Если же первая часть представляет собой отрицательное предложение, то вторая часть будет в утвердительной форме.

positive negative   negative positive
You like it, I gave it to you, He’s upstairs, You’ve got a pet, I can borrow it, You have to go, don’t you? didn’t I? isn’t he? haven’t you? can’t I? don’t you?     She doesn’t look well, It didn’t hurt, They aren’t Scottish, I haven’t told you, She mustn’t touch it, She doesn’t have to go, does she? did it? are they? have I? must she? does he?

Необходимо помнить при ответах на разделительные вопросы, что существует расхождение в употреблении Yesи Noв английском языке и Да и Нет в русском языке.

You readnewspapers, don`t you?

· Yes, I do. – Да, читаю.

· No, I don`t. – Нет, не читаю.


You don`t read newspapers, do you?

· Yes, I do. – Нет, читаю.

· No, I don`t. – Да, не читаю.







  1. “It is/ This is “       “isn`t it?”       This is a good flat, isn`t it?    
  2. “There is/ are”   “isn`t/ aren`t there?”   There are two rooms in your flat, aren`t there?
  3. “I am” “I am not”   “ aren`t I?” “am I?”   I am right, aren`t I?
  4. “I used to”   “didn`t I” He used to eat a lot of sweets, didn`t he?
  5. Imperative   “Will you/won`t you?”   Close the door please, will you/won`t you? Don`t interrupt me, will you?  
  6. “Let`s”   “shall we?”   Let`s forget it, shall we?  
  7. “Let me/him/her”,etc   “will you/ won`t you?”   Let me buy some sweets, will you/won`t you?
  8. “don`t”/ “doesn`t” “won`t”     “do you?”/ “does he?” “will you?”   You don`t swim, do you? You won`t be late, will you?
  9. “I have got”   “ haven`t I”   He has got a large house, hasn`t he?
  10. “You have”   “don`t you?”   You have dinner at 3 o`clock, don`t you?  
  11.Everyone/ someone/ anyone/ no one   “auxiliary verb + they?”   Everyone knows about it, don`t they?



Exercise 1.Ask disjunctive questions.

Example: There is a plate on the table. - There is a plate on the table, isn`t there?


1. There are no glasses on the table.

2. There are six chairs at the table.

3. There are two forks and knives on the table.

4. There are no young men at table.

5. You have got some new cups.

6. The students are I n the hall.

7. This is a good fountain pen.

8. My father is not at home now.

9. Let`s go to the party tonight.

10. Don`t be late.

11. We could turn down the road.

12. She is perfectly willing to listen to reason.

13. There was no national election last month.

1. It isn`t cold, 2. The police caught him 3. You stole it, 4. They won`t tell anyone, 5. It`s Thursday today 6. There`s no proof, 7. You didn`t say that, 8. They should be late, 9. You`ve got two sisters, 10. He`s spoken to her, 11. They aren`t French, 12. Please help me, 13. The`re working hard, 14. He loves you, 15. We`re late, A) …did you? B) …isn`t it? C) …aren`t we? D)….aren`t they? E)…didn`t they? F)…is it? G)…can you? H)…doesn`t he? I)…didn`t you? J)…is there? K)…shouldn`t they? L)…hasn`t he? M)…will they? N)…are they? O)…haven`t you?

Exercise 2.Match question tags with the following statements.



Exercise 3.Inspector Gray has just stopped Harry Nose, a well-known bank robber. Complete his questions and add Harry’s answers.


G: Harry Nose! You know me, don’t you? H: Yes, I do.

G: This isn’t your car, ….. ? H: ….. .

G: You stole it, …..? H: …… .

G: You are not telling me the truth, …..? H: ….. .

G: You’ve just come back from Hull, ….. ? H: ….. .

G: And there were two other people with you, …..? H: ….. .

G: So you don’t know anything about the bank robbery there last night, …..?

H: ….. .

G: And it wasn’t you who robbed the bank, …..? H: ….. .

G: I suppose you’ve got a good alibi, …..? H: ….. .

G: What is it then?

H: Well, Inspector. I only came out of prison this morning!





TASK I. Put questions to the words in bold type:

1) I am looking at him.

2) Petrov is a doctor.

3) They are talking about the international situation.

4) They are painters.

5) That is my sister’s dog.

6) Some English books are lying on the table.

7) The children are sitting under the tree.

8) He is waiting for me.

9) Mr. A. called you up.

10) We saw Mr. A. yesterday.

11) That man is Ivanov.

12) That book is mine.

13) I bought some red pencils yesterday.

14) These boys are my brothers.

15) May is the fifth month of the year.

16) I rang up my sister.

17) The dining room is the largest room in our house.

18) The handbag is made of leather.

19) The man asked for a cup of tea.

20) He has bought a gold watch.

21) He dictated the letter to the secretary.

22) This telegram is from my father.

23) Mathematics is the the most difficult subject that I study.


TASK II.Read the story about Samuel Johnson, the famous English writer and

author of the famous Dictionary of the English Language. Ask questions of different types so as to cover the contents.


From time to time Samuel Johnson liked to do his shopping himself.

One day he went to a fish market to buy some fish for his dinner. He asked a fishwoman for a fresh trout but the trout she showed to his didn’t look fresh at all, and he didn’t want to take it. This made the fishwoman very angry and she shouted some rude words at Johnson. In answer he called her a verb, a noun, an adjective and an adverb. The fishwoman didn’t know these words, but she was sure they were rude ones, and they made her angrier than ever.

TASK IV.Translate into English.


1.Вы решили, где будете проводить каникулы?

2.Сколько тебе было лет, когда ты начал учить французский?

3. Когда будет опубликована твоя статья о проблемах окружающей среды?

4. Кто эта девушка, которую мы вчера встретили в театре?

5. В каждой семье есть свои секреты. Кому ты можешь доверить свои?

6. Что у нас сегодня на десерт: фрукты или мороженое?

7. Почему вы кричите на меня? Что случилось? Я ничего плохого не сделал.

8. Посмотри! Идет сильный снег. Давай останемся дома, хорошо?

9. Когда он уезжает в Западную Европу? Он еще не решил.

10. Почему ты не сказал, что у нас нет хлеба?

11. Не лги мне, хорошо? Куда он уехал ?

12.Гид предложил туристам поездку в Ноттингем или в Лондон?

13.Вы ждали меня в 5 часов? Да ждал.

14.Сейчас вечер. Почему ты пьешь так много кофе?

15.Они сейчас смотрят телевизор или слушают музыку?

16.Дождь вчера шел целый день, не так ли?

17. Мы собираемся пойти в кино, если купим билеты?

18. Куда ты ходишь чаще: в кино или на концерты?