Play the games in class. Let each member of the class take one game and use it for revision of one of the textbook sections or topics you had during the term.

Discuss each game in terms of suitability to different teaching levels.

II. The success of any classroom game or gamelike activity depends on thor-ough preparation by the teacher. Write a list of pointers to teachers on using games in class. Discuss the techniques and class procedures at different levels:


Key Words and Expressions:rules of the game;athorough knowl-edge of smth.; to perform; to project enthusiasm (here said of a teach-er); to get out of control; to keep (the game) under control; to estab-lish a pleasant but firm tone; the concept of fair play; to follow the rules of the game exactly (to stick to the rules); to break the rule; to prevent problems, etc.


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By John B. Priestley


(Two extracts from the novel)


"Cut some off for George," said Mrs. Smeeth, "and I'll keep it hot for him. He's going to be late again. You're a bit late yourself tonight,




"I know. We've had a funny day today," replied Mr. Smeeth, but for the time being he did not pursue the subject. He was busy carv-ing, and though it was only cold mutton he was carving, he liked to give it all of his attention.


"Now, then, Edna," cried Mrs. Smeeth to her daughter, "don't sit there dreaming. Pass the potatoes and the greens — careful, they're hot. And the mint sauce. Oh, I forgot it. Run and get it, that's a good girl. All right, don't bother yourself. I can be there and back before you've got your wits together."


Mr. Smeeth looked up from his carving and eyed Edna severely. "Why didn't you go and get it when your mother told you. Letting


her do everything."


His daughter pulled down her mouth and wriggled a little. "I'd have gone," she said in a whining tone. "Didn't give me time, that's all."


Mr. Smeeth grunted impatiently. Edna annoyed him these days. He had been very fond of her when she was a child — and, for that mat-ter, he was still fond of her — but now she had arrived at what seemed to him a very silly, awkward age. She had a way of acting, of looking, of talking, all acquired fairly recently, that irritated him. An outsider might have come to the conclusion that Edna looked like a slightly soiled and cheapened elf. She was between seventeen and eighteen, a smallish girl, thin about the neck and shoulders but with sturdy legs. She had a broad snub nose, a little round mouth that was nearly always open, and greyish-greenish-bluish eyes set rather wide apart; and scores of faces exactly like hers, pert, prettyish and under-nourished, may be seen within a stone's throw of any picture theatre any evening in any la-rge town. She had left school as soon as she could, and had wandered in an out of various jobs, the latest and steadiest of them


being one as assistant in a big draper's Finsbury Park way. At home now, being neither child nor an adult, neither dependent nor indepen-dent, she was at her worst: languid and complaining, shrill and resent-ful, or sullen and tearful; she would not eat properly; she did not want to help her mother, to do a bit of washing-up, to tidy her room; and it was only when one of her silly little friends called, when she was go-ing out, that she suddenly sprang into a vivid personal life of her own, became eager and vivacious. This contrast, as sharp as a sword, some-times angered, sometimes saddened her father, who could not imag-ine how his home, for which he saw himself for ever planning and working, appeared in the eyes of fretful, secretive and ambitious ado-lescence. These changes in Edna annoyed and worried him far more than they did Mrs. Smeeth, who only took offence when she had a solid grievance, and turned a tolerant, sagely feminine eye on what she called Edna's "airs and graces".

Left to himself, Mr. Smeeth slowly knocked out his pipe in the coal-scuttle and then stared into the fire, brooding. He was always catching himself grumbling about the children now, and he did not want to be a grumbling father. He had enjoyed them when they were young, but now, although there were times when he felt a touch of pride, he no longer understood them. George especially, the elder of the two, and once a very bright promising boy, was both a disap-pointment and a mystery. George had had opportunities he himself had never had. But George had shown an inclination from the first, to go his own way, which seemed to Mr. Smeeth a very poor way. He had no desire to stick to anything, to serve somebody faithfully, to work himself steadily up to a good safe position. He simply tried one thing after another, selling wireless sets, helping some pal in a ga-rage (he was in a garage now, and it was his fourth or fifth), and though he always contrived to earn something and appeared to work hard enough, he was not, in his father's opinion, getting anywhere. He was only twenty, of course, and there was time, but Mr. Smeeth, who knew very well that George would continue to go his own way without any reference to him, did not see any possibility of improve-ment. The point was, that to George, there was nothing wrong, and his father was well aware of the fact that he could not make him see there was anything wrong. That was the trouble with both his chil-dren. There was obviously nothing bad about either of them; they compared very favourably with other people's boys and girls; and he would have been quick to defend them; but nevertheless, they were


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growing up to be men and women he could not understand, just as if they were foreigners. And it was all very perplexing and vaguely saddening. '


