“I see.” I stood there, frowning as I thought things over.

I still had no real reason to believe there was something sinister going on, but my gut was starting to say that there was. True, I didn’t know Anna well, but she hadn’t struck me as the type of person who would make an appointment and then just not show up without even a phone call. And she had said she had no family in Venezuela, so what was this “trip home” all about? And finally, why were the protesters targeting Pretty Face when it seemed so clear that there wasn’t a scrap of truth in their accusations?

I thanked Marty and headed back to the Horatio. To my surprise, Bess and George were there.

“The only tickets we could get were for some kids’ play featuring a talking bat,” George explained. “We figured we’d skip it.”

“Well, I’m sorry you didn’t find a good show, but I’m glad you’re here,” I told her. “I need your computer help.”

I filled my friends in about Anna’s vanishing act as we went up to their room. “I need to track down her brother,” I said. “But all I know is that he was born in Venezuela, he’s a chemist at a Texas oil company, and his last name is Chavez.”

“That’s it?” Bess sounded incredulous. “Nancy, do you have any idea how many people there probably are in Texas named Chavez? You’ll never find him!”

“Calm down,” George said, waving a hand. “Let me do some searches.”

She turned on her computer, which of course was immediately wirelessly connected to the Internet, and started typing away at her various search engines.

“You said he’s a chemist?” she called a few moments later.


“Okay. Just checking.” George resumed typing.

“Hmm. Nació en means ‘born in’ in Spanish, right?” she called after five or ten minutes more.

“I think so,” I replied.

“Got it.”

Bess handed me a bottle of water from the minibar. “Get comfortable. This will take hours,” she advised. “Want to watch a movie on pay-per-view?”

“Found him,” George announced.

Already?” Bess and I said at the same time.

George shrugged, grinning. “Wasn’t so hard. I had to break through the security on a couple of the oil company Web sites to get their employee directories, but that stuff’s usually fairly low-level. Then I took all the Chavezes that came out of those searches and checked their college degrees. There were only two with degrees in chemistry. After that I