Fluency A Birthday Present

Jill: I've bought your mother a birthday present.

Steve: Good. Shall we send a parcel or shall we give her the pre­sent this weekend?

Jill: As you please. It's a cashmere cardigan. Shall I show you the cardigan?

Steve: Yes, please. Oh, it's lovely. How much did it cost?

Jill: I'll tell you the truth. A lot of money.

/. Listen to the conversation and say what Steve and Jill are going to give Steve's mother as a birthday present.

II. Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions:

What does Steve ask Jill? What are his exact words? What is Jill's question?

///. Act out the conversation.

IV. Situations: a) You are not feeling well today. Your daughter (son) offers to do some work about the house. You accept or refuse the offer.

Prompts: go shopping, wash the floor, cook dinner, dust the furniture, clean the windows

b) You are going to give a party and you ask your husband for advice.

Prompts: invite the Browns, tell Peter about the party, buy some flowers, make a cake, borrow some records, wear the blue dress

Going out

Brenda: Oh, George ... we haven't got much for dinner. George: That's all right. Shall we eat out? Brenda: Oh, yes! Where shall we go? George: Let's go to that new Italian restaurant. Brenda: That's a marvellous idea.

/. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions: What does Brenda tell George about the dinner? What does

George suggest? What does Brenda say? Where do they agree

to go?

//. Act out the conversation.

III. Situation: Your friend and you are planning how to spend the weekend.

Self check

/. Translate into English:

1. — Пожалуйста, переведи эту статью.—Попытаюсь. 2. — Купить тебе этот словарь? Да, пожалуйста. 3. — Где мы встретимся? — Давай встретимся у кинотеатра в 7. 4. — Не сыграть ли нам в шахматы? — Сожалею, но не могу. Я иду в институт. 5. — Пойдем завтра в театр? — Хорошая идея. 6. — Включить телевизор? — Да. 7. — Пожалуйста, передайте мне соль. 8. — Ты не одолжишь мне немного денег? — Конечно. 9. — Пригласить Виктора на именины? 10. — Напечатать эти письма? — Да, пожалуйста. 11.— Поедем завтра за город? Боюсь, что не смогу. Завтра я буду занят. 12. — Купить вам билет на матч? — Да. Это очень любезно с вашей стороны 13. — Вы не скажете, который час? — 10.30.


Illustrative Situations

/. Study these example situations:

a) Tom is a football fan and there is a football match on tele­vision this evening. The match begins at 7.30 and ends at 9.15. Ann wants to come and see Tom this evening and wants to know what time to come.

Ann: Is it all right if I come at about 8.30? Tom: No, don't come then. I'll be watching the match on televi­sion.

In this situation Future Continuous is used to denote an action which will be going on at a definite moment in the future.

b) You can also use Future Continuous to talk about things which are already planned or decided.

— I'll be going to the city centre later. Can I get you anything?

With this meaning "will be doing" is similar to "am doing".

— I'm going to the city centre later.

We often use Will (you) be — ing? to ask about people's plans, especially when we want something or want someone to do so­mething.

— Will you be using your bicycle this evening?

— No, you can take it.

//. Listen to the dialogues, analyse the use of the Future Con­tinuous tense. Learn the dialogues.

1. — What's the time?

— It's five past three.

— Then I must go to the butcher's.

— Will you be passing the grocer's on your way?

— Yes, I will. Do you need anything?

— Yes, just a pound of sugar, if you don't mind.

2. — I'll be seeing you on Tuesday then?

— I'm afraid not. I shan't be coming here on Tuesday.

— But I must give you back your book.

— That's all right. You'll be rehearsing your play with Bill on Tuesday, won't you? Give it to him then.

3. — We've got visitors coming to tea today.

— What visitors?

— The Browns and the Greens.

— I expect they'll be bringing their children along.


/. Say what you or other people will be doing at a definite mo­ment in the future.

e.g. I'm going to watch TV from 9 till 10 o'clock in the evening. So at 9.30 I'll be watching TV.

1. Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to play tennis from 3 o'clock until 4.30. So at 4 o'clock tomorrow I ...' 2. Jim is going to study from 8 o'clock until 10 o'clock this evening. So at 8.30 this evening he ... 3. We are going to clean the flat tomorrow. It will take from 9 till 11 o'clock. So at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning ... 4. Susan has a lot of typing to do. She's going to type today from 8 a. m. until 5 p. m. So at 4.30 this afternoon ... 5. We are going to pack our things from 6 to 9 this evening. So at 7 o'clock this evening we ... 6. We are going to have our classes from 3 to 6 o'clock. So at 5 o'clock we ... 7. I'm going to write letters from 10 until 11. So at 10.30 I ... 8. From 11 till 6 I'm going to prepare for my exam. So at 2 o'clock I...

II. Make up short dialogues using the prompts.

e.g. — Paul's on holiday; he's having a marvellous time.

— This time next week I'll be having a marvellous time, too. Paul's on holiday; he's ...

sunbathing boating

swimming drinking fresh grapefruit

water-skiing camping

fishing climbing the mountains

///. Answer the questions:

e.g. — Are you going to watch the match tomorrow? (work)

— No, I'm not going to watch it because I'll be working.

1. Are you going to phone him now? (sleep) 2. Are you going to ask them now? (have their lunch) 3. Are you going to bed early? (go to a party) 4. Are you coming to the pictures tonight? (do my homework) 5. Is he playing tennis with us tomorrow? (safari exam) 6. Are they going to visit us next week? (go to Scotland) 7. Is he going to Rome immediately? (have a holiday first)

IV. Respond to the following statements:

e.g. Look, it's getting dark, (it, rain, in a few minutes) It'll be raining in a few minutes.

1. I don't think they will come, (move to a new flat) 2. What are your plans tor tonight? (take a friend to a concert) 3. My vacation is coming to an end. (return to the University, in two days) 4. Stay a little longer, (we, have supper, in a few minutes) 5. You are looking tired. (I, get a holiday soon) 6. I'm going to speak to Mr. Smith about it. (see him tonight) 7. My mother is coming by the 6 o'clock train, (meet her at the station) 8. Jane is packing her things, (leave tonight) e.g. — The Wests are moving to London.

— What a pity! We shan't be seeing them soon.

1. Mary is busy, (go on a picnic) 2. The TV set is out of order, (we, watch TV) 3. Victor is having his classes tonight, (see us at the station) 4. Alice has got a cold, (sing at the concert) 5. John is going away on business, (come to the party) 6. Peter has to get ready for his exam, (play football with us)

V. Paraphrase using the Future Continuous:

e.g. We are going to London tomorrow. We'll be going to London tomorrow.

1. We're catching the 8 o'clock train. 2. My brother is meeting me at the station. 3. Our wives aren't coming with us. 4. They are staying at home. 5. We're arriving at Paddington Station at ten o'clock. 6. My brother's staying overnight in London, but I'm not.

7. I'm returning on the 9 o'clock express. 8. My wife's picking me up at the station.

VI. You have already planned your evening. A friend has just told you he wants to see you at 8. He asks what you will be doing then. Make the answers with these words.

\. some homework 5. a party with some friends

2. the radio 6. a play on television

3. a letter home 7. dinner at the new Chinese res

4. a new book I got today taurant

8. my suitcases before I go away

VII. Ask questions.

e.g. You want to borrow your friend's car. (you/use/your car/this


Will you be using your car this evening?

1. You want your friend to give Tom a message this afternoon. (you/see/Tom/this afternoon) 2. You want to borrow your friend's typewriter tomorrow evening, (you/use/your typewriter/tomor­row evening) 3. Your friend is going shopping. You want him/her to buy some stamps for you at the post office, (you/pass/the post offi­ce) 4. Your friend is leaving for Moscow tonight. You want him to take some things to your parents who live in Moscow, (you/leave for Moscow/tonight) 5. Your friend often goes to the country on Sa­turday, but you want to invite him to the theatre, (you/go/to the country/on Saturday) e.g. — I usually see Ann on Monday.

— Will you be seeing her next Monday? I usually ...

1. leave early on Friday, 2. lunch with Bill on Monday; 3. go camping in summer; 4. play golf on Sunday; 5. take out Mary on Monday; 6. watch TV on Sunday evening; 7. listen to the radio on Saturday morning; 8. write to my father on Thursday; 9. meet Arthur on Tuesday; 10. dine out on Saturday; 11. visit my mother-in-law on Wednesday

VIII. Ask your friend questions. Ask him (her):

what he (she) will be doing at 6 o'clock today; what he (she) will be doing on Sunday; when he (she) will be leaving for Mos­cow; how long he (she) will be staying there; when he (she) will be having his (her) holidays; where he (she) will be resting; what he (she) will be wearing at the party; when he (she) will be taking his (her) exams