Obtaining and studying properties of the salts
I. Obtaining and study properties of the oxides
Experience 1. Obtaining of copper oxide
Copper wire to make the burner flame. How to change the color of the wire? Why? Write a balanced equation for the reaction.
Experience 2. Obtaining carbon dioxide and study its properties
Carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) is produced by the action of hydrochloric acid on marble in the apparatus of the Kippa. The reaction takes place according to the equation:
The resulting carbon dioxide skip to the tubes:
а) with distilled water; test the solution with litmus. To explain the observations and write the equation of the reaction;
в) with a solution of calcium hydroxide. To explain the observations and write the equation of the reaction.
Experience 3. Obtaining sulfur dioxide
Place on a metal spoon and a piece of sulphur be heated in the flame of a spirit lamp. As soon as the sulfur lights to make the spoon into the jar without touching the bottom of the walls. When sulphur is burned, the spoon is removed, in a jar, pour a little distilled water and shake well. Experience with litmus. Write the reaction equation, what is the nature of the oxide?
Experience 4. Obtaining iron oxide (III)
The solution of salt of iron (III) chloride are an excess of alkali (sodium hydroxide) to the precipitation of iron hydroxide (III). The resulting precipitate is heated in the spirit lamp. To explain the blackening of the precipitate and write the equations of reactions.
II. Obtaining and study properties of the hydroxides
Experience 1. Obtaining aluminium hydroxide and the study of its amphoteric properties
To a solution of the salt aluminum chloride add dropwise a solution of alkali of sodium hydroxide to sedimentation. Note color of the precipitate. Write the reaction equation in molecular and ionic forms.
Next proceed to the study of the amphoteric properties of aluminum hydroxide, which split the resulting precipitate and the two vials. Then to one tube add a few drops of alkali solution of sodium hydroxide, and in another acid solution (hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid). To mention observed phenomena. To write the corresponding equation of the reactions. To draw conclusions.
Experience 2. Obtaining hydroxide manganese
To a solution of salt of hydroxide, manganese nitrate or manganese pour in drops of alkali solution (sodium hydroxide), to come off the precipitate. The resulting precipitate was divided into two tubes and to test the action of acids and alkalis. To describe the observed. To make a conclusion about the nature of manganese hydroxide. Write the reaction equation in molecular and ionic form.
Experience 3. Obtain zinc hydroxide, and the study of its properties
To a solution of salt nitrate zinc pour the alkaline solution of sodium hydroxide the beginning of the formation of the precipitate. Write the reaction equation in molecular and ionic forms.
Next proceed to the study of the amphoteric properties of zinc hydroxide precipitate what to divide in two test tubes. In one test tube and pour the acid solution hydrochloric acid or nitric acid, and other alkali solution of sodium hydroxide.
To mention observed phenomena, to write reaction equations. To draw conclusions.
Experience 4. The study of the properties of alkalis
In three test tubes pour the alkaline solution of sodium hydroxide and to test the effect on it of indicators, which in one test-tube add 1-2 drops of phenolphthalein in the other calculus, in the third - methylorange. Change the color indicator in the reaction, and compare with Appendix 2. To draw conclusions.
Obtaining and studying properties of the salts
Experience 1. Obtaining the normal salts .
To the solution Ba(NO3)2 pour a solution of Na2SO4 until precipitation. Note the color of the solution and precipitate. Write the equation in the molecular and ionic form.
Experience 2. Obtaining acid salts of sodium bicarbonate.
Add 2-3 drops of phenolphtalein to the the 2-3ml Na2(CO)3 solution gradually. Under constant shaking add the solution of HCI until the disappearance of the color of phenolphtalein. Then pour 2-3 ml of HCl solution. Abundant effervescence indicates the destruction of the acid salt NaHCO3. Write equations of the reaction.
Experience 3: Obtaining basic salt (CoOH)2SO4
Pour to the tube 2-3 ml of Co(NO3)2 and 0.5-1 ml (2-3 drops) solution of alkali NaoH . Initially it is formed sediment Co(OH)2, note its color. Then the tube is shaken for some time and sediment gradually becomes green and pink color corresponding to the basic salt (CoOH)2SO4. Write equations of the reaction.
Experience 4: interaction between the two salts
To the solutions Pb (NO3)2 and Hg(NO3)2 in two test tubes pour solution KI in drops. Note the color of formed sediment, write the equation in the molecular and ionic form.
Experience 5. Decomposition of the salts with the release of oxygen
In a dry test tube add granule of KMnO4 slowly heating up in a flame. Through a smoldering torch determine which gas is released. Write equations decomposition of salts.