Перфектные формы длительного вида

Perfect Continuous
Person/ number Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous
I ‘я’ have been working ‘работаю’ had been working ‘работал, проработал’ shall/will have been working ‘буду работать’
you ‘ты’ have been working ‘работаешь’ had been working ‘работал’ will have been working ‘будешь работать’
he/she/it ‘он, она, оно’ have been working ‘работает’ had been working ‘работал (-а, -о)’ will have been working ‘будет работать’
we ‘мы’ have been working ‘работаем’ had been working ‘работали’ shall/will have been working ‘будем работать’
you ‘вы’ have been working ‘работаете’ had been working ‘работали’ will have been working ‘будете работать’
they ‘они’ have been working ‘работают’ had been working ‘работали’ will have been working ‘будут работать’


Форма Present Perfect Continuous употребляется для обозначения:

· длительного действия, которое началось в прошлом, продолжалось какое-то время и закончилось к моменту речи: I am tired. I have been working on the computer all day ‘Я устал. Я весь день работал за компьютером’;

· длительного действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается в момент речи: I have been working on the computer since 10 o'clock ‘Я работаю за компьютером c 10 часов’;

· повторяющегося действия, продолжающегося в течение периода времени: I have been working on this computer for 10 months ‘Я работаю за этим компьютером 10 месяцев’.





Упр. 40. Соотнесите предложение на английском языке с соответствующим ему предложением на русском языке (например: 1 – f).

1 – f The students will write a test … a. Студенты пишут тест (сейчас).

2 – The students have written a test ... b. Студенты напишут тест (до

конца урока).

3 – The students were writing a test … c. Студенты писали тест (вчера).

4 – The students have been writing d. Студенты написали тест (уже).

a test ...

5 – The students will be writing a test ... e. Студенты будут писать тест

(через час).

6 – The students write a test ... f. Студенты напишут тест (завтра).

7 – The students will have written g. Студенты писали тест (в 9:00

a test ... утра).

8 – The students wrote a test ... h. Студенты пишут тест (часто).

9 – The students are writing a test … i. Студенты пишут тест (c 9:00



Упр. 41.Определите видовременную форму английского глагола-сказуемого и соотнесите цифру с буквой (например: 1 – b).

1 – b The students will have written a test ... a. Будущее неопределенное время

2 – The students will be writing a test ...b. Будущее перфектное время

3 – The students write a test ... c. Будущее перфектное-продол-

женное время

4 – The students wrote a test ... d. Будущее продолженное время

5 – The students will write a test … e. Настоящее неопределенное


6 – The students were writing a test … f. Настоящее перфектное время

7 – The students had written a test … g. Настоящее перфектное-про-

долженное время

8 – The students have written a test ... h. Настоящее продолженное


9 – The students have been writing i. Прошедшее неопределенное

a test ... время

10 – The students are writing a test ... j. Прошедшее перфектное время

11 – The students had been writing k. Прошедшее перфектное-про-

a test … долженное время

12 – The students will have been writing l. Прошедшее продолженное

a test ... время

Упр. 42.Определите выделенную глагольную форму. Предложения переведите.

1. How time flies! At this time yesterday we were swimming in the Black Sea. 2. Her brothers always tellthe truth, she sometimes lies. 3. I haven't heard of him since 1995. 4. You will never knowEnglish well if you don't work hard. 5. On that day Tom camehome early from work. 6. Where were you hurrying when I met you? 7. Tom has just returned from the USA. 8. Alice is talkingon the phone. She has been talking for half an hour already. 9. She understood the text after she had read it a second time. 10. She phoned and called a taxi. 11. I am not sure I will have translated the text by Friday. 12. My teacher said it was a very good story. 13. She visitsher doctor every month. 14. Nick said he hadseen a ghost. 15. Will they be meeting you at the station? 16. Yesterday I found the book I had been looking for so long. 17. Perhaps he will come next week. 18. They will have done everything by Sunday. 19. He will be preparing for the exam all day tomorrow. 20. It will bewonderful, if he wins the competition. 21. No one has lived in that house for many years. 22. When Dave enteredthe room, Sally was reading a letter.

Упр. 43.Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму Past Indefinite. Сверьтесь с таблицей нестандартных глаголов. Предложения переведите.

