Main Sources of Ukrainian Law. Task 1. Before you read look through the following words to make sure that you know them
Vocabulary Section
Task 1. Before you read look through the following words to make sure that you know them. Learn those that you don’t know:
creation state body peculiarity [pi,kju:li´æriti] that is application competency (competence) to adopt enactment judicial [dЗu´di∫l] judiciary [dЗu´di∫əri] access [ik´ses] to restrict restriction criterion (pl. criteria) [krai´tiəriən] to deprive (of) [di´praiv] promulgation [,proml´gei∫n] to adapt [ə´dæpt] to embrace [im´breis] obligation [,obli´gei∫n] to ensure [in´∫uə] impetus [´impitəs] acceleration [ək,selə´rei∫n] concerted [kən´sə:tid] to combine [kəm´bain] to constitute [´konstitju:t] effect diversity [dai´və:səti] mandatory [´mændətri] to conform (to) [kən´fo:m] competent [´kompitənt] to issue [´i∫u:] issue execution [,eksi´kju:∫n] validity [və´lidəti] temporary [´temprəri] former to point out treaty [´tri:ti] observance [əb´zə:vəns] implementation [,im[imen´∫n] mutual [´mju:t∫uəl] multilateral [mΛti´lætərəl] to be entitled in pursuance of [pə´sju:əns] assets [´æsets] affairs [ə´feə] conclusion [kən´klu:Зn] binding [´baindinŋ] contravene [,kontrə´v:n] amendment [ə´mendmənt] Office of Public Prosecutor Ecclesiastical [i,kli:zi´æstik] | створення державний орган особливість, специфічність тобто застосування компетенція, правомірність приймати закон, указ; введення закону в силу судовий, законний судочинство; судова гілка влади доступ обмежувати обмеження критерій позбавити оприлюднення, опублікування; проголошення адаптувати, приладнати охоплювати, включати в собі зобов’язання, обов’язковість забезпечити, гарантувати рушійна сила, поштовх, імпульс прискорення узгоджений поєднувати складати; дія, вплив; сила, результат різноманітність, несхожість обов’язковий, примусовий узгоджувати, (відповідати (чомусь) компетентний, правомочний випускати, видавати спірне питання, предмет спору виконання законність, дієвість; обґрунтованість тимчасовий колишній відзначати, вказувати договір дотримування (закону) впровадження, виконання взаємний багатосторонній мати право (на щось) виконуючи, згідно (до чогось) майно, активи справи укладання, складання, висновок обов’язковий, зобов’язуючий порушувати (закон), суперечити поправка, виправлення (недоліків) прокуратура духовний, церковний |
Task 2. Read and translate the text:
The History of the Ukrainian Legal System
The Ukrainian legal system is very close to the Romano-Germanic legal family. After the October Revolution of 1917 the establishment of the Soviet law in Ukraine was closely connected to the spreading of soviet power and creation of Soviet state bodies. The peculiarity of the Soviet legal system in Ukraine was that it was based on the legal system of the Bolshevik Russia. That is, it was a reception in a very primitive form: the application of the laws of one state in the conditions of the other. As in every federal state, in the USSR the competencies were divided between the Union and the Union Republics. Foundations of legislation, codes, decrees of the Presidiums of the Supreme Councils of the USSR and Ukraine, various legal acts adopted by all-Union and Republic Ministries, including those adopted jointly with CPSU Central Committee, regulations, instructions, guiding materials, statutes, branch enactments and even the revolutionary feeling of justice were used as legal sources. Judicial practice did not belong to the legal sources. The access to the legislation was restricted. The criteria of such restriction were not defined, but in essence it was a policy of depriving people of their individual rights and liberties.
After the Declaration of Independence the need appeared to build a new state and reform the existing legal system in accordance with the state building tasks. So the main purposes stood for a new state: to reject the inappropriate dogmas of the soviet law and establish the backgrounds and elements of market economy with its legal relationships. The promulgation of new legislation has begun with adapting relevant norms, the adoption of normative acts in the fields of relations, which had not been regulated by the current legislation, and development of the large codification embracing all areas of law. Joining the Council of Europe, Ukraine has taken obligations to improve its legislation in regard with the human rights protection, and to ensure legal and judicial reform.