Read the text and answer the questions.
1. Read the following words on the topic “Myself” and try to remember them.
1. Person – человек, личность
2. people – люди
3. man (men) – мужчина, человек (мужчины, люди)
4. woman (women) – женщина (женщины)
5. girl – девочка, девушка
6. boy – мальчик
7. fellow – парень
8. friend– друг
9. Family Status – семейное положение
10. to be married – быть женатым (замужем)
11. to be single – быть холостяком (одинокой)
12. to be in divorce – быть в разводе
13. Appearance – внешность
14. complexion (dark, pale) – цвет лица (смуглый, светлый)
15. face (round, oval, square) – лицо (круглое, овальное, прямоугольное)
16. eyes (small, large, deep-set, hazel) – глаза (маленькие, большие, глубоко посаженные, карие)
17. nose (long, short, straight, snub, crooked) – нос (длинный, маленький, прямой, вздёрнутый, с горбинкой)
18. hair (thin, thick, straight, curly, black, fair, gray) – волосы (редкие, густые, прямые, вьющиеся, чёрные, светлые, седые)
19. have /wear a moustache, beard – иметь/носить усы, бороду
20. shoulders (broad, narrow) – плечи ( широкие, узкие)
21. height (tall, short, middle-sized) – рост (высокий, низкий, средний)
22. figure (to be plump/heavy, slim/slender) – фигура, комплекция (быть полным/тучным, стройным/тонким)
23. pretty – хорошенькая (о женщине)
24. handsome –приятный (о мужчине)
25. attractive – привлекательный
26. beautiful – красивый
27. ordinary – обычный
28. look like = resemble = take after – быть похожим на
29. look different – быть непохожим
30. Person’s character – характер
31. kind – добрый
32. friendly – дружелюбный
33. warm-hearted – добросердечный
34. generous – щедрый, великодушный
35. optimistic – оптимистичный
36. communicative = sociable– общительный
37. industrious – трудолюбивый
38. cheerful – веселый
39. bright – способный
40. calm – спокойный
41. independent – независимый
42. stable – твёрдый, решительный
43. attentive – внимательный
44. unselfish – бескорыстный
45. sensitive – чувствительный, восприимчивый
46. dynamic – энергичный, активный
47. persistent – настойчивый
48. creative – творческий
49. logical – логический
50. imaginative – одарённый большим воображением
51. wise – мудрый
52. tender – нежный
53. good-natured – добродушный
54. capable – способный
55. decent – порядочный
56. understanding – понимающий
57. tactful – тактичный
58. devoted – преданный
59. strong-willed – сильной воли
60. modest – скромный
61. obstinate – упрямый
62. unpredictable – непредсказуемый
63. absent-minded – рассеянный
64. hot-tempered – вспыльчивый
65. lazy – ленивый
66. obstinate – упрямый
67. boring – скучный
68. neither… nor… –ни… ни …
69. to be ready to help – быть готовым помочь
70. to be easy to get along with – хорошо ладить с людьми
71. to be successful (a success) in life – быть удачливым в жизни
72. to be a good friend – быть хорошим другом
73. to be a many-sided person – быть многогранным человеком
74. to be good at – быть сильным/способным в какой-либо области
Read the text and answer the questions.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Nick and my last name is Ivanov.
I am seventeen years old. I am a student. I am single. I was born on the 9th of July, 1988. I am from Murom, Vladimir region, Russia. My address is 4-58 Mechnikov Street. My telephone number is two-two-nine-one-four.
I am tall. My face is oval. My eyes are large and green. My nose is straight. My hair is short and curly. I am sensitive, dynamic and sociable.
I think that’s all about me, my appearance and character.
1. What is his name? 2. How old is Nick? 3. What is his occupation? 4. Is he married? 5. When was Nick born? 6. Where is he from? 7. What is his address? 8. What is his phone number? 9. Is Nick tall? 10. Is his face round? 11. Are his eyes large and blue? 12. Is Nick’s hair long? 13. What kind of person is Nick?
Let me introduce myself. My name is Nick and my last name is Ivanov.
I am seventeen years old. I am a student, I am single. I was born on the 9th of July. 1988. I am from Murom, Vladimir region, Russia. My address is 4-58 Mechnikov Street. My telephone number is two-two-nine-one-four.
I look like my father. I am tall. My hair is short and curly. My eyes are large and green. My brother, on the other hand, is short. His face is round and my face is oval. He is broad-shouldered and my shoulders are narrow. Plus we are different in nature. I am sensitive and imaginative. My brother, on the other hand, is calm and stable. I am dynamic and sociable. He is logical and independent. So, we are very different. I think that’s all about me, my appearance and character.
1. What is Nick’s last name? 2. What is his age? 3. What is his profession?
4. What does Nick look like? 5. What does his brother look like? 6. Is his brother tall and narrow-shouldered? 7. Is Nick’s brother calm and stable? 8. Who is logical and independent? 9. Are the brothers different?