1. There isn't a cloud in the sky, but it (be) cloudy in the morning. 2. Mrs. Clay usually finishes her work at half past three, but she (finish) it later yesterday afternoon. 3. Every day I help Mom about the house, but last week I was very busy with my exam. So I (not/help) her much. 4. Tom isn't playing tennis tomorrow afternoon, he (not/play) tennis yesterday. 5. We generally have lunch at 12.30, but yesterday we (have lunch) later. 6. Now my brother smokes a lot, but he (not/ smoke) before. 7. My Dad always goes to work by car, but last week he (go) to work on foot. 8. The weather is nice today, but it (be) bad yesterday. 9. We seldom watch television, but last week we (watch) a lot of interesting programmes. 10. I sleep well, but last night I (not/sleep) at all. 11. Usually my brother comes home from school at 2.00 p.m., but last week he was on duty and (come) home a little later. 12. I walked quickly because I (feel) cold. 13. It (take) him two hours to get to London. 14. My husband (speak) to his boss last week. 15. As soon as the bus (stop), Jill (get off). 16. Three weeks ago they (leave) for Moscow. 17. How you (cut) your finger? 18. When you (write) to your parents last?


Упр. 44.Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную видовременную форму (Present Indefinite or Present Continuous). Предложения переведите.

1. The professor (speak) five foreign languages. 2. Now he (speak) Dutch. 3. I usually (drive) to my work. 4. Be careful! You (drive) too fast. 5. You (eat) fruit every day? 6. What's the name of the fruit you (eat) with such pleasure? 7. She (not un­derstand) what the teacher (explain) now. 8. I generally (feel) well in winter but right now I (feel) miserable. 9. Paul (hate) it when it (rain) outdoors. 10. The concert (take) place on Saturday. 11. It's a national holiday today. The bank (work)? 12. Nelly, why you (hurry) so much? – My plane (leave) at 7 o'clock.

Упр. 45.Переведите следующие предложения. Объясните употребление нас­тоящего времени вместо будущего.


1. If the weather is fine they will be able to spend a lot of time in the village. 2. If you go by train it will take you about twenty hours. 3. If he leaves for Moscow in the morning he'll be here by tomorrow afternoon. 4. I will read your article as soon as I have time. 5. He wil1 answer their letter at once if they write to him. 6. I'l1 begin to study a foreign language when they take me to their office. 7. As soon as I finish my work I'll leave the city. 8. If we have time we shall go to the theatre tonight. 9. If we don't hurry, we'll be late for this meeting. 10. The students will ask their teacher's advice when they meet at the seminar. 11. If you see George tomorrow, tell him I want to have a word with him. 12. What will he do, if he doesn't get their answer? 13. We will go skiing tomorrow unless it rains. 14. They won't return in time unless they hurry. 15. He will finish the work before we return. 16. He will work at a foreign company after he graduates. 17. I will give you this video cassette if you return it next week. 18. I am sure they will understand their task after you describe the situation again.

Упр. 46.Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную видовременную форму (Future Indefinite or Present Indefinite). Предложения переведите.

а) 1. If you (not be) at home by six, I (eat) without you. 2. If Mother (not go) to the market early, she (not get) fresh fish. 3. If nothing (go wrong), they (deliver) the furniture today. 4. I (take) an umbrella in case it (rain). 5. If the situation (get) worse, I (lose) my job.

b) 1. He (become) an architect after he (graduate) from the University. 2. I (have) to stop my daughter before she (get) into trouble. 3. The information (study) carefully as soon as it (deliver). 4. The weather certainly (change) for the better after the rain (stop) and the sky (clear up).

с) 1. The secretary (want) to know if the new head (make) any changes. 2. Tell me if you (finish) your book in summer and when exactly you (do) it. 3.People standing on the bus stop (wonder) if it (stop) raining soon. 4. Nobody (know) if he (keep) his promise. 5. It's interesting if he (be) late again. 6. Tell me the exact time when they (come).

d) 1. Nobody knows if something (change) radically after he (make) his deci­sion. 2. Tell us if you (come back) when she (need) your help. 3. Marina (ask) if she (get) the job as soon as she (learn) the language. 4. We (not know) yet if we (get) our visas, but as soon as they (give) we (see) London. 5. I (take) all the files with me in case my boss (need) them. 6. I wonder if the plane (come) on time if the weath­er (change) for the worse.


Упр. 47.Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную видовременную форму (Past Indefinite or Past Continuous). Предложения переведите.

1. I (sit) on the bench for half an hour and then (begin) read­ing a book. 2. – You (see) him this morning? – Yes. He (stand) in the hall laughing. 3. The businessman (fly) to England yesterday. 4. We (walk) in silence for 5 minutes, then he (speak). 5. He (not like) to play while others (work). 6. Sorry, what you (say)? I (not listen). 7. Why you (make) so many mistakes in the last test? – I (think) about my boyfriend. 8. When the taxi (arrive) I still (pack) my things. 9. When the telephone (ring) I (wash up) and (ask) Mary to answer the call. 10. What Father (do) while Mother (wash up)? 11. Ann (look for) her cat in the garden at about that time. 12. They (leave) the house when we (arrive). 13. He (invite) me to the theatre and I (accept) the invitation with pleasure. 14. When I (come) to the theatre my friend already (wait) for me.