The truth was, of course, that Mr. Smeeth's children were foreign-ers, not simply because they belonged to a younger generation but because they belonged to a younger generation that existed in a dif-ferent world. Mr. Smeeth was perplexed because he applied to them standards they did not recognize. They were the product of a chang-ing civilization. They were the children of the Woolworth stores and the moving pictures. Their world was at once larger and shallower than that of their parents. They were less English, more cosmopoli-tan. Mr. Smeeth could not understand George and Edna, but a host of youths and girls in New York, Paris and Berlin would have under-stood them at a glance. Edna's appearance, her grimaces and ges-tures, were temporarily based on those of an Americani/ed Polish Jewess, who, from her mint in Hollywood, had stamped them on these young girls all over the world. George's knowing eye for a machine, his cigarette and drooping eyelid, his sleek hair, his ties and shoes and suits, the smallest details of his motor-cycling and dancing, his staccato impersonal talk, his huge indifferences, could be matched almost exactly round every corner in any American city or European capital.





Vocabulary Notes


pursuevt1) follow in order to capture or kill; chase 2)(fig.)keepclose to; never leave, e.g. His record as a criminal pursued him wher ever he went. 3) follow after; seek after; aim at, as to pursue pleasure

continue; follow out; carry on, as to pursue one's studies, to pur sue a subjectcontinue to talk about it; argue it further


pursuern one who pursues;pursuitn 1) the act of pursuing, fol-lowing or chasing, as a dog in pursuit of rabbits; pursuit of happiness

any regular occupation or pastime, as pursuit of science.

Syn. employment

eye vt watch very carefully, as to eye a person with suspicion. Syn. look, stare, gaze, glare, glance


Word Discrimination: look vi is neutral and does not imply any particular aspects of the manner of watching; look л

starevilook steadily, with wide-open eyes, in surprise, curiosityor contempt. Stare may also denote the way of senseless looking devoid of any expression as stare into space; stare л

gazeviimplies a long and steady process of looking. It may beemotionally coloured: a person may gaze in wonder, tenderness, with interest, e.g. She was gazing at her baby, gaze, n


glarev/ look long, angrily or even fiercely;glare n glancevitake a very quick look;glance n


3. acquirevt1) get by one's own efforts and behaviour,e.g.Youmust work hard to acquire a good knowledge of a foreign language. He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty, an acquired taste one that is not natural, e.g. Many Japanese don't like cheese when they first eat it; it is an acquired taste.


acquirementn 1) act of acquiring 2) smth. that is acquired throughthe mind, skill or ability, e.g. She is always boasting of her daughter's acquirements (= saying how clever her daughter is).


cheapenvtl).make cheap(er); lower the price or value of 2) belittle; bring into contempt, e.g. Constant swearing cheapened him.

decrease the quality or beauty of; make inferior or vulgar, e.g. So much smoking rather cheapens the girl. Why should you cheapen yourself by this kind of conduct?



assist vt/vi help


assistance n,e.g.Can I be of any assistance? (= Can I help?)assistant n1) a helper 2) an employee in a shop selling things(also: shop-assistant). Syn. help


Word Discriminat ion: assist describes thekind of help in which the recipient of help performs the major part of work, and the role of the one who helps is of minor importance; sometimes he does his work under the supervision of the recipient, e.g. The instructor assists the professor by taking notes during the examination. Cf. She helped him to write the book (i.e. It is possible that he would not have managed the work with-out her help) and She assisted him in writing the book (i.e. She did mi-nor work without which the book would have been written all the same).


6. vivida 1) (ofcolour, etc.) brilliant; intense; very clear, asаvivid flash of lightning 2) lively; vigorous; active, as a vivid imagination


(of descriptions, etc.) very clear and distinct; lifelike vividlyadv

Vividness n


vivaciousa full of life and animation; high-spirited; gay,as a vivacious girl


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vivacityn liveliness, animation; high spirits

adolescence nthe state of growing up; the time between childhood and manhood or womanhood

adolescentagrowing up;лa boy or a girl growing up (aged 13to 20)

grievevt/i (formal)1) cause grief to,e.g.We must all grieve at(for, over) the death of such a good man.

grievance na real or imaginary cause for complaint; a real or imag-inary wrong or hardship, to nurse grievances, e.g. The old woman liked to speak about her grievances.


grievousa (formal)1) bringing serious trouble or great suffering,as grievous wrongs 2) exciting grief, as a grievous accident 3) severe, as grievous pain


10. tolerant a reluctant to interfere with the freedom of thought or actions of others; willing to allow others to think or act as they please even when their opinions, ideas, conduct, etc. seem wrong.

Ant. intolerant



tolerance nwillingness to allow others to hold opinions or followcustoms different from one's own. Ant. intolerance


toleratevtallow; permit; bear; endure,e.g.I will not tolerate yourimpudence (your conduct).

tolerable a, Ant. intolerable a


11. temporarya lasting for a short time only; not permanent,as temporary success (employment)



Note. Don't confuse the adjectivestemporary and temporal.Thelatter has the following meanings: 1) of this life only; not eternal. 2) hav-ing to do with time (cf. the Russian «временный» и «временной»).