So, I can come to the conclusion that ...


1. mental and moral nature or qualities that make one person, race (nation) etc. different from others;

2. the set of characteristics differing one person from another

3. moral strength

4. reputation

1. Character is …/associated with …

- fate

- individuality

- rock

- doom

- destiny

- fortune

- luck

- penalty/ punishment

- gift

- personal qualities

2. Character depends on …

- up-bringing

- inclinations

- living conditions

- wealth

- surroundings (parents, friends)

- genetic code

- heredity

- human nature

- health

- appearance

- geographical location/ climate

- personal efforts/the desire to be what you want to be

- education

- money

- success in life

- circumstances

- national history/ traditions

Exercise 2. Spell out the words according to the transcription.

[¸repju'teiSn] ['sə:kəmstəns] [feit]

[sək'ses] [du:m] [hə'redəti]

['destəni] [welθ] ['fo:tSən]

[¸inkli'neiSn] [lΛk] ['Λp¸briηiη]

['penlti] ['pΛniSmənt] [¸edju'keiSn]


Exercise 3. Fill in the table using the appropriate lexical units from the table.

умственная или моральная сущность/ природа  
набор характеристик  
моральная сила  
ассоциироваться с чем-то  
личные качества  
условия проживания  
человеческая природа  
генетический код  
географическое расположение  
национальная история  
зависеть от  
желание быть тем, кем ты хочешь  

Exercise 4. Study the difference between the notions and explain it.

* fate   1) судьба; доля, жребий, фатум 2)а) гибель, кончина, смерть б) бедствие, несчастье
* rock 1) рок, судьба, фатум, гибель
* doom   1) рок, судьба, фатум 2) гибель; кончина, смерть
* destiny   1) рок, судьба (как высшая сила) 2) удел, участь, жребий (предназначенное судьбой)
* fortune   1) некая высшая сила, управляющая судьбами людей, влияющая на течение жизни; осмысляется в двух ипостасях: сила, несущая добро - фортуна и сила, несущая зло - фатум 2) счастье; фортуна, счастливая судьба 3) удача, успех 4) богатство, состояние
* penalty 1) а) наказание; взыскание; штраф б)перен.неудобство, проблема, неприятность
* punishment   1) кара, наказание


Exercise 5. Study exercise 1 again and find 16 words relative to the topic “character”. Make up your own examples with them to illustrate their usage.


Exercise 6. Say what character is using the scheme below.

To my mind, character is ...

I suppose so because character is associated with ... and ...

We can’t but say this because ...

No doubt, character depends on ... and ... because ...

What’s more, it’s important to mention that ...

So, I can come to the conclusion that ...




“We know what we are, but

know not what we may be”.

W. Shakespeare

It’s a well-known fact that in order to get to know yourself better, we should learn more about the peculiarities of other people’s characters.

Exercise 1. Read the ideas people use to describe their own character and say whose personality appeals to you most of all.

Irene: “Well, actually it’s very difficult to speak about yourself. But still, I’ll try. I think I’m home-loving, kind and patient. I can get on with people well, because I always try to help them and they trust me. But sometimes I am lazy – I don’t want to do anything. And I guess Steve doesn’t like it very much.”


Steve: “I’m practical I think, because I always try to do the work that will help me in future. I’m also honest and I don’t like those people who lie to me, because I always notice it and tell them about it. That’s why they say that I’m tactless. I won’t argue, perhaps I am. What I don’t like about myself is that I’m sometimes bossy and Irene knows it very well. I am sorry.”


Jane: “Me? Ha! My mother says that I’m light-minded, because I do everything without thinking. I like to take risks, because I’m really risky. The feature of my character that I really hate is that I’m undisciplined and my mother is always angry with me about it. But I’m really hard-working. I try to do everything when I’m asked, but sometimes I just forget about it.”


Kate: “I’m very conservative, they say and I completely agree with them. I never change anything in my life: ideas, principles, and friends. And the proverb ‘’ Old friends and old wines are the best’’ is my motto. I don’t go out often as I like to stay at home with my relatives. People say that I’m shy. Is it really bad?”


George: “I’m very timid. I’m always afraid that people will laugh at me. I’m not very sociable. As I work in the Zoo, I prefer to spend time with my animals. I’m also very patient, because animals need care and attention. I like them very much and they know it.”


Mark: “I’m very active, although my parents say that I’m lazy, because I don’t like to do the things they want me to do. I think that I’m leading, because I want other people to follow me. They sometimes get offended with me and say that I’m rude. But I don’t think that I’m really that bad. I’m just very honest and I tell other people what I think about them. It’s natural, believe me. And if they don’t agree with me, it’s their problem.”

