Конструкция «сложное дополнение» с инфинитивом или причастием
Инфинитив употребляется, если говорящий наблюдал (воспринимал) все действие полностью или последовательность действий (одно за другим):
I never heard Nelly sing.
Никогда не слышал, чтобы Нелли пела.
We saw him cross the room and open the window.
Мы видели, что он пересек комнату и открыл окно.
Конструкция «сложное дополнение» с причастием употребляется, если говорящий наблюдает действие частично или несколько действий одновременно:
I saw Jane speaking to a stranger.
Я видел, как Джейн разговаривала с незнакомцем.
We herd the children crying and laughing.
Мы слышали, как дети кричат и смеются.
Participle IIв конструкции «сложное дополнение» употребляется после глаголов to want, to wish, to desire, to find, to consider, to make, to see, to notice, to hear, to watch, to feel, to get, to have, to keep:
I want the room aired.Я хочу, чтобы комнату проветрили.
He saw the boxes loaded.Он увидел, что ящики погрузили.
She heard her name mentioned.Она услышала, что назвали ее имя.
Exercise 23. Choose the correct form (Infinitive without to or –ing form) of the verbs:
Student A: Student B:
1. Have you ever heard Mary…? She has got a very good voice. (sing)
2. Did you see him…off the ladder? It was terrible! (jump)
3. Did you glimpse John’s car…past me? (race)
4. Did you really see a boy…flowers in your garden? (pick)
5. Do you think that the boss notice you…the office early last night? (leave)
Exercise 24. Open the brackets using the Infinitive or Participle I.
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1. She could almost hear his mind (work).
2. When they saw me (come), they stood up.
3. I failed to see the guests (leave).
4. I looked out of the window and saw the rain (pour) down on the garden.
5. They heard a key (turn) in a lock.
6. I am still waiting for somebody (appear).
7. After an hour's rest I felt the tensions of the workday (disappear).
8. She glanced back and saw the stranger (follow) her slowly.
9. I saw the cup (slip) from her hand and (fall) to the floor.
10. Helen found her friends (have) a surprise party.
Exercise 25. Translate into Russian:
a) Я видел, как они подходили к дому.
Я видел, как они подошли к дому.
b) Мы видели, как вы переходили улицу.
Мы видели, как вы перешли улицу.
c) Она видела, как я открывал окно.
Она видела, как я открыл окно.
d) Я слышал, как она рассказывала ему об этом.
Я слышал, как она сказала ему об этом.
e) Я видел, как он выходил из комнаты.
Я видел, как она погасила свет и вышла из комнаты.
Exercise 26. Point out the Complex Objects with the Participle II. Translate the sentences into Russian:
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1. He had his luggage sent to the station.
2. How often do you have your carpets cleaned?
3. Have you got your watch repaired?
4. We decided to have our photos taken after the final exam.
5. Get the rooms dusted and aired by the time they arrive.
6. I haven't had my nails polished yet.
7. I'm having a new dress made.
8. He thought it necessary to have the ceiling of the room whitewashed.
9. They found the door locked.
10. He heard his name called from behind.
Exercise 27. Recast the following sentences so as to use predicative constructions instead of subordinate clauses.
Student A: Student B:
1. I found that the door was unlocked.
2. They considered that the plan had been lost.
3. It seemed that she was greatly worried.
4. It appeared that Leila was calmed and delighted.
5. It turned out that the letter had been signed.
6. We found that the letter had been burnt
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Exercise 28. Make up 2 or 3 questions using the following constructions with Participle II. Let your fellow-students answer your questions.
Student A: Student B:
1. to have one's hair cut;
2. to have one's picture taken;
3. to have one's TV repaired;
4. to have one's room papered;
5. to have one's hair waved;
6. to have one's shoes mended;
7. to have a new dress made;
8. to have one's nails done;
9. to have one's report typed;
10. to have one's mail sent;
Exercise 29.Read the following dialogue and point out predicative constructions with Participle II. Make up your own dialogues using predicative constructions with Participle II.
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Nora: It's Peter's birthday the day after tomorrow. I've had a new suit made for him to wear at his party.
Harry: Are we going to have a lot of his friends here?
Nora: Oh, yes, didn't I tell you?
Harry: Are you going to cook all the cakes yourself?
Nora: Some of them. And the rest I shall have done by a shop. Oh, I must get the carpets beaten before the party.
Robert: And Dad, will you have the tape-recorder mended by Friday?
Harry: Well, why don't you have it mended yourself, Robert? Didn't you have it mended last time it broke?
Nora: What do you want the tape-recorder for on Friday?
Robert: We shall have to use it for the dancing.
Harry: What, dancing half the night? Then I see what I shall have to do!
Nora: What's that, Harry?
Harry: I must have a bed made up for me at the club, and spend the night there.
Exercise 30. Answer the following questions:
Student A: Student B:
1. How often do you have your hair cut?
2. When did you last have your hair died?
3. Where did he have his watch repaired?
4. How often do you have your teeth examined?
5. Where does she have her clothes made?
6. When will they have this job done?
7. When did he have his suit cleaned?
8. Where can I have my coat shortened?
Exercise 31. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the model, watch the difference in meaning:
Student A: Student B:
1. She wants to shorten her dress.
2. He wants his dinner to be served at 5.
3. They’ll discuss the problem at the meeting.
4. When does he want to send the telegram?
5. We want to finish the work by Monday.
6. I want to do my hair in another style.
7. My hair has grown long. Will you to cut it?
8. He has a terrible toothache. He wants the doctor to pull out his tooth.
9. My watch is 5 minutes slow. Who can repair it?
10. His suit is already dirty. It needs cleaning.
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