Read the text. Make up several questions to cover the content and give a short summary of it.
Either follow tradition or invent what is self-consistent.
Horace (Quintus Horacius Flaccus), 65-8BC
University faculty appointments to the academic rank titles including “Instructor”, “Assistant Professor”, “Associate Professor”, “Professor” are made by the Academic Council and the Head (Chancellor) of the State University upon the rigid requirements and recommendations of the appropriate departments. The criteria established for each rank include the appointee's qualification and the levels of expertise and recognition in the areas of teaching. For instance, an instructor or assistant must hold at least Master’sDegree with excellent gradesand have relevant working experience. Associate professor (docent) must hold PhD with evidence of further study to doctoral level or Doctorate. This academic rank also requires relevant working experience including a certain amount of years of teaching after a successful defending a thesis. The Head of the University may appoint professors after a successful accomplishment of the process of awarding a professorship. Full professor must hold Doctorate and have experience as an Aassociate professor.Each candidate must demonstrate advanced degrees, licenses, honors, awards, and effectivenessin teachingand reputation in the subject matter field.
Academic Rank appointees prepare and deliver lectures to students, develop teaching materials and new courses, compile, administer, and grade examinations. They deliver public lectures conduct research in particular field of knowledge to keep abreast of current developments, publish their findings in professional journals and direct research of graduate students working for advanced academic degrees.
The degree of “Kandidat Nauk” or Candidate of Science was the first advanced research qualification in the former USSR and some Eastern Bloc countries. The degree of “Doktor Nauk” or Doctor of Science is given as a second advanced research qualification or higher doctorate in the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)2011.
Exercise 1.2.1
This table summarizes Russian-English equivalents about academic ranks and positions.Look through the following words, word combinations, set expressions and phrases checking up the standard pronunciation of the words, which are difficult or unknown to you. Memorize them by giving your own examples with them.
Table 2 Word List
№ | Words, word combinations, set expressions and phrases | Translation |
1. | the Academic Council | Ученый совет |
2. | academic rank | учёное звание, должность (в высшем учебном заведении) |
administrative ranks/positions | административные должности | |
3. | appointment to the academic rank | назначение на должность |
4. | the Chancellor (Head of University, President, Rector) of the State University | Ректор университета |
5. | conduct research | проводить исследование |
6. | deliver lectures | читать лекции |
7. | Doctorate | докторская степень |
8. | faculty | профессорско-преподавательский состав |
8. | findings | результаты исследования, полученные данные |
9. | grade examinations | оценивать экзамены |
10. | major | дисциплина, выбранная в качестве специализации |
11. | public lecture | открытая лекция |
12. | subject matter | тема, предмет (науки, дискуссии) |
13. | scientific scholarship | научные знания |
Exercise 1.2.2
There is some controversy in translating the Russian and foreign Doctoral Degrees in countries with only one doctoral degree. There is also some controversy in translating administrative positions. Remember most appropriate equivalents to academic degrees, titles and ranks.
Table 3 Word List
Russian-English Equivalents | |
Доктор/Кандидат педагогических наук (к. п. н.) | Doctor/Candidat of Pedagogic Science(s) |
Доктор/Кандидат психологических наук (к. психол. н.) | Doctor/Candidat of Psychological Science(s) |
Доктор/Кандидат социологических наук (к. соц. н.) | Doctor/Candidat of Sociological Science(s) |
Доктор/Кандидат технических наук (к. т. н.) | Doctor/Candidat of Engineering Science(s) |
Доктор/Кандидат физико-математических наук (к. ф.-м. н.) | Doctor/Candidat of Physico-Mathematical Science(s) |
Доктор/Кандидат филологических наук (к. фил. н.) | Doctor/Candidat of Philological Science(s) |
Доктор/Кандидат экономических наук (к. э. н.) | Doctor/Candidat of Economic(al) Science(s) |
Доктор/Кандидат юридических наук (к. ю. н.) | Doctor/Candidat of Juridical(law) Science(s) |
профессор (звание) | Professor (Full Professor), usually Doctor of Sc Full Professor) |
профессор кафедры (конкретной) | Professor at the Department of |
профессорско-преподавательский состав | faculty / professional and teaching staff / teaching staff |
аспирант | Postgraduate, Assistant Professor (usually doctoral student of Cand. of Sc.) |
аспирант кафедры | Postgraduate at the Department of |
декан (административная должность) | Dean (administrative position) |
докторант | Doctoral Candidate |
доцент (должность) | Associate Professor (dozent), usually Cand. of Sc. |
доцент кафедры (конкретной) | Docent (a lecturer in some colleges or universities in US) |
зав. кафедрой (должность) | Chair (head) of a department Head of Department (BrE) / Department Chair (AmE) |
зав. кафедрой (конкретной) | Head of the Department of / Chair of the Department of / |
зав. отделением | Head of the Division of / Department Head / Department Chair / |
заместитель декана | Associate Deans (Academic, Research) |
кафедра | Department / Sub-Department |
младший научный сотрудник | Research Assistant |
научно-исследовательский состав | Non-faculty teaching and research personnel |
научно-образовательный центр (НОЦ) | Research and Education Center |
научно-публицистический журнал | the Scientific and Socio-Political Journal |
научный сотрудник | Research Officer |
отдел госбюджетных фундаментальных и поисковых исследований | Department of State Budget Fundamental and Exploratory Research |
отдел | Department |
отделение | Division / Department |
первый проректор | Provost |
преподаватель кафедры | Lecturer at the Department of (academic position), Instructor (sometimes "Lecturer") |
проректор | Pprorector / vice-chancellor / head of university assistant |
проректор по учебной, научной, международной работе, по финансовой деятельности | Vice-rectors (Academic, Research, Financial, Foreign Activity) |
руководитель отдела | Head (Director) of the administrative department |
старший научный сотрудник | Senior Research Officer (fellow) |
старший преподаватель | Senior Lecturer Lecturer (working time is divided equally between research and teaching (it can be both Professor or Dozent), Senior instructor (sometimes "Lecturer") |
ученое звание | Academic rank |
факультет | Faculty |
Exercise 1.2.3