Оборот Complex Subject (Сложное подлежащее) состоит из грамматического подлежащего и инфинитива, стоящего после сказуемого, выраженного личной формой глагола.
Конструкция Complex Subject употребляется, когда сказуемое выражено:
1) глаголами: to advise, to allow, to ask, to believe, to consider, to expect, to feel, to find, to force, to hear, to instruct, to intend, to invite, to know, to leave, to let, to make, to mean, to order, to persuade, to report, to request, to require, to say, to see, to show, to surprise, to teach, to tell, to think, to understand, to watch и др. в форме Passive Voice.
The talks are expected to begin in March. | а) Ожидают, что переговоры начнутся в марте. б) Переговоры, как ожидают, начнутся в марте. |
Exercise 1. Read and translate the following sentences.
A. People are known to act guiltily when they are innocent. 2. Mr. Kent is believed to have survived the accident. 3. Who is supposed to be in charge of the expedition? 4. Young Roy was said to be very attractive to girls. 5. He wasn’t expected to inherit the family business. 6. The group was reported to have got in touch with some university professors. 7. Tom was considered to be the cleverest boy in his class. 8. The committee was thought to have made a thorough investigation.
B. 1. The marine species are said to have alteration of haploid and diploid generations. 2. The reduction is believed to be caused by the acids of cod liver oil. 3. Plants are known to absorb most of their nutrients from the soil solution. 4. This reaction is known to be unfavourable to the growth of higher plants. 5. Air is believed to be a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen with small amounts of other gases. 6. This phenomenon is believed to have taken place a few years ago. 7. Highly infectious virus diseases are now recognized to be transmitted by insects. 8. Wheat is said to have bean grown in China 3,000 years ago. 9. This scientist is said to have developed a new drought resistant variety of wheat. 10. This land is said to produce a good crop every year. 11. This soil is thought to contain much moisture. 12. Ground water was found to contain a great deal of impurities.
Exercise 2. Paraphrase the sentences using the Complex Subject.
1. It is reported that the talks were conducted in an atmosphere of friendship and deep understanding. 2. It is expected that the contacts between the two countries will develop. 3. It is supposed that the conference will open at the end of the week. 4. It is believed that the Congress will be attended by more than 250 representatives from various countries. 5. It was reported that the session would last for five days. 6. People consider the climate in the mountains to be very healthy. 7. It is known that newspapers in western countries publish a tot of sensational material. 8. They said that the book was remarkable for the scientist’s deep exploration of the subject.
Exercise 3. Translate these sentences into English using the Complex Subject.
1. Полагают, что он в Лондоне. 2. Ожидается, что зима в этом году будет холодная. 3. Говорят, что этот дом был построен около двухсот лет назад. 4. Полагают, что пожар начался ночью. 5. Полагали, что он уже уехал. 6. Известно, что он придерживается иного мнения по этому вопросу. 7. Сообщают, что экспедиция выехала 15 мая. 8. Ожидают, что договор будет подписан на этой неделе. 9. Предполагается, что он должен хорошо знать эту проблему. 10. Полагают, что они доберутся до места назначения вовремя.
2) глаголами to seem, to appear (казаться, по-видимому), to prove, to turn out, to come out (оказываться), to happen, to chance (случаться, случайно оказаться) в форме Active Voice.
This studentseemsto know two languages. | а) Кажется, что этот студент знает два языка. б) Этот студент, кажется, знает два языка. |
Перед глаголами to seem, to appear, to prove, to happenиногда стоит there:
Thereseemto be no changes in the results of the experiments. | Кажется, нет никаких изменений в результатах экспериментов. |
Exercise 4. Use the infinitive in brackets in the correct form.
1. He was told that his grandmother seemed (to feel) a little better. 2. The letter seemed (to write) years before. 3. Joe lost his chance again but didn’t seem (to care) much. 4. I seem (to hear) of it in some connection lately. 5. The editor didn’t seem (to listen) to me. 6. He seems (to be) very busy lately. 7. Jim seemed (to grow old) since that night.
Exercise 5. Read and translate the sentences.
A. 1. I’ll be happy if my suspicions prove to be wrong. 2. Did you happen to notice whether the window was open or shut? 3. She seemed to be unaware of the child’s presence. 4. The painter seemed to have lost all interest in his work. 5. Nobody appeared to have an answer to this question. 6. What a charming girl she has turned out to be!
B. 1. No other element seems to be more important to life than oxygen. 2. Many factors seem to be involved, but probably the most important of all is the relative length of day and night. 3. The theory seems to be supported by the fossil evidence. 4. The cell wall appears to be nonliving. 5. The method in question has proved to be unreliable. 6. The land seems to have been exhausted by the continued growing of this crop. 7. It did not seem that the treatment applied had affected the development of the plant. 8. The fertility of the nut trees appear to be improving due to the taken measures. 9. This drought appears to have damaged the crop very seriously. 10. Fur appears to be especially useful for keeping an animal warm.
