We should never judge people by their external appearance.

It is human nature to judge others by their physical appearance. In fact, people often aren’t aware they are making assumptions based on looks, which define our relationship choices and even determine how much money we make and what job we get.

Social scientists say our snap judgments on appearance are our brain’s trying to make sense of a lot of information as quickly as possible. In ancient times the ability to decide if someone was dangerous or not based on his appearance could mean life or death.

As time progresses, generations become more superficial. Nowadays people’s appearance doesn’t attest to their hidden inside world at all. Every other week we hear about some new fad diet, juice cleanse or skincare treatment. It’s completely acceptable for people to want to take care of themselves, as your outward appearance is a reflection of your own self-image.

However, if you start judging by the way people look, you may easily get caught up in a gilded lifestyle. Our appearance doesn’t show completely our characteristics and knowledge. All too often we can see guys fawning over women who have nothing to offer aside from their good looks. They jump through hoops as they try to impress these women. They buy them drinks, take them out to dinners and shower them with attention. But what does it all mean when a guy tries to fill this void with hollow hopes and empty optimism?

One of the worst things you can do is blind yourself to the truth and idealize a woman simply because she’s hot. You don’t see the girl for who she is, but rather, who you want her to be. Also, just because somebody is ugly it doesn't mean that he hasn’t got a sparkling personality. As is well known ugly people have the exact same chance of being a wonderful person as a beautiful person does. There are a lot of attractive people who are very nice, down to earth and intelligent and a lot of "ugly" people there who have the same qualities. There are also a lot of people, ugly or attractive who are just real jerks. The best variant is to find someone who is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.



1. Find English equivalents to following Russian words and phrases:

суждение, осознавать, судить о ком-либо по внешнему виду, внешний, делать предположение (допускать), определять, зарабатывать деньги, причудливая диета, быть приемлемым для, заботиться о ком-либо, способность, поспешный (скоропалительный), основываться на чём-либо, опасный, идеализировать кого-либо, поверхностный, свидетельствовать о чём-либо, модный (скоропроходящий), отражение, показной, стелиться перед кем-либо (*), производить впечатление на кого-либо, лезть из кожи вон, ложные надежды, обмануться (войти в заблуждение), ничтожество