (negative)

19 I knew the town so I ... advise him where to go.

20 When the garage had repaired our car we ... continue our journey.

21 At five years old he ... read quite well.

22 When I arrived everyone was asleep. Fortunately I ... wake my sister and she let me in.

23 The swimmer was very tired but he ... reach the shore before he collapsed.

24 The police were suspicious at first but I ... convince them that we were innocent.

Part 3 This section includes examples of could used for polite requests and

as a conditional.

25 ... I speak to Mr Pitt, please? ~

I'm afraid he's out at the moment. . . . you ring back later?

26 If you stood on my shoulders . . . you reach the top of the wall? ~ No, I'm afraid I ... (negative)

27 If I sang . . . you accompany me on the piano? -No, I . . ., I . . . play the piano! (negative, negative)

28 If a letter comes for me . . . you please forward it to this address?

29 She made the wall very high so that boys . . . climb over it. (negative)

30 They took his passport so that he ... leave the country, (negative)

31 ... you tell me the time, please? -

I'm afraid I. ... I haven't got a watch, (negative)

32 If you had to, ... you go without food for a week? ~ I suppose I... if I had plenty of water.

33 ... you lend me £5? -No, I ... (negative)

34 They used to chain valuable books to library desks so that people . . . take them away. (negative)

35 He says that he saw Clementine drowning but. . . help her as he ... swim. (negative, negative)

36 If you had had the right tools . . . you have repaired the engine?


Ex.23 may

Insert the correct form of may/might except in 10 and 36, where a be allowed form is necessary.

1 It ... rain, you'd better take a coat.

2 He said that it ... rain.

3 We ... as well stay here till the weather improves.

4 ... I borrow your umbrella?

5 You . . . tell me! (I think I have a right to know.)

6 Candidates . . . not bring textbooks into the examination room.

7 People convicted of an offence . . . (have a right to) appeal.

8 If he knew our address he ... come and see us.

9 ... I come in? ~ Please do.

10 When he was a child he ... (they let him) do exactly as he liked.

11 I think I left my glasses in your office. You . . . ask your secretary to look for them for me. (request)

12 He ... be my brother (I admit that he is) but I don't trust him.

13 I ... never see you again.

14 He ... be on the next train. We ... as well wait.

15 If we got there early we ... get a good seat.

16 The police . . . (have a right to) ask a driver to take a breath test.

17 You ought to buy now; prices ... go up.

18 I'll wait a week so that he ... have time to think it over.

19 He isn't going to eat it; I ... as well give it to the dog.

20 You ... at least read the letter. (I think you should.)

21 You . . . have written. (lam annoyed/disappointed that you didn't.)

22 We'd better be early; there ... be a crowd.

23 Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. They ... have sailed from South America on rafts.

24 You . . . (have permission to) use my office.

25 He said that we ... use his office whenever we liked.

26 I don't think I'll succeed but I ... as well try.

27 You ought to go to his lectures, you . . . learn something.

28 If we can give him a blood transfusion we ... be able to save his life.

29 Two parallel white lines in the middle of the road mean that you . . . not overtake.

30 If I bought a lottery ticket I ... win £1,000.

31 If you said that, he ... be very offended.

32 I wonder why they didn't go. ~ The weather . . . have been too bad.

33 Warning: No part of this book ... be reproduced without the publisher's permission.

34 He has refused, but he ... change his mind if you asked him again.

35 ... I see your passport, please?

36 He ... (negative) drive since his accident. (They haven't let him



Ex.24 must and have to

Fill the spaces in the following sentences by inserting must or the present, future, or past form of have to.

1 She . . . leave home at eight every morning at present.

2 Notice in a picture gallery: Cameras, sticks and umbrellas ... be left at the desk.

3 He sees very badly; he ... wear glasses all the time.

4 I ... do all the typing at my office.

5 You . . . read this book. It's really excellent.

6 The children . . . play in the streets till their mothers get home from work.

7 She felt ill and .. . leave early.

8 Mr Pitt . . . cook his own meals. His wife is away.

9 I hadn't enough money and I ... pay by cheque.

10 I never remember his address; I always . . . look it up.

11 Employer: You . . . come to work in time.

12 If you go to a dentist with a private practice you . . . pay him quite a lot of money.

13 Father to small son: You ... do what Mummy says.

14 My neighbour's child . . . practise the piano for three hours a day.

15 Doctor: I can't come now.

Caller: You . . . come; he's terribly ill.

16 English children . . . stay at school till the age of 16.

17 In my district there is no gas laid on. People . . . use electricity for everything.

18 Notice above petrol pump: All engines ... be switched off.

19 Mother to daughter: You . . . come in earlier at night.

20 The shops here don't deliver. We . . . carry everything home ourselves.

21 The buses were all full; I ... get a taxi.

22 Notice beside escalators: Dogs and push chairs ... be carried.

23 'Au pair' girls usually ... do quite a lot of housework.

24 Tell her that she ... be here by six. I insist on it.

25 When a tyre is punctured the driver . . . change the wheel.

26 Park notice: All dogs ... be kept on leads.

27 She . . . learn how to drive when her local railway station is closed.

28 Railway notice: Passengers . . . cross the line by the footbridge.

29 I got lost and . . . ask a policeman the way.

30 Farmers . . . get up early.

31 If you buy that television set you . . . buy a licence for it.

32 When I changed my job I ... move to another flat.

33 Waiters . . . pay tax on the tips that they receive.

34 Father to son: I can't support you any longer; you . . . earn your own living from now on.

35 Railway notice: Passengers ... be in possession of a ticket.

36 Whenever the dog wants to go out I ... get up and open the door.