Exercise 6. Translate the phrases in brackets.
1. You must forgive me (я, кажется, надоел вам) with the story of my life. 2. The course he had chosen ten years ago (оказался очень важным для него). 3. (Ты случайно не помнишь) the name of her father-in-law? 4. (Работа оказалась гораздо труднее) than we had supposed. 5. (Вы случайно не знаете) if they’ve reached an agreement?
Exercise 7. Translate these sentences into English.
1. Оказалось, что он уснул. 2. Кажется, они ждут вас внизу. 3. План оказался успешным. 4. Этот вопрос, кажется, очень важный. 5. Кажется, он знает все об этом деле. 6. Результаты эксперимента, казалось, огорчили их. 7. Он, казалось, не был удивлен новостью. 8. Оказывается, она знает его. 9. В этом журнале, кажется, есть много интересных статей. 10. Казалось, мальчик избегал этого разговора. 11. Ты случайно не знаешь, кто отвечает за эту работу? 12. Оказалось, что есть еще одно решение проблемы.
3) сочетаниями:
To be likely – вероятно, может быть | To be sure – конечно, несомненно |
To be not likely – маловероятно, не может быть | To be certain – наверное, oбязательно |
To be unlikely – вряд ли, едва ли |
The resultsare likelyto beeffective. | а). Вероятно, что эти результаты будутэффективны. б). Эти результаты, вероятно, будут эффективны. |
1. Отрицание.
The bookdoes not appearto be difficult. | По-видимому, эта книга нетрудная. |
This substanceis not consideredto impregnate the chromosome. | Не считают, что это вещество пропитывает хромосому. |
2. Существительное с предлогом, стоящее между первым и вторым членами составного сказуемого, относится к первому.
The nucleus was seen through a microscope to be an extremely complex structure. | Под микроскопом было видно, что ядро представляет собой чрезвычайно сложную структуру. |
3. Модальный глагол в обороте Complex Subject переводится на русский язык неопределенно-личным предложением.
These cellscan be shownto be disrupted. | Можно показать, чтоэти клетки разрушены. |
4. Конструкция Complex Subject в определительном придаточном предложении переводится следующим образом.
There are 23 amino acids whichare saidto occurfrequently in protein hydrolysates. | Есть 23 аминокислоты, которые, как говорят, часто встречаются в белках. |
5. Инфинитив, стоящий после Participle II или слов likely, sure, certain, переводится на русский язык так же, как конструкция Complex Subject в определительном придаточном предложении.
The booksaidto be necessary in our work can be borrowed from the library. | Книгу, которая, как говорят, необходима для нашей работы, можно взять из библиотеки. |
The conference likely to be attended by many foreign scientists will be held next year. | Конференция, на которой, вероятно, будут присутствовать многие иностранные ученые, состоится в будущем году. |
Exercise 8. Paraphrase the sentences using the Complex Subject.
1. It is a sure fact that Brian will succeed if he is given another chance. 2. It is certain that he’ll stick to his words. 3. It is not likely that anybody will help your nephew under the circumstances. 4. I’m sure they have lost touch with him. 5. Probably, Mr. Grand is taking a walk in the garden at this hour. 6. It is unlikely that he will look for trouble.
Exercise 9. Translate into Russian.
A. 1. Deserts are likely to provide a sufficiency of food. 2. In terms of the theory, exceptionally wide dispersal is likely to be ineffective. 3. There are certain to be exceptions to every rule we try to lay down. 4. The conference will discuss the problems which are likely to be extremely important for conservation of water resources. 5. These experiments are likely to change our methods of work. 6. The replacement of the device is unlikely to take place today. 7. The application of this insecticide alone is unlikely to bring good effect. 8. I am going to attend a conference which is likely to be of great interest.
B. 1. The cell wall appears to be nonliving. 2. Water absorption by lichens does not appear to be a metabolic process. 3. Substances contained in or produced by placental tissue were not postulated to inhibit lactation. 4. These species were never found to be of any great size and were observed only rarely. 5. This fact must not be taken to mean that many plants are out of harmony with their surroundings. 6. Obviously both heredity and environment are absolutely necessary and neither can be said to be more important than the other. 7. The collection includes species said to come from the Burton district. 8. One of the events most likely to result from various treatments of the protein is that some bonds may be broken.
Exercise 10. Translate these sentences into English. Use the Complex Subject.
