The Time
This is a clock There are two hands on the face of the clock. One hand is long and the other hand is short. The long hand is the minute hand. The short hand is the hour hand.
What time is it' It is twenty minutes to three. Look at the clock faces. What time is it?
1. It is three o'clock. (3.00)
2. It is six o'clock. (6.00)
3. It is nine o'clock (9.00)
4. It is ten minutes to seven. (6.50)
5. It is five minutes to six. (5.55)
6. It is twenty-five minutes to one. (12.35)
7. It is twenty minutes past nine. (9.20)
8. It is twenty-five minutes past twelve. (12.25)
9. It is ten minutes past ten. (10.10)
From one o'clock to two o'clock is one hour.
From one o'clock to six o'clock is five hours.
There are twenty-four hours in a day. How many minutes are
there in an hour? There are sixty.
Thirty is a half of sixty. (30='/260)
Fifteen is a quarter of sixty. (15='/4 60)
Look at the clock faces again.
10. It is half-past seven. (7.30)
11. It is half-past twelve. (12.30) 12 It is half-past nine. (9.30)
13. It is (a) quarter-past twelve. (12.15)
14. It is (a) quarter-past six. (6.15)
15. It is (a) quarter past eleven. (11.15)
16. It is (a) quarter to one. (12.45)
17. It is (a) quarter to five. (4.45)
18. It is (a) quarter to two. (1.45)
Days and Weeks
There are seven days in a week. The first day of the week is Sunday. The last day of the week is Saturday. The other days of the week between Sunday and Saturday, are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Monday is the second day, Tuesday is the third day, Wednesday is the fourth day, Thursday is the fifth day, and Friday is the sixth day. Saturday is the seventh day, the last day.
There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year.
The Months
There are twelve months in a year. The names of the months are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. January is the first month and December is the twelfth or last month.
What is May? May is the fifth month. What is August? August is the eighth month. What is November? November is the eleventh month
In Great Britain March, April and May are the spring months; June, July and August are the summer months; September, October and November are the autumn months; December, January and February are the winter months.
Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the four seasons
Questions: How many months are there in a year? What are the names of the months? What is the first month? December is the last month, isn't it? Is May the fifth or the eleventh month? What are
th spring (summer, autumn, winter) months? What are the four seasons?
Look at this picture. What is the date? Today is Wednesday, the seventeenth of January. What was yesterday? Yesterday was Tuesday, the sixteenth of January. And tomorrow? Tomorrow is Thursday, the eighteenth of January.
I st. January 1915 ... the first of January (January^the first), nineteen (hundred and) fifteen.
22nd October 1911 ... the twenty-second of October (October the twenty-second), nineteen (hundred and) eleven.
Jan.-January; Feb.-February; Mar.-March; Apr.-April; Aug.-August; Sept.-September; Oct.-October; Nov.-November; Dec.-December.
/. Read the following dates:
15 August 1432; 18 December 1683; 5 October 1156; 27 March 1745; 14 April 1832; 23 November 1935; 22 June 1937; 26 May 1567; 3 August 1432; 8 January 1965; 23 February 1918; 16 September 1667
//. Say what time it is:
9.35; 11.30; 12.44; 2.15; 4.20; 8.50; 6.10; 5.30; 3.25; 7.15; 9.55; 5.45; 4.30; 2.45; 3.17; 1.40; 7.12; 1040; 12.50; 11.27; 8.25; 2.15
///. Read the numerals;
40; 60; 100; 90, 31; 57; 171; 365; 1583; 5 505; 75000; 13 407; 433; 45 672; 324 456; 95 655; 478 932; 1 342 458; 5 879 453; 432 258; 575; 48 260; 768 354; 7 245 672; 278; 439; 2 439; 66 769
IV. Name the days of the week.
V. Name the months of the year.
VI. Read the dialogues and make up similar dialogues.
I. — What day is it today?
— Today is Monday.
' — What day was it yesterday?
— Yesterday was Sunday.
— What day is it tomorrow?
— Tomorrow is Tuesday.
— What date is it today?
— Today is the eighth of October.
— What date was it yesterday?
— Yesterday was the seventh of October.
— What date is it tomorrow?
— Tomorrow is the ninth of October. 2. — What time is it by your watch?
— It is twenty minutes to eleven.
— By my watch it is half past ten.
— The right time is twenty-five minutes to eleven. So my watch is five minutes fast and your watch is five minutes slow
Self check
/. Translate into English:
1. Который час?— 10.45. (11.30; 12.15; 8.20; 5.40; 12.30; 4.10; 8.55; 9.05; 7.45). 2. Сколько времени по твоим часам?— 10.50. Мои часы отстают на десять минут,— А мои часы спешат на пять минут. 3. Какое сегодня число? — Сегодня вторник, 25 января. (Сегодня пятница, 9 июня. Сегодня среда, 12 июля. Сегодня суббота, 23 мая).