Natalie: “Hi! I’m Natalie. I have a lot of friends. But I can say that most of all I enjoy my own company. My brother believes that I’m rather self-centered and live only for myself. Do you consider it bad? I think selfishness is not so bad, because all people are selfish. The most important thing is being hard-working, thorough and ambitious. That’s why my friends say that I’m very reasonable and trustworthy.”


Andrew: “You might think that I boast, but I’d say that I’m really clever. I study a lot because I like it and I try to work hard to get good results. That’s why I think that I’m determined. I’m rather critical I’d say, because I like when everything is perfect. Do you still think that I boast?”


Exercise 2. Find in the opinions the ideas to say whether the following statements are true or false. If one is wrong, correct it.

1. Irene is very shy.

2. Steve is lazy.

3. Jane is risky.

4. Mark is a hard-working person.

5. Natalie is very self-centered.

6. Andrew is boastful.

7. Kate is very conservative.

8. George is kind.

9. People say that Steve is tactless.

10. People say that Jane is light-minded.

11. People say that Kate is unsociable.

12. People say that Irene is patient.

13. People say that Natalie is selfish.

14. People are sure that Mark is very polite.

15. People believe that Andrew is clever.

16. People are of the opinion that George is timid.


Exercise 3. Find in the opinions the ideas to explain

1. why people like Irene

2. why Kate stays at home often

3. why Natalie enjoys her own company

4. why Mark’s parents say that he is lazy

5. why Jane’s mother is often angry with her

6. how George spends his time

7. what kind of people Steve dislikes

8. why Andrew is very critical

9. what Steve doesn’t like in his girl-friend, according to her viewpoint

10. what Kate’s motto is

11. why Andrew studies a lot

12. why Steve thinks that he is very practical

13. why Natalie doesn’t think that she is selfish

14. why George spends more time with animals than with people

15. why Mark’s friends get offended

16. why Jane’s mother says that she is undisciplined


Exercise 4. Complete the given statements in writing, finding in the opinions the best continuation.

1. People are interested in Irene because ___________________________

2. People think that Steve is tactless because ________________________

3. Jane is very light-minded because _______________________________

4. Mark doesn’t agree with his parents because _______________________

5. Natalie has few friends because __________________________________

6. Andrew thinks that he is clever because ___________________________

7. Kate likes to stay at home because _______________________________

8. George is afraid of communicating with people because _______________

9. People don’t like Natalie because _________________________________

10. People are sure that Andrew boasts a lot because ____________________

11. Mark gets along badly with his friends because ______________________

12. Steve says that he’s practical because _____________________________

13. George spends his time with animals because _______________________

14. Mark is honest because ________________________________________


Exercise 5. Whose personality of the mentioned above appeals to you most? Follow the scheme to answer the question.

I’ve read ... descriptions of different characters.

I find the descriptions ... and ... .

First, ...’s personality appeals to me most of all.

... is ... and at the same time ... is ... .

It’s wonderful when one is ... and ... .

The only fault that I see here is ... .

I wouldn’t be able to communicate with the one who is ... or ... .

Besides, it also should be mentioned that ... is ... .

As for other people mentioned above, I like ... too.

His/ her ... draws my attention.

As for the rest of the people, I should say that I won’t mix with them as they are ... and ... .

Such people can irritate me as they are ... .

So, you see that ...’s personality attracts me.

So, you see that people’s personalities are different and we perceive one and the same person differently. But do other people see you as you see yourself?

It is no good looking into a mirror if you wish to see the person who is really you. The only real test is to see yourself in the same way as other people see you. The following quiz has been psychologically developed to help you do exactly that ...

Exercise 7.Work through this quiz with a partner. Count the results. Be ready to comment on them.