1. Погода завтра, вероятно, изменится. 2. Очень вероятно, что этот вопрос будет обсужден на собрании сегодня. 3. Вряд ли он придет сюда. 4. Очень вероятно, что переговоры кончатся в начале мая. 5. Он, вероятно, будет дома в шесть часов. 6. Они вряд ли скоро вернутся. 7. Очень вероятно, что завтра будет дождь. 8. Она обязательно примет участие в соревнованиях. 9. Она непременно приедет. 10. Кажется маловероятным, что их предложение будет принято. 11. Его статья будет непременно напечатана в газете. 12. Они, вероятно, не приедут до первого сентября. 13. Ему, несомненно, понравится его новая работа. 14. Кажется маловероятным, что туристы достигнут вершины горы. 15. Кажется вероятным, что делегация пробудет в Москве еще несколько дней.
Инфинитивный оборот с предлогом for (the for-complex) состоит из существительного или местоимения, перед которым стоит предлог for, и инфинитива. Переводится оборот, в зависимости от выполняемой им функции, соответствующим придаточным предложением.
The question for him to answer was quite unexpected. | Вопрос, на который ему предстояло ответить, был совершенно неожиданным. |
The for-complexes with the Infinitive в предложении могут выполнять следующие функции:
- подлежащего (subject)
For him to realize all the difficulties is absolutely necessary. | Совершенно необходимо, чтобы он ясно представлял себе все трудности. |
- именной части сказуемого (predicative)
The principal aim of this edition is for the students to getall necessary information. | Основная цель этого задания заключается в том, чтобы дать студентам все необходимые сведения. |
- дополнения (object)
He asked for the mail to be delivered earlier. | Он попросил, чтобы почту доставляли раньше. |
- определения (attribute)
The tendency for particles to be most effective in nuclear disintegration was investigated. | Была исследована тенденция частиц проявлять наибольшую эффективность при ядерном распаде. |
- обстоятельств следствия и цели (adverbial modifiers of result andpurpose)
The water content in algae is too high for them to be dried at low temperatures. | Содержание воды у водорослей слишком высоко, для того чтобы их высушивать при низкой температуре. |
I shall leave the dictionary for you to use. | Я оставлю словарь, чтобы вы воспользовались им. |
Exercise 1. Transform the following sentences so as to use for-complexes with the Infinitive.
Model 1: He came in the nick of time. It was usual of him. — It was usual for him to come in the nick of time.
1. She told them the truth. It was easy for her. 2. Your child must spend more time outdoors. It will be better for him. 3. He speaks too fast. I cannot follow him. 4. We are going to the country on the coming weekend. It will be good for us. 5. Old people do not usually change their habits. It is hard for them.
Model 2: He watched his father repair their TV set. It was a good experience for him. — It was a good experience for him to watch his father repair their TV set.
1. He always took part in the discussions. It was a natural thing for him. 2. She translated the whole article without a dictionary. It was not an easy thing for her. 3. I received a letter from him. It was a real joy for me. 4. Our little daughter can’t join us on this trip. It will be too long a journey.
Model 3: to stay after classes — There’s no need for you to stay after classes.
To check all the exercise, to learn the whole poem by heart, to underline this phrase, to write this down, to do the exercise again, to translate the whole paragraph, to listen to it again, to write that on the board, to come here again, to translate the whole text, to underline the passives, to do all the vocabulary exercises, to rewrite all your essay, to prepare the next chapter, to check up the spelling of all these words.
Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the construction "for+noun+lnfinitive”.
1. For the reaction to take place the temperature should be as low as possible. 2. For the viruses to be seen a powerful electronic microscope should be used. 3. For the information to be obtained they had to perform over 200 experiments. 4. They have created all necessary conditions for the experiment to be continued. 5. 8 minutes are required for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth. 6. Certain conditions are necessary for life to be possible on planets. 7. For the seeds to develop normally they must be placed into proper conditions. 8. What is necessary for germination to occur? 9. Three months are needed for these plants to reach their maturity. 10. For tomatoes to grow well they should be provided with much warmth and light. 11. It is only for a specialist to draw a definite conclusion. 12. Certain environmental conditions are necessary for each stage to take place.
Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English. State the function of the for-to-Infinitive construction.
1. Вам легко это говорить. 2. Это Вы должны решить. 3.Необходимо, чтобы все вещи были хорошо упакованы. 4. Первое, что я должен сделать это выяснить, когда прибывает поезд. 5. Нам необходимо встретиться с ним сегодня. 6. Им трудно понять меня. 7. Ребенку трудно сидеть спокойно длительное время. 8. Нам было несложно получить эту информацию. 9. Ей трудно взбираться по этим ступенькам. 10. Уже поздно посылать письмо. Единственное, что нам остается сделать, — это послать телеграмму.