Reading Comprehension Check
Discuss the following problematic issues with regard to American values and assumptions.
1. Nobody's going to hand you success on a silver platter.
2. "Equality of opportunity". Can there ever really be such a thing?
3. My father taught me to work, but not to love it. (Abraham Lincoln)
4. Why is it difficult to define an "average" American?
5. Explain the impact of immigration on American values and assumptions.
6. How do you explain the tremendous success in other countries of American TV shows and movies?
7. Make a list of characteristics that you personally consider typical of Americans. Discuss your views in class.
8. Do you believe that “there can be no freedom without discipline”.
9. What would you consider the greatest contribution the USA has made to the civilized world?
10. Do you agree that “the end justifies the means”.
11. Do you believe that “when prosperity knocks at the door, communication flies out of the window”.
Tasks and Exercises
1) Enlarge upon the following abstract notions that you come across in the text:
delayed gratifications
free enterprise economy
2) Complete the right-hand column of the chart given below. Match the US values with their counterparts from a mere traditional country:
Personal control over the environment/Responsibility
Change Seen as Natural and Positive
Time and its Control
Future Orientation
Action/Work Orientation
Directness/ Openness/ Honesty
Practicality/ Efficiency
3) Look through the following word-combinations and make sure that you can use them correctly:
1. to consider smth normal and right
2. to have control over smth
3. to look out for one's self-interests
4. to lie beyond the power of humans
5. to be strongly linked to progress and growth
6. to achieve some accomplishments
7. to be concerned with getting things accomplished
8. to be late for an appointment
9. to keep busy every minute
10. to work toward specific goals
11. to have an equal opportunity to succeed
12. to differ in opinion on (about) smth
13. to have an aversion to treating people in a deferential way
14. to be individualistic in one's thoughts and actions
15. to have a strongly negative connotation
16. to vote for a party
17. to take pride in claiming individualism
18. to pride oneself on doing smth
19. to take credit for one's accomplishments
20. to climb (move up) the difficult ladder of success
21. to bring out (the best/worst) in an individual
22. to devise an economic system
23. to foster competition
24. to devalue the past
25. to be unconscious of the present
26. to direct energy toward doing smth
27. to culminate in smth worthwhile
28. to schedule an active day-to day dream
29. to be addicted to one's work
30. to identify oneself wholly with a profession
31. to engage in physical labour
32. to be (dis)respectful of people
33. to call smb/ by his/her first name
34. to be honest in doing smth
35. to be shocked at American bluntness
36. to save (lose) face
37. to soften the blow of directness
38. to lose confidence in smb
39. to have a reputation for being practical and efficient people
40. to be given highest priority in making a decision
41. to contribute inventions to the world
42. 'trial-and-error' approach
43. to list solutions to any given problem
44. to result from hard work and serious intent
45. to collect material objects
46. to value newness and innovation