V. Make up a dialogue on the following situation, get ready to reproduce it.

You come to London. Your friend meets you. You are very tired, but you are in London for the first time. You make a short excursion on the way to your friend’s home and he tells you about his city.


VI. Compose a report about environmental protection. Use the following words and expressions:

The Earth; to be in trouble; to dump; garbage; to burn; to harm; to keep in the best possible shape; outlook.


VII. Home-reading. Read and translate orally and do all tasks in written form.

Interesting Dolphin Facts

Watching dolphins feeding on shoals of fish is fascinating. The school of dolphins herd the fish into a ball, then each dolphin in the school takes it in turn to swim through the fish and seize a tasty snack. Such is the control of the dolphins, that it is impossible for the fish to escape until all the dolphins have had their fill.

How dolphins drink water is a conundrum. In a nutshell, they don't drink seawater, because of the salt concentration. Thus they have to obtain water through their food, for example, squid or sea cucumber. The rest of their water balance is down to having efficient kidneys. Talking of water balance, let us consider, how do we humans 'lose' water? The answer is by sweating and through exhaling, both of which are reduced in the dolphin.

Dolphins see and navigate their underwater world by echo location. By generating clicks at about 500 clicks per second, dolphins can echo locate, their friends, their foes and their prey. We are only just appreciating their skill in simultaneously detecting objects, both near and far, moving and stationary.

Although dolphins are more closely related to dogs than cows, the males are called bulls, the females cows, and their offspring are calves. I am never sure why a group is called a school of dolphins, is it because of their playfulness, or is it their keenness to learn?

If you research the meaning of the English word 'Dolphin', you will find that it leads to the Latin word delphinus and ultimately to the Greek, delphís. The meaning of these words is linked to the Greek for womb, perhaps the ancients were seeking a name that showed that this animal was a mammal and not a fish.

It is also suggested that dolphin means beak. Whilst the beak is a key feature of the dolphin, and is useful in telling the difference between the various species, I cannot immediately see how Dolphin MEANS beak. I go with dolphin meaning 'womb fish'.

The pink river dolphin lives in the Amazon rainforest. They are usually born grey and become pinker with age: they are found in the tributaries and main rivers of the Orinoco River systems in South America. This animal can stay submerged for up to fifteen minutes; males sleep just below the surface and they come up to breathe. The pink dolphin's body has adapted to the rivers of the Amazon.

These Amazon river dolphins are also known as 'botos'. However, there are also relatives in the Chinese Yangtze river, where they are called baiiji. Unfortunately, both species are endangered due to thoughtless hunters.

Other pink albino bottlenose dolphins have been spotted in Calcasieu Lake, Louisiana, USA, reports Snopes.com.

Pink pacific humpback dolphins [known as white dolphins] are also found in small populations off the coast of China, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Hong Kong dolphin watch has been working since 1995 to increase the public's awareness of these dolphins plight as they are struggling to survive.

The Pink Dolphin Appeal was launched in April 2003 and collects money for research into breast cancer.



Ex. I. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is it fascinating to watch dolphins feeding?

2. How do dolphins obtain water?

3. What is echo location?

4. What are dolphins called?

5. What is the word “dolphin” linked to?

6. Where are pink river dolphins found?

7. How is the pink dolphin’s body adapted to the rivers?

8. Why are river dolphins endangered?

9. What dolphins are found off the coast of China?

10. What is the purpose of Hong Kong dolphin watch?


Ex. II. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Косяк дельфинов собирает рыбу в кучу, затем дельфины по очереди хватают вкусную закуску.

2. Рыба не может уйти до тех пор, пока все дельфины не наедятся всласть.

3. Как дельфины пьют воду это загадка; в двух словах, они не пьют морскую воду из-за концентрации соли.

4. Древние искали название, которое показывает, что это животное млекопитающее, а не рыба.

5. Речные дельфины, живущие в реках Южной Америки, рождаются серыми и становятся розовыми с возрастом.

6. Это животное может оставаться под водой до пятнадцати минут.

7. Речные дельфины подвергаются опасности из-за бездумных охотников.

8. Розовые тихоокеанские горбатые дельфины (известные как белые дельфины) обитают мористее побережья Китая, Сингапура, Тайланда и Вьетнама.

9. В Гонконге дельфины охраняются с 1995 г., чтобы повысить осведомленность людей о незавидной участи дельфинов в борьбе за выживание.

10. Внимание общественности к розовым дельфинам начали привлекать в апреле 2003 года, а сборы денег идут на исследование рака груди.




Test paper


I. Give the equivalents of the following expressions:

Скорость судна; нести вахту; поддерживать непрерывную связь; готовиться к отправлению судна; заходить в порт; оказать немедленную помощь.

II. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. О чём они говорят? – Они обсуждают статью из вчерашней газеты.

2. Где ты провёл прошлые каникулы? – Я был в Лондоне. Я хорошо провёл время.

3. Они не могут отремонтировать главный двигатель.

4. Где вы были вчера в 10 утра? – Я был в лаборатории, изучал навигационное оборудование.

5. Когда вахтенный помощник определит местоположение судна, мы изменим курс.

6. Мне предложили новую работу.

7. Мы думали, что выйдем в море рано утром.

8. Если леса будут сожжены, климат на Земле изменится невероятно.



III. Read the text and translate it in writing:

The Diana passed Australia and touched at the Bay of Resolution, Tana Island, for supplies. Golovnin established friendly relations with the inhabitants and made interesting notes about the life and customs of the islanders. A description of the bay was made.

At the beginning of October 1809, the Diana arrived at Kamchatka, where the ship stayed for the winter. Golovnin did not waste his time; he made trips inland in order to see what the peninsula was like and how its people lived.

In the spring of 1810, the Diana sailed to the coast of Alaska. It brought provisions to Novo-Arkhangelsk, the centre of Russian America.

Upon his return to Petropavlovsk, Golovnin received orders from St.Petersburg to make a description of the Aleutian and the Kuril Islands and the Tatar Coast, as the Pacific coast of Russia was then called. After their second winter in Kamchatka, in the early spring of 1811, the seamen cut their way through the ice in the harbour and Golovnin led his ship out into the ocean in the direction of the Kuril Islands.


IV. Answer the following questions in details:

1. What notes did Golovnin make after touching Tana Island?

2. What did he do in Kamchatka?

3. What description did he make after the expedition?