Ex 34 Read and retell the following. Tell a funny story about yourself or a friend.




In the middle of examination-time Digamma Pi Fraternity** had to work on Fatty Pfaff to help him take the exam in anatomy.

Fatty had failed in the mid-year anatomical and now he had to pass a special exam before he could take the final exam.

There was a certain fondness for him in Digamma Pi; Fatty was soft, Fatty was a fool, yet they were fond of him the way people are fond of an old car or a dirty dog.

The night before his special examination they kept him awake working till two, with wet towels and black coffee. They repeated lists — lists — lists to him. They ran about the room, holding up their hands and crying, "Will he never remember a thing?" and then, "Don't get excited, Fatty. Take it easy. Just listen to this quietly, will you, and try. Try to remember one thing at least!"

They led him carefully to bed. He was so full of facts that they were afraid he might lose them on his way to bed. When he woke at seven, with red eyes, he had forgotten everything he had learned.

"He's got to have a crib,"*** said the president of Digamma Pi, "even if he gets caught with it. I prepared one for him yesterday. It'll cover enough of the questions so he'll get through."

Fatty protested: "It's against my principles. I think a fellow who can't get through an examination can't be a doctor. That's what my Dad always said."

The president of Digamma Pi took Fatty by the shoulder and said slowly in a low voice, "Look here, I'm going to put this crib in your pocket — look, here in your pocket, behind your handkerchief."

"I won't use it," whispered Fatty. "It's all the same to me if I fail."

They pushed Fatty through the door, on his way to Anatomy Building. They watched him go.

"Is it possible he's going to be honest?" somebody wondered.

They saw Fatty stop, take the handkerchief out of the pocket — and discover the crib. They saw him look at it, begin to read it, put it back into his pocket and continue his way with a more resolute step.

They joined hands and danced about the room singing, "He'll use it — it's all right — he'll get through!"

He got through.

(After "Martin Arrowsmith" by Sinclair Lewis)


Ex 35 Read the following, answer the questions and retell the passage in English.




Недавно томская газета «Красное знамя» напечатала статью о молодом полиглоте.

23 языка знает студент четвертого курса Томского политехнического института Владимир В.

Сначала он выучил польский язык. Мысль о том, чтобы выучить этот язык, пришла ему в голову, когда однажды на прилавке книжного магазина он увидел интересную книгу на польском языке. Это была новая книга его любимого писателя Станислава Лема.

B день он заучивает 50—60 слов нового языка. Работа эта нелегкая. Выучить 3 000 слов занимает у него около двух месяцев.

Приняв решение выучить язык, он сразу же покупает два журнала: на русском и такой же на иностранном. Он читает иностранный журнал, если же он что-нибудь не понимает, то смотрит в русский экземпляр.

Закончив изучение одного языка, он сразу же переходит к изучению другого. «Изучать иностранный язык трудно, но чрезвычайно интересно», — говорит Владимир.

Иностранные языки — не единственное увлечение Владимира. Он отлично играет в настольный теннис, регулярно принимает участие в спортивных соревнованиях между политехническим институтом и другими учебными заведениями города. Он также прекрасный пловец. Экзамены по всем предметам Владимир сдает только на отлично.



1. What article recently appeared in the Tomsk newspaper Red Banner 2. What is a polyglot? 3. How many languages does Vladimir know? 4. What college is he studying at? 5. What foreign language did he learn first? 6. What gave him the idea to learn the Polish language? 7. Stanislav Lem is a well-known modern writer of science fiction, isn't he? 8. What is Vladimir's way of learning a foreign language? 9. How many words can he learn in a day? 10. How long does it take him to learn 3,000 words? 11. Why does he buy copies of the same magazine in two languages? 12. What does he need the Russian copy for? 13. Does he look up every single word in the Russian copy? 14. Does Vladimir study several languages at once or does he work at them one by one? 15. Is language learning his only hobby? 16. What are his other hobbies? 17. How well does he play table-tennis? 18. What competitions does he take part in? 19. What are usually his results in examinations? 20. What is the headline of the article? 21. What does the headline mean?

Ex 36 Act as interpreter. Sum up the dialogue.


A: Could you tell me about education in the Soviet Union?

В: Право на образование в нашей стране гарантируется Конституцией СССР. В статье 45 говорится, что граждане СССР имеют право на бесплатное образование всех видов.

A: What does a young person do after leaving school?

В: Он может или продолжать обучение в высших учебных заведениях или пойти работать.

A: Are there any privileges for those who work and study?

В: Для подготовки и сдачи экзаменов они имеют право на дополнительный отпуск на 20—40 дней с сохранением содержания, (an extra paid 20-day — 40-day leave).

A: How long does it take to graduate an institute or university in your country?

В: Обычно от 4 до 5 лет, за исключением медицинского института, где срок обучения 6 лет.

A: Do students get grants?

В: Да, студенты, которые хорошо занимаются, получают государственную стипендию.

A: I hear all young people get employment after graduation?

В: Все граждане СССР имеют право на труд, то есть на получение гарантированной работы с правом выбора профессии.

Ех 37 Use the following words and phrases in situations of your own.

A New Way of Life


take (pass) entrance examinations; enter College; a freshman; live at the hostel; be away from home; at first; find things difficult; get used to sth; do one's own cooking (washing, etc); enjoy sth; have fun; have classes (lectures); make (take) notes; make experiments; write scientific papers.