Ширяева И.В. Разговорный английский в диалогах.— СПб.: КАРО,2012. — 192 с.
Самостоятельная работа №2
Тема:«Мои друзья: чтение, перевод, выполнение упражнений»
Цель:развитие навыков чтения и понимания английских текстов.
Форма самостоятельной работы: работа с учебником для выполнения упражнений.
План изучения темы:
Прочитать текст «My dearest friend»
No doubt, everyone dreams of having a true and faithful friend but not all of us are lucky enough to find one. Frankly speaking, I'm rather sociable, that's why I have many friends. As for me I'm happy with my friends. Firstly, I don't have "fair weather" friends. Secondly, all my friends are very pleasant people.
My best friend is Masha. We study in the same class and though she doesn't live next door we manage to spend much time together. In appearance she is very attractive. She has an oval face, a straight nose, thick dark hair, big brown eyes and a pleasant smile. So people and, of course I, find her smart. Besides, Masha is known for her warm and friendly character. She is usually open-minded and interested in other people. More than that, she is considerate, supportive and responsible. I can always turn to her whenever I'm in trouble, and she never fails to help.
I'd like to point out, that Masha is rather brainy, and that's why she is excellent at school.
In general Masha is loyal, trustworthy, tactful and great at keeping secrets. For me it is very important that my best friend is an honest girl. I can fully rely on her and trust her everything. To tell the truth, we have never let each other down.
In conclusion I'd like to add, that my friend is an interesting person. She is well-read. Her favourite foreign author is Julian Rowling and her creation Harry Potter.
Besides, she is keen on modern music and enthusiastic with sport.
To sum up, "A good friend is like the sun in winter", it's about Masha. I'm the happiest girl in the world, because I have such a wonderful friend.
2) Сделать письменный перевод текста.
3) Выполнить упражнение:
Use adjectives from the table to complete Jane’s description.
Jane is quite good-looking. She’s slim with ... and ... hair. She’s pale-skinned with a ... nose. She always looks well-dressed in ... clothes.
4) Выполнить упражнение Match the adjectives to their justifications.
1. energetic 2. easy-going 3. talkative 4. Lazy 5.optimistic 6.ambitious 7. selfish
8. hot-tempered 9.popular 10. bossy
a) always looks on the bright side of life; b) never stops chatting
c) is always telling people what to do; d) only cares about him/herself
e) is always on the go; f) has lots of friends and is liked by everyone
g) isn’t easily annoyed, worried or upset; h) doesn’t like working
i) has a strong desire to be successful in life; j) gets angry really easily
1. Spotlight. Английский язык 11 класс. Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций. Базовый уровень. – М.: «Просвещение», 2014.
2.Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. – М.: Эксмо, 2008.
Самостоятельная работа №3
Тема:«Презентация «Каким должен быть настоящий профессионал?»
Цель: обучение логичному и последовательному изложению своих мыслей в соответствии с предложенной ситуацией, максимально приближенной к реальной жизни, и в пределах освоенного лексико-грамматического материала, совершенствовать умения создания презентаций.
Форма самостоятельной работы: работа с лексическим и грамматическим материалом для создания презентации.
План изучения темы:
1) Подготовить текст по теме презентации, используя предложенный лексический материал:
employee — служащий | |
employer — работодатель, наниматель | |
get a raise — получить повышение | |
job / work — работа | |
occupation — род занятий, профессия | |
profession — профессия | |
promotion — продвижение по службе | |
regular job — постоянная работа | |
run a firm — руководить фирмой | |
salary / wages — заработная плата | |
trade — занятие, ремесло, профессия | |
work overtime — работать сверхурочно | |
worker — рабочий | |
working hours — рабочие часы |
2) Подготовьте фотографии и картинки к презентации.