Система времен английского глагола.

На примере нижеприведенных таблиц вспомните об основных формах английского глагола, о спряжении английских глаголов в изъявительном наклонении действительного и страдательного залога.

Основные формы глагола:

Infinitive Past Simple Participle II Participle I
(to) V Ved (II ф) Ved (III ф) Ving (IVф)
(to) connect connected connected connecting
(to) make made/wrote made/written making/whriting
    Perfect / Passive Continuous



Таблица форм глагола «to write» в изъявительном наклонении

действительного залога:

  Настоящее (Present) Прошедшее (Past) Будущее (Future) Будущее в прошедшем (Future in the Past)
Indefinite/ Simple I write я пишу I wrote я писал (написал) I shall/will write я буду писать (напишу) I should write я буду писать (напишу)
Continuous I am writing я пишу I was writing я писал I shall be writing я буду писать I should be writing я буду писать
Perfect I have written я написал I had written я написал I shall have written я напишу I should have written я напишу
Perfect Continuous I have been writing я пишу I had been writing я писал I shall have been writing я буду писать I should have been writing я буду писать


Таблица форм глагола «to write» в страдательном залоге. Инфинитив

to be written:

Present Past Future Future in the Past
Indefinite The book is written The book was written The book will be written The book would be written
Continuous The book is being written The book was being written - -
Perfect The book has been written The book had been written The book will have been written The book would have been written

Речевые формулы разговора по телефону.


Упр. 1. Прочтите и запомните следующие слова и выражения:

Сall – телефонный вызов, звонок, звонить

Receiver – телефонная трубка

To listen for dialing tone – ждать ответного гудка

Continuous tone – продолжительный гудок

To dial – набирать номер

Dial – диск телефона

Ringing tone – редкие гудки, означающие, что линия свободна

Engaged tone – частые гудки, означающие, что линия занята

Repeated single tone – отдельные повторные гудки

Number unobtainable tone –гудок, означающий, что связи нет

Steady tone –постоянный гудок

To replace the receiver –повесить трубку

To redial – вновь набрать номер телефона

To book a trunk-call – заказывать международный разговор

Duration of a call –продолжительность разговора

To advice duration and charge –указывать продолжительность разговора и его стоимость

Caller – лицо, которое звонит по телефону

The line is busy/engaged – линия занята

Hold on –оставайтесь на линии

To take/to leave a message – принимать/оставлять сообщение

To put through – соединять

Extension - добавочный


Starting a Telephone Talk

Упр. 2.Прочтите и переведите следующие речевые формулы начала телефонного разговора:

1. A: Hello!

B: May I speak to Mr. Stock, please?

A: Speaking.

B: Good morning, Mr. Stock. This is Surikov calling.

A: Good morning, Mr. Surikov.


2. A: Hello.

B: Could I speak to Mr. Ivanov?

A: Who`s calling, please?

B: This is Brown from the University of Communications.

A: Just a minute. I`m putting you through.

I: Ivanov speaking.


3. A: University of Communications. Good morning.

B: Good morning. Could you put me through to Prof. Sokolov?

A: Sorry. The line is engaged. Can you hold on?

B: All right. Thank you.

4. A: Five-seven-three; one-nine-oh-four.

B: Good evening. Can I speak to Mr. Jones, please?

A: Sorry. Mr. Jones is on the other line. Will you wait, please?

B: All right.

A: Sorry to have kept you waiting. I`m putting you through to Mr. Jones..

B: Thank you.


5. A: Hello.

B: Hello. David Black speaking. May I have a word with Mr. Ivanov?

A: I`ll see if he is in. (a minute later). I`m afraid Mr. Ivanov is out at the moment.

B: Could you take a message?

A: Yes, of course. / Yes, certainly.


6. A: Hello. May I speak to Mrs. Roberts?

B: Sorry. Mrs. Roberts is not available. Is there any message?

A: No, thank you, I`ll call back later.

B: Right. Goodbye.

7. A: Hello. May I speak with Miss Black for a minute?

B: Hold the line, please.

A: Thank you.

B: Sorry. There is no reply on this number.


8. A: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

B: Good afternoon. I`d like to speak to Mr.Tate.

A: What extension, please?

B: I think it`s twenty-three.

A: Thank you. (After a moment). You are through.