1. When do you feel yourself best:

Ø Soon after waking up? a

Ø During the afternoon and early evening? b

Ø Before you go to bed? c

2. Do you usually walk:

Ø Quite fast, with long, swinging steps? a

Ø Quite fast, but with short, quick steps? b

Ø Not very fast, with your head up, looking at the world? c

Ø Not very fast, with your head down? d

Ø Very slowly? e

3. When you are talking to people do you:

Ø Stand with your arms folded? a

Ø Stand with your hands together in front of you? b

Ø Stand with one or both hands on your hips? c

Ø Touch the person you are talking to? d

Ø Touch your ear or chin or smooth your hair? e

Ø Have something like a pencil or a cigarette in your hands? f

4. When you are relaxing, do you sit with:

Ø Your knees bent and your legs together? a

Ø Your legs crossed or wrapped round each other? b

Ø Your legs stretched straight out in front of you? c

Ø With one leg curled up underneath you? d

5. When you find something very funny, how do you react? Do you:

Ø Give a loud, appreciative laugh? a

Ø Laugh, but not very loudly? b

Ø Laugh softly, under your breath? c

Ø Give a very big smile? d

Ø Smile slowly? e

6. When you go to a party, do you:

Ø Make so much noise as you enter that everybody notices you? a

Ø Walk in quietly looking for someone you know? b

Ø Hope that nobody will see you walking in, so you can remain unknown? с

7. When you are interrupted while you are working hard, concentrating on something, do you:

Ø Feel pleased to be interrupted a

Ø Feel very irritated? b

Ø Or do you feel neither of these reactions very strongly? c

8. Which of the following colours do you like most:

Ø Red or orange? a

Ø White? b

Ø Black? c

Ø Dark blue or purple? d

Ø Yellow or light blue? e

Ø Brown, grey or violet? f

Ø Green? g

9. Just before you go to sleep, when you are lying in bed, do you lie:

Ø Flat out on your back? a

Ø Stretched out on your front? b

Ø On your side? c

Ø With your head under one arm? d

Ø With your head under the bedclothes? e

10. Do you often dream that you are:

Ø Falling? a

Ø Involved in a fight? b

Ø Looking for someone or something? c

Ø Liking your clothes off or with nothing on at all? d

Ø Flying or floating? e

Ø Do you dream rarely? f

Ø Or do you usually have nice pleasant dreams? g

1. A - 2 B - 4 C – 6        
2. A - 6 B - 4 C - 7 D - 2 E - 1    
3. A - 4 B - 2 C - 5 D - 7 E - 6 F - 1  
4. A - 4 B - 6 C - 2 D - 1      
5. A - 6 B - 4 C - 3 D - 5 E - 2    
6. A - 6 B - 4 C - 2        
7. A - 6 B - 2 C - 4        
8. A - 6 B - 2 C - 7 D - 3 E - 5 F - 1 G - 4
9. A - 7 B - 6 C - 4 D - 2 E - 1    
10. A - 4 B - 2 C - 3 D - 7 E - 5 F - 6 G - 1



Exercise 1. Study the given table and describe your friend’s character.

1. My friend was born in … and his/ her Zodiac sign is … · Capricorn · Aquarius · Pisces · Aries · Taurus · Gemini · Cancer · Leo · Virgo · Libra · Scorpio · Sagittarius
2. By nature my friend is … · kind · patient · hard-working · loyal · critical · creative · artistic · quiet · romantic · emotional · optimistic · pessimistic · brave · honest · serious · reliable · practical · careful · lively · selfish · generous · careless · greedy · sensitive
3. I like to be around her/ him because … · knows a lot of interesting stories · is an interesting person · has a good sense of humour · is the most amusing person in the world · has imagination and his/ her own style · is as good as gold · is always ready to help when I am in need
4. I always admire my friend for … · the way he/ she behaves · the ability to communicate with people · his/ her courage · the ability to cope with difficulties · his/ her optimism and sense of humour · his/ her outlook of life · the knowledge in different spheres · her/ his perfect character
5. To my mind, my friend has only one negative quality as he/ she … · is always late · has no sense of humour · spends too much money · doesn’t like changes · is very susceptible/ touchy · always gets into trouble · is not able to stand up for himself/ herself · is very self critical
6. But I am happy to have such a friend and I am sure he/ she will never … · betray me · gossip about me · mock at me · ridicule my weak points · neglect our friendship · leave me in troubles · lie to me
7. … is my bosom friend. I am sure we will … · be friends forever · never quarrel · go through fire and water together · always enjoy the time spent together

Exercise 2. Do you believe that your character or your friend’s character is determined by the stars? What astrological sign do you have? Say if you are typical of your sign or not. Use the words: extremely, not at all, quite/ fairly, a bit, rather, very. Follow the model if necessary.

M: - I think I’m quite happy and I’m rather emotional.

- I don’t think I’m very happy but I’m rather emotional.

Exercise 3. What astrological sign does your friend have? Describe him/ her using the tables.

Ø What qualities are typical of your friend?

Ø Do you like to communicate with him/ her?

Ø What do you value in your friend most of all?

Ø What don’t you like in your friend?

Ø Are you happy that you have such a friend? Why?

