The method of the Hierarchy is to work through individuals [672] and through groups for the production of such a widespread spiritual recognition that men everywhere will accept as factual the inner government of the planet, and will work together for the founding of the Kingdom of God in objective manifestation on Earth—and not in some distant time and some vague heaven. This is no mystical or impossible dream, but is simply the recognition and the externalisation of that which has been for ever present, which definitely took objective form when Christ was with us two thousand years ago, and which will proceed to universal recognition when He is with us again in the immediate future.
Therefore, all who work and struggle for the good of humanity and under the direction of the Hierarchy, take heart and renew your courage. The Hierarchy not only stands (as oft I have told you), but It is approaching daily and yearly closer to humanity. The power of the focussed, spiritual unity of the Hierarchy can be felt today in many ways; it is largely responsible for the patient effort of all humanitarian workers and of all who vision unity in the face of great odds, and in spite of the fatigued lethargy and the pessimism which conditions, too hard for human endurance, have imposed upon men's minds. The Hierarchy stands and works. The Masters are working according to Plan—a Plan which is founded in the past history of the race and can there be traced; a Plan which necessitated because of human selfishness, the drastic horror of the war (1914-1945); a Plan which today can and will bridge the gulf which now exists between the unsatisfactory, selfish and material past and that new future which will demonstrate a large measure of world unity, and which will steadily and with skill in action substitute the spiritual values for those which have hitherto held sway.
The guarantee of this is the developing intelligence of men everywhere fighting blindly for freedom and for understanding, and receiving ever the inner assurance, knowledge [673] and aid of Those Who are working out (as always) those situations and conditions wherein mankind can best arrive at divine expression.
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy
The members of the hierarchy represent those who have achieved peace and quiescence, and can be impressed; aspirants and disciples represent those brain cells which are beginning to fall into the larger divine rhythm. They are learning the nature of responsiveness. The mass of men are like the millions of unused brain cells which the psychologists and scientists tell us we possess but do not employ. This analogy you can think out in greater detail for yourself, but even superficially it will be apparent to you that when this point is grasped, the purpose for which humanity exists, the objective before the group of world mystics and workers, and the ideal set before the individual aspirant, are the same as in the individual meditation; the achieving of that focused attention and mental quiet wherein reality can be contacted, the true and the beautiful can be registered, divine purpose can be recorded, and it becomes possible to transmit to the phenomenal form, upon the physical plane, the needed energy whereby the [528] subjective realization can be materialized. The aspirant does this in connection with his own soul purpose if he is successful in his endeavor; the disciple is learning to do this in relation to group purpose, and the initiate cooperates with the planetary purpose. These constitute the inner group of vitally alive brain cells in the planetary brain, the entire human group, and it is evident that the more powerful their united vibration and the clearer the light which they reflect and transmit, the more rapidly will the present inert mass of human cells be brought into activity. The occult hierarchy is to the planetary Life what the light in the head is to the average awakened disciple, only on so much vaster a scale, and with such an adequate inner alignment that students such as those who read these Instructions cannot understand the true significance of the words. The point to be grasped is that through humanity on the physical plane, the nature of reality will be revealed; the true and the beautiful will be manifested; the divine plan will eventually work out, and that energy be transmitted to all forms in nature which will enable the inner spiritual reality to emerge.
A Treatise on White Magic, page 528
In this instruction we will consider the relation of group meditation to the work of the New Group of World Servers, and the necessity of establishing in the world a united world group, given to unanimous and simultaneous meditation upon the work of preparing the world for the new order and for the jurisdiction of the Christ (if I may use such a phrase).
It is necessary for you all to get a wider vision of the enterprise which this group has undertaken, or else the meditation work which you will do will hinder and not help. The task of the group of World Servers is not the spreading of esoteric or occult information. In preparing the world of [232] men for the reappearance of the Christ, the needs of all the many grades in the social order must be met; world groups of every description have to be contacted. Much of the work to be done, therefore, will be purely economic and will concern the right feeding and the development of a true security for millions who - for many lives - will not be interested in matters esoteric. The reform of the churches of the many world religions is another aspect of the same work, requiring no occult information but the introduction of common sense and progressive ideas into theology, and the shift of the ecclesiastical emphasis from material values to the spiritual. The political regimes of the world need orienting to each other; it has never been the divine plan that all nations and races should conform to some standard political ideology or be reduced to a uniform general form of government. Nations differ; they have different cultures and traditions; they can function adequately under varying and distinctive governments; nevertheless, they can at the same time attain a unity of purpose, based upon a genuine desire for the true welfare and progress of all men everywhere.
Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II
One thing I would however like you clearly to grasp and that is the pattern which underlies the various aspects of the work now in process of expansion. A brief diagram should make the relationship clear, and these relationships are factual today:
working through
using many agencies, among them
working through
the Triangles, the Goodwill work, the Invocation work
allied with
The energy of the New Group of World Servers could be likened to the antahkarana which connects humanity with the Hierarchy and provides a channel of contact with the Ashrams of the Masters. The Arcane School can be considered [89] as one of the results of the activity of the New Group of World Servers. There are many others scattered all over the world. The same holds true of the Service Activities. No esoteric group is soundly handled and correctly motivated unless the spiritual energies which are available to it and the knowledge and the wisdom unfolded find expression in definite service. The service activities are, therefore, an expression of the livingness of the Arcane School and that relationship must be valued and preserved.
As disciples, your place is in the senior ranks of the New Group of World Servers and your responsibility, as a group, is to aid a phase of the work to be done which is strictly the project of the Hierarchy as a whole. I ask you to throw your efforts into the work of preparation for the reappearance of the Christ, to further in all possible ways the distribution both of the pamphlet so entitled and the book which deals with his reappearance. The world must be flooded with the information and through the hope and expectancy thus engendered may move forward into greater light, better human relations and a newer happiness. The results of your activities along this line should enhance the usefulness of the service activities of the Arcane School and swell the ranks of those who are working on mental levels in the Triangles and for right human relations through the medium of the Goodwill work.
Disciplesip in the New Age, Vol. II
Leonardo da Vinci's great picture of the communion in the upper room is the great symbol of the [234] Aquarian age, for we shall sit down together under the loving direction of Christ when brotherhood will be established and men will be banded together in the bonds of divine relationship. The old barriers between man and man and nation and nation will, during the next 2000 years slowly disappear.
It was to inaugurate and institute this work that the Hierarchy announced the emergence on earth of the New Group of World Servers, led and guided by disciples and spiritual aspirants who know no sense of separateness, who see all men alike, irrespective of color or creed, and who are pledged to work without cessation for the promotion of international understanding, economic sharing and religious unity.
The second part of the group in the organization of the New Group of World Servers is composed of the men and women of goodwill. These are not strictly speaking spiritual aspirants. They are not particularly interested in the Plan and have little or no knowledge of the planetary Hierarchy. They do, however, want to see right relations established among men. They want to see justice and kindness prevail on earth. Under the direction of the world disciples and their helpers these people can be trained in practical and effective ways of expressing goodwill. In this way they can do basic and foundational work in preparing the world for a fuller expression of the spiritual purpose. They can familiarize mankind with the need for right human relations expressed in every community, in every nation and, eventually, on an international scale.
Seed groups are in process of being "esoterically anchored" in the field of the world, having in them those who can respond to the subtler forces and who can–through the strength of their clear thought at this stage of the proceedings–produce those conditions (within the present existing world trends and world groups) which will enable the new sciences, the new approaches to divinity, the new education, and the new modes of handling the economic situation and the political problems, to precipitate and further the growth of the Kingdom of God in such a manner that this fifth kingdom in nature may be a tangible, factual and objective occurrence upon the Earth.
(Hierarchy, p.90)
These seed groups are embryonic and therefore, like germinating seeds, their activity is at present dual. Every seed demonstrates its life by putting out two outward evidences of its internal life and activity, and these seed groups are no exception to this universal law. Their activity is evidenced in a relation to the Hierarchy and their relation to each other. Not yet have they succeeded in emerging into outer plane activity. Their inner life is not adequately strong, but they are, as says the scripture, "taking root downwards" in order to "bear fruit upwards."
Should these groups develop as intended, should the corporate life of the members persist in right integral relation and should continuance be their keynote, then these seed groups, tiny as they may be, will come to flower, and–through an eventual "scattering of the seed," succeed finally in "covering the earth with verdure." I am speaking here in the language of symbolism which is, as you well know, the language of truth.
(Hierarchy, p.27)
The seed groups now in process of forming will be distinguished by the quality of fusion, and this should be as inevitable a development as is the separative and protective nature of the ordinary human consciousness. It is this sense of union and of at-one-ment which is the protective and essential characteristic of the fifth kingdom, and it is this latent, yet actively present, factor which leads unerringly and inevitably to the organisation–interior and subjective–of the seed groups, to their radiatory activity, and to the magnetic pull they evidence when duly organised. Thus they produce fusion and blending.
The influence of these new groups is due to the close inner relation demonstrated through uniform thinking and a recognised unity of purpose. It is for this reason (a truly scientific one in its nature) that I have emphasised so strongly the ordinary characteristics of the trained disciple, which are non-criticism, sensitivity and love. Where these are lacking, this simultaneous oneness and directed thought and this "group aroma" (as it is esoterically called, though the word I am attempting to translate is more adequate than the above) become impossible. I have not been interested in the elimination of hindering faults for the individual's sake, but for the carrying forward of the desired group purposes. The need is for group thinking of a powerful nature along the indicated lines; for visualisation of the Vision of such a clear nature that it becomes a fact for the individual; for the development and functioning of the imagination, applied to the lines of outcome and results, and functioning so creatively that the results are seen with clarity and must inevitably materialise. It involves also the holding of the inner subjective link with each other with such firmness that potent centres of force and of creative energy–working under inspiration from the Hierarchy, via the focussed minds of group members who are definitely en rapport with their souls and with each other–may function so successfully that the new civilisation and the new culture can be rapidly established. As this has to be founded on a basis of loving goodwill and upon nondestruction, and as its methods lead to right relations between men and nations, it is essential that the establishing groups should themselves express the subtler aspects of these desired virtues.
(Hierarchy, p.102-104)
Telepathic communicators
Trained observers
Magnetic healers
Educators in the New Age
Political workers
Workers in the field of religion
Scientific servers
Financiers and economists
Creative workers
All aspirants know, and down the ages have been taught, that a clean mind and a pure heart, love of truth, and a life of service and unselfishness, are prime prerequisites, and where they are lacking, naught avails and none of the great secrets can be imparted.
Treatise on White Magic, page 544
Little by little, the picture of the possibilities and of the Plan will unfold before you as your minds increase in sensitivity and your brains become more responsive to mental impulses. Little by little, the disciples of the world will work at the reproduction - on the physical plane - of that which exists subjectively. Little by little, there will appear all over the earth, groups of illumined souls who can cooperate with the Masters with perfect freedom of intercourse because their responsiveness has been scientifically trained and developed. Their power to work in tune with or in unison with the Hierarchy, to cooperate with the group life of many other groups of disciples and to communicate light and revelation to the world of men will later be an accomplished fact and is already much more actively present and potent than you think. A little vision, brother of mine, makes the way of the disciple easier and hence I have enlarged somewhat upon the possibilities which we, with our prevision, regard as already facts in manifestation. Nothing can stop the eventual success of the Plan; it is simply a question of time.
Discipleship in the New Age, page 29
These groups are also an externalization of an inner existing condition. They are an effect and not a cause. That they themselves may have an initiatory effect (as they work out into manifestation upon the physical plane) is no doubt true; but they are themselves the product of an inner activity and of a subjective aggregation of forces which must perforce become objective. The work of the disciples who find their place in these various groups is to keep in close rapport with ten inner groups which form, nevertheless, one large active group. This group force will then pour through all the various groups just in so far as the disciples in the groups do the following things as a group:
1. Keep en rapport with the inner source of power.
2. Never lose sight of the group objective. [41]
3. Cultivate the dual capacity to apply the laws of the soul to the individual life and the laws of the group to group life.
4. Use all the forces which may flow into the group in service; they must learn, therefore, to register those forces and use them correctly. The hints given below as to the centers which these ten groups will use must be studied. The right use of these centers will take place only when there is a greater group unity established among the members of the individual groups and among the groups as a whole. You ask why is this so, my brothers? Because the force flowing in might prove too strong for the individual disciple to handle alone, but the force is shared by the group if there is complete group at-one-ment. In this way, each disciple can serve the group and his objective eventually becomes:
a. At-one-ment with his group brothers.
b. Alignment with his soul and with the inner group which is the subjective cause of the outer groups.
c. The expression of the particular technique which his group should eventually embody.
The groups will use the following centers in their work:
Group 1
The head, heart and throat centers.
Group 2
The head, heart and solar plexus centers.
Group 3
The head, heart and ajna centers.
Group 4
The head, ajna and throat centers.
Group 5
The head and heart centers and the center at the base of the spine.
Group 6
The head, heart and solar plexus centers. This is necessarily the same as in Group 2.
Group 7
The head, throat and sacral centers.
Group 8
The head, heart, solar plexus and throat centers. This group of disciples will be the first to use four centers in their work as they are in a curious sense, the mediators of thought between the other groups. They are peculiarly a linking group. [42]
Group 9
The head, heart, throat and sacral centers.
Group 10
The head, heart, sacral centers and the center at the base of the spine.
Discipleship in the New Age, vol. I