Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на Passive Voice

1. The quality of the product has been considerably improved by the manufacturer. 2. Three foreign languages: English, German and French are being taught at the University. 3. The new laboratory will be fitted with the most up to date equipment next year. 4. After graduation from the University 7 students were employed by the mining enterprise. 5. Entirely new machinery was installed at the factory. 6. Numerous questions were being discussed at the scientific conference. 8. On the way home I was being followed by a strange man.

Подчерните сказуемое, определите залог Active or Passive, переведите предложение на русский язык.


1. They have reached an agreement.   2. The agreement has been reached. 1. They have reached an agreement. Active Они пришли к соглашению. 2. The agreement has been reached. Passive Соглашение достигнуто.


1) Complicated mathematical problems are being solved by the students.

2) The scientists will have completed the experiment next month.

3) Children under 16 are not allowed to see this film.

4) Two manuals come with this equipment.

5) The device is not working, you haven’t plugged it in.

6) Much is being done to reduce air pollution in cities.

7) They measured the angles of the triangle.

8) In addition to the problem with the engine there appeared another in the transmission.


3. Сравните следующие пары предложений, определите залог сказуемого в каждом из них, переведите только предложение в Passive.


The device measured the temperature.   The temperature was measured by the device. The device measured the temperature. Active. The temperature was measured by the device. Passive. Температура была измерена прибором.


1) Oil and gas is transported by pipe lines. Pipe lines transport oil and gas.

2) The workers have cut through the solid rock to build the tunnel. The solid rock has been cut through to build the tunnel.

3) They added important data in the report. The report was added with important data.

4) Powerful mining equipment was being used during exploration of the coal mine. The coal mine was using powerful equipment during exploration.

5) The city administration will have repaired the old building by the end of the next year. The old building will have been repaired by the city administration by the end of the next year.

6) The magazine publishes interesting articles. Interesting articles are published in the magazine.

7) The two boats were linked by an iron chain. An iron chain linked the two boats.

8) The engineer will estimate the costs of the repair work. The costs of the repair work will be estimated by the engineer.


Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме страдательного залога. Переведите репортаж на русский язык.


Drugs at airport

A 40-year-old businessman from Birmingham _________(arrest) last night at Heathrow airport. A substance believed to be cocaine ________(find) in his suitcase. He _________(question) by customs officials and after that he ________(take) to the police station.


Подчеркните причастие (Participle I и Participle II), определите его функцию, т.е. является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложение на русский язык.


The sports facilities belonging to the University are very popular among all the students. The sports facilities belonging to the University are very popular among all the students. Participle I. обстоятельство Спортивные сооружения, принадлежащие университету, пользуются у студентов.


1) When studying elements Mendeleyev found that they could be divided into nine groups.

2) Most of Christmas customs are variations of traditions brought to America by European immigrants.

3) “United We Stand, Divided We Fall” (Lincoln).

4) Rockets launched with first space velocity become artificial satellites of the Earth.

5) When burnt coal produces heat.

6) The paper described some new methods dealing with low temperatures.

7) A plant producing aluminum is called a smelter.

8) Lake Baikal known as the deepest lake in the world is fed by 336 rivers.