9. A: Hello. I´d like to talk to Mr. Scott?

B: I can`t hear what you are saying. Could you speak up, please?

A: May I talk to Mr. Scott?

B: I`m afraid, you have the wrong number.

A: Oh, sorry, to have troubled/bothered you.

B: That`s quite all right.



Упр. 3. Заполните недостающие предложения:

1. A: May I speak with Mr. Bell?

B: _______________________

A: Could I leave a message for him?

B: _______________________


2. A: Russian Embassy. Good morning.

B: _________________________

A: Sorry. The line is busy.


3. A: Sorry. Mr. Foot is on the other line. Will you hold on, please?

B: _____________________

4. A: ____________________

B: I`ll call back later.


5. A: Sorry to have kept you waiting. Now I`m putting you through.

B: ____________________


6. A: Is there any message?

B: _______________________


7. A: You`ve got the wrong number.

B: ____________________________

A: No problem.


8. A: Sorry. Mr. Sonin is not available. Would you like to leave a message?

B: ___________________

Упр. 4. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:

1. Говорит Суриков. 2. Соединяю. 3. Говорит Иванов. 4. Вы не могли бы меня соединить с г-ном Соколовым? 5. Номер занят. 6. Г-н Джоунз разговаривает по другому телефону. 7. Извините, что заставил Вас ждать. 8. Г-на Иванова сейчас нет. 9. Подождите минутку, пожалуйста. 10. Я позвоню еще раз позже. / Я перезвоню. 11. Добавочный, пожалуйста. 12. Вы ошиблись номером. 13. Простите за беспокойство. 14. Я Вас плохо слышу, говорите, пожалуйста, громче.


Words and phrases for learning.

To call, to call back, a call, a receiver, to listen for dialing tone, a continuous tone, to dial, a dial, a ringing tone, engaged tone, a steady tone, to replace the receiver, to redial, to book a trunk-call, duration of a call, charge, a caller, the line is busy/engaged, to hold on, to take/to leave a message, to put through, an extension.


Дополнительные материалы к теме «Telephoning»

Образцы телефонных разговоров:

Прочтите и переведите следующие образцы телефонных разговоров:

1. Sergei and Marina Rudins en route to New York are staying for a couple of days in London. Sergei rings up his friend Charles Maxwell.

Sergei: Hello, Charles. This is Sergei Rudin.

Charles: Hello, Sergei. Where are you old boy?

Sergei: Here in London.

Charles: Good. Welcome to London.

Sergei: Marina and I we are looking forward to seeing you.

Charles: How long are you planning to stay in London?

Sergei: Only for two days.

Charles: We haven`t got much time, I`m afraid. Tomorrow we’ll begin with a lunch at our place. Then I’ll take you to see the Buckingham Palace. Sunday morning I`ll take you to the Tower of London which for centuries has served the three purposes – of a fortress, a palace and a prison.

Sergei: Charles, could you show us the Houses of Parliament?

Charles: Of course.

Sergei: Fine. I think that will do for the day. You will be very tired.

Charles: No, one more visit and that is the British Museum.

Sergei: It`s very kind of you, Charles.

Charles: See you tomorrow at 10 o`clock. Bye now.

Sergei: Bye.

2. Mr. Black: May I speak to Mr. Gibson?

Man: I`m afraid you`ve got the wrong number.

This is a private residence.

Mr. Black: I`m sorry to have bothered you.

Man: That`s quite all right.

Mr. Black:

(a little later) Is it three-five – zero; eight-double seven-nine?

Young Woman: Yes. Good evening. Who is calling, please?

Mr. Black: It is Mr. Black. Can I speak to Mr. Gibson, please?

Y.w.: Sorry. He is not in yet. I`m afraid he won`t be back till late in the evening. Is there any message?

Mr. Black: Oh, it`s Paul Black calling. Tell him I`ll call him back later. I`d like to discuss something important with him.

Y.w.: I`m Mr. Gibson`s daughter – Jane. Will you repeat your name, please? And would you mind speaking up, your voice is so faint.

Mr. Black: Fine. My name is B-l-a-c-k.

J.: Thank you, sir. I`ll tell him you called as soon as he comes.

Mr. Black: Yes, please, I`ll be waiting for his call. Thank you. Bye.

J.: Good-bye.