Exercise 4. Listen to the dialogue about people’s attitude to horoscopes and fill in the names of zodiac signs and the missing traits of character concerning Zodiac signs.

♪ Make sure you know the pronunciation of the following words and their Russian equivalents.

calm practical

concerning realistic

future reliable

imagine rise

late well-balanced

lonely zodiac sign




- Hi, Mark!

- Hi, Jane! What are you reading?

- It’s a horoscope for next year.

- Do you believe in horoscopes?

- Not really, but sometimes I have doubts about my future and I want to find out what will happen. Then I read horoscopes.

- I never read horoscopes. I don’t believe in what they say.

- What is your zodiac sign?

- _____________

- So you must be ___________, _______________, _______________ and rather __________. That’s why you don’t believe in horoscopes.

- That’s interesting. What else can you tell me about my personality?

- You are __________ and generally __________.

- And what about my future?

- You will be really ____________ this week. You will forget about important meetings and it’s not the best time to be _________. You have to start taking part in more activities – go on holiday.

- You know, it’s true that I have been feeling rather ___________ recently. But I can’t imagine myself being ___________. I never lose things or arrive late for meetings. What about my career?

- You will begin to look for a new job. You can start thinking about your future now.

- That’s amazing! I really want to change my job! My boss doesn’t want to give me a rise and I’m beginning to feel fed up with my work there.

- So, it’s high time you changed it.

- Thanks for the lesson, but I’m still not sure if I should start believing in horoscopes. What’s the time?

- It’s 6.40.

- What? I’m going to be late for the meeting concerning my new job!

- Didn’t I warn you?


Exercise 5. Supply the English equivalents for these sentences and check with the recording. Consult the previous dialogue if necessary.

1. Я (не) верю в гороскопы.

2. Самый подходящий момент, чтобы это изменить.

3. Что ты можешь мне сказать о моей личности?

4. Каков ваш знак зодиака?

5. Вы являетесь спокойным, рассудительным и реалистичным человеком.


Exercise 6. Listen to one more dialogue about people’s characters. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box below. Check your suggestions with the recording.

girl sister kind modest open count reliable trust hair different rude intolerant

- This is a nice party, isn’t it?

- Yes, it’s all right.

- Do you know that .......... over there?

- Yes, it’s Brian’s ............... .

- What is she like?

- She seems to be a very .................. person. She is very ................ and ............... to everybody. I think you can always .............. on her.

- I like ................. people.

- Yes, me too. And I think she is the kind of person you can always ................ .

- And do you know that girl over there?

- Which one? The one with short ..............?

- Yes.

- I know her, as well, but she is totally .................... .

- What do you mean?

- Well, she is very ............ and ................... . In fact, not many people like her.

- So what she is doing at this party?

- I’m asking myself the same question.


Exercise 7. Pair off. Suggest your own variant of the dialogue concerning horoscopes. Follow the one above as a model.

Exercise 8. Do you believe in horoscopes? Get ready with the utterance to stand your ground.




Why does a person behave in a particular manner? Psychology has its own opinion of this problem. Psychologists consider that only temperament determines our behaviour.

Do you know anything about the types of people’s temperaments? What’s your temperament like?

Exercise 1. Read the poem and comment on its message. Which type of the temperament is this person close to? How can you prove?

“The Pessimist”

Nothing to do but work,

Nothing to eat but food,

Nothing to wear but clothes,

To keep one from going nude.

Nothing to breathe but air,

Quick as a flash ‘tis gone;

Nowhere to fall but off,

Nowhere to stand but on.

Nothing to comb but hair,

Nowhere to sleep but in bed,

Nothing to weep but tears,

Nothing to bury but dead.

Nothing to sing but songs,

Ah, well, alas! alack!

Nowhere to go but out,

Nowhere to come but back.

Nothing to see but sights,

Nothing to quench but thirst,

Nothing to have but what we’ve got.

Thus through life we are cursed,

Nothing to strike but a gait;

Everything moves that goes.

Nothing at all but common sense

Can ever withstand these woes.

B.J. King

Exercise 2. Look on the figure which gives in brief outline the results of a large amount of research.

In the smaller circle at the centre you will see the four classical temperaments. You see that two of the temperaments, the choleric and the melancholic are opposed to the phlegmatic and the sanguine, in the sense that the former have strong emotions; are relatively unstable and neurotic, whereas the latter have rather less violent emotions and are more stable in their behaviour.

Exercise 3. a) How about the description of these four temperaments? Read an extract from the book “Fact and Fiction in Psychology” and fill in the following table: