Modern and ConteMPorarY art 2 страница. Peter is interested in wild animals which show should he watch?

Peter is interested in wild animals which show should he watch? Which sport can you watch that takes place outside?

Which sport can you watch that takes place inside?

You like modern art. Which documentary should you watch? How often can you watch the news?

Is there a horror film on this evening?









cBc FnB aBn
11.00: MOMA: Art for Everyone- A fascinating documentary that helps you enjoy the difference between pointilism and video installations. 12:00: Hard Day’s Night- Reflections after a long, hard day 10.30: Green Park- Stephen King’s latest monster madness. 0.30: Late Night News- Get the news you need to get a hard start on the up- coming day 10.00: Pump Those Weights- A guide to suc- cessfully using weights to develop your physique while getting fit. 11.30: The Three Idi- ots- A fun farce based on those three tenors who don’t know when to call it quits


4. Listening

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

a.“How are you doing?”

B.“I’m doing great”.

a.“What movies have you seen lately?” B.“I saw Forrest Gump the other day”. a.“What type of movie is that?”

B.“The movie type is drama”.

a.“I can’t believe you are watching movies. The weather is great. You should be outside”.

B.“I hate the hot weather. I’d rather stay indoors with the air condi- tioner”.

a.“What else do you like to do besides watching movies?”

B.“I like to play computer games, read books, go shopping, and play pool”.

a.“Out of those what is your favorite?”

B.“My favorite is to play computer games”.

a.“What is your favorite computer game?”

B.“My favorite is Diablo. It used to be Star Craft, but it is getting a lit- tle old”.

a.“If you like to play so much, when do you ever exercise?”

B.“Although I hate to exercise, I go jogging at least twice a week”.

a.“That’s pretty good. By the way, what are you doing next Saturday?”

B.“I am going to go to the bookstore”.

a.“I am having a party Saturday night at my house. If you have time, you should come”.

B.“That sounds like fun”.

a.“Great. I’ll see you on Saturday”.

B.“Ok. See you later”.

1) What type of movie is Forrest Gump?

a) Action b) Drama c) Suspense d) Comedy

2) Besides watching movies, what does this person like to do?

a) Go shopping b) Swimming

c) Drinking and partying d) Playing basketball

3) What does this person do for exercise?

a) Golf once a week b) Basketball on the weekends c) Jogging twice a week d) No exercising


5. Grammar practice

Do ex. 2, p. 186.


6. summary

Do ex. 8, p. 191.


7. Homework

Do ex. 3, p. 187.

Lesson 67


YoU ShoUld know It


Цілі:вдосконалювати лексичні навички й навички читання; вдосконалювати навички аудіювання й говоріння; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати ін- терес і повагу до світових цінностей мистецтва.




1. Warm-up






1) Do you like modern art?

2) What do you think of installation art?

3) Do you ever think a lot of art is not really art?

4) What kind of art do you like — paintings, sculpture, ceramics, etc.?


2. Reading and writing

Read the text and write down the forms of art which are mentioned there. Then add some more that you’ve known during the lessons.



The practice and study of arts have shown us that there are different

types of art. As the study of arts is developing more and branches and types

of art are being discovered and included in the field of studies. Today, we

have different types of artists and the only way to explain the existence of different types of artists is because of the existence of different kinds of

arts. However, it is not always easy to classify arts into its different types. It can be tricky to do that. However, here, an attempt is made to classify

visuals art into different forms.

One of the types of art that you should know is painting. It is the type of art work that is used to show the beauty of creation. It could also be said

to be one of the types of art work which the artist uses to express his or her

feelings. Artists also use painting to show the environment they know. Ba- sically, it is that type of art in which pigments is used on a surface such as paper, wood panel, canvas and wall. There are different tools that are used for painting. Apart from the paint itself, brush is the commonest tool that can be used for painting.

One of the popular types of arts today that you should know is sculp- ture. It is a type of art in which hard materials such as rocks, plastic, clay

or wood is used to create three dimensional arts. There are two different

processes that are involved in sculpture, namely, carving and assembling

of the carved work. Sculpture and painting as types of art can also be com-

bined in one art piece. An artist can decide to paint his work after carving them. Just as there are different types of painting, there are also different types of art sculpture.

One of the types of art that we are conversant with is photography. In

this type of art, images and pictures are created using different types light

patterns. The light patterns are able to capture objects when they are emit- ted in such a manner that they reflect on the object. In this type of art, the

camera plays important role. The objects are captured through the lens of

the camera. There are also other types of art that are not mentioned here. These are few popular ones.


3. speaking

1) Why is painting and art so important to us?

2) What style or period of painting / art do you like?

3) What forms, techniques and materials do you prefer?

4) Are you good at doing something interesting / unusual?

4. Reading and speaking

Do ex. 4, p. 188.


5. speaking

Do ex. 5, p. 189.


6. Reading and speaking

Do ex. 6, p. 189.


7. Reading and writing