Упр.16. Выразите несогласие со своим собеседником.

Model: - You came home late yesterday.

- But I didn’t come late. I came at 9 o’clock.


1. You got up very late yesterday. - …

2. You spent too much money at the shop yesterday. - …

3. You forgot to write a greeting card to your granny. - …

4. You forgot to clean your teeth in the morning. - …

5. You missed your classes yesterday. - …

6. You went to bed too late yesterday. - …

7. You told me a lie. - …

8. You got a bad mark yesterday. - …

9. She bought a new dress. - …

10. They invited us to the concert. - …


Упр.17. Постарайтесь оправдаться перед своим другом.

Model: - I didn’t receive any letters from you last month.

- But I wrote you last week.

1. You didn’t ring me up yesterday.

2. You didn’t help me to clean the classroom.

3. You didn’t read the book.

4. You didn’t go to the Institute yesterday.

5. You didn’t return me the book.

6. You didn’t tell me about your travelling.

7. You didn’t tell us about your marriage.

8. You didn’t take part in the competition last time.

9. You didn’t bring a present to me for my birthday.

10. You didn’t enjoy our party.


Упр.18. Cпросите своего товарища, как он провел вчерашний день.

    When What How How many lessons What lessons What mark With whom Why   did   you     get up have for breakfast get to the Institute have do at the lessons get meet have lunch come home do in the evening do your homework go to bed   yesterday?  

Упр. 19*. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.


1. I went to the cinema yesterday.

2. He sent a telegramme to his uncle.

3. My brother took part in the chess tournament.

4. We swam in the lake last summer.

5. She came in time.

6. He smoked too much during the party.

7. It rained two days ago.

8. It snowed yesterday.


1. It was cold yesterday.

2. She was at the party.

3. I was happy.

4. There were two books in the bag.

5. We were at the lesson.

6. It took us 20 minutes to write the letter.

7. It took her much time to find the book.

Упр. 20.* Задайте как можно больше вопросов к предложениям, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию.

1. I bought some clothing yesterday.

2. She was ill.

3. He invited me for lunch.

4. They were at the lecture.

5. I went to Moscow in summer.


Упр. 21.* Перепишите следующие тексты, описывая события, которые произошли вчера.


1. On Monday we have four lessons. The first lesson is English. At this lesson we read and translate texts, speak English and answer the teacher’s questions. I get only good marks at the English lessons. After classes I go to the canteen and have lunch there. I eat soup and drink a cup of tea. I do not drink coffee. Then I go to the library, take some books there and work in the reading-hall. I come home at 7 o’clock. After supper I watch TV and help my mother about the house. I go to bed at 10 o’clock.



1. Boris wakes up when it is already quite light. He looks at his watch. It is a quarter to seven. Boris jumps out of bed and runs to the bathroom. He has a cold shower and drinks a cup of tea with a sandwich. He is in a hurry to catch an eight o’clock train. At the railway station he meets three other boys from his group. They all have backpacks with them. In less than an hour they get off the train at a small station near a wood. They walk very quickly and soon find themselves on the shore of a large lake. The boys spend the whole day there. They return home late at night, tired but happy.


Упр. 22*. Раскройте скобки, относя все действия к прошлому.

1. Tom (not\to shave) in the morning because he (not\to have) time.

2. We (not\to eat) anything because we (not\to be) hungry.

3. She (not\to be) interested in the book because she (not\to

understand) it.

4. I (to meet) them at the station yesterday.

5. He (to begin) to study German when he (to be) at school.

6. The child (to break) a cup and his mother (to punish) him.

7. He (to invite) us to his house and (to show) the garden.

8. We (not\to know) where to go as nobody (to tell) us the way.

9. The weather (to be) fine and we (to drive) out of town.

10. I (to visit) my grandparents and (to bring) them some fruit.