Упр. 48.Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму Present Perfect. Сверьтесь с таблицей нестандартных глаголов (см. III форму в приложении 1). Предложения переведите.

1. I'm afraid I (forget) my book at home. 2. … the secretary (yet/come)? 3. I (learn) the rhyme. Сould you listen to me? 4. … you (ever/be) to Italy? 5. They (already/inform) me about the accident. 6. He is the most handsome man I (ever/know). 7. Kevin (already/leave) for Manchester. 8. He (not/receive) any letters from her this week. 9. I (not/hear) from him since he left Paris. 10. I (not/see) Tom for 5 years. 11. … you (have) a holiday this year? 12. We (see) some good films recently. 13. They (wait) for you for half an hour. 14. Mom (have) a headache since she came from the theatre. 15. Alan (work) in the bank for a year. 16. Granny (be) ill for a week. 17. … you (ever/ride) a horse? 18. Sue (not/take) a lot of drugs since she joined the health club.

Упр. 49.Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную видовременную форму (Past Indefinite or Present Perfect). Предложения переведите.

1. He (forget) his French since he (leave) Paris. 2. Years ago he (be) very poor, and (not know) how to live. He (become) very rich now. 3. I can get to my work easily now, as I (buy) a new car. 4. He is a man who (live) a remarkable life. 5. What you (do) last night? 6. I (get) a fax from Boston an hour ago, but I (not answer) it yet. 7. She (learn) to play chess when she (be) 16, but she (not play) much since then. 8. I (have) my teddy bear since my parents (give) it to me. 9. Yesterday I (work) on my computer for four hours, but I (not print) the material yet. 10. I (live) in London for seven years and now I miss it a lot. 11. Dickens (begin) to write when he (be) very young. 12. The rain (stop) and the sun is shining in the sky now. 13.You ever (spend) your holidays in the Crimea? 14. The lecture (not/begin) yet and the students are talking in the classroom.

Упр. 50.Заполните пропуски словами for, since или ago. Предложения переведите.

1. Dad isn't at home. He went to the work an hour … . 2. Jill hasn't been there... three years. 3. – Is it snowing? – Yes, it started two hours ... . 4. They have lived there … 1984. 5. They got that flat twelve years … . 6. We haven't seen each other … 5 years. 7. I phoned him two days … . 8. Our family haven't heard from him … five months. 9. Oh, John! As usual you are late. I've been waiting for you … 9 a.m. 10. He has worked for this company … April. 11. I haven't spoken to Mary … Christmas. 12. Two years … Deny bought a new car. 13. We have been waiting here now … an hour. 14. I haven't seen your brother … some time. 15. He has been working hard … he entered the University. 16. My friend has been learning Spanish … three years. 17. I sent a letter to my parents a week … . 18. … when have you been working for this company?

Упр. 51.Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную видовременную форму (Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous). Предложения переведите.

1. He (play) the piano since six o'clock in the morning. He only just (stop). 2. – What you (do) up to now? – Nothing special, but I (cook) dinner. 3. The police (not find) the criminal yet. They (look) for him since Saturday. 4. Ann (fail) her exam three times because she is so bad at doing sums. But she (practice) for a week now, I hope she will pass it in the end. 5. I know him well. I (know) him since our childhood. 6. Where you (put) my keys? I can't find them. 7. Your eyes are red. You (cry)? 8. Do you think George (finish) the translation? He (write) for so long! 9. I think I can smell smoke on Debbie's clothes. I'm sure she (smoke). 10. Here you are! I (look for) you everywhere. Where you (be)? 11. – Since when (sit) her? Have you (wait) long? – For three hours. 12. He (have) a very interesting and brilliant career. 13. I (see/not) Philip since his wedding day. 14. She (play) chess since she was nine. 15. I bought a new car last summer but I (not/sell) my old car yet, so now I’ve got two cars.


Упр. 52.Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную видовременную форму (Past Indefinite or Past Perfect). Предложения переведите.

1. The teacher was a stranger to me. I … never (see) her before. 2. The house was very quiet when I (get) home. 3. We (feel) hap­pier when they (leave). 4. She (give) him the book his teacher (recommend). 5. They (finish) the translation by five o'clock. 6. Tom wasn't at home when I (arrive). He just (go) home. 7. Margaret was late for work. Her friend (be) very surpris­ed. She … never (be) late before. 8. By the time we (arrive), the party (finish). 9. I (not/can) buy the record because I (lose) the money. 10. When we (buy) the house, it (be) empty for sev­eral years. 11. When he (write) and (send) the letter he (feel) better. 12. They (to complete) the test when the teacher (come). 13. The typist (type) the article by 5 o'clock. 14. More than a year (pass) since I first (meet) him. 15. The whole family (go) to bed when Tom (return).16. I (not/go) to the museum with my group because I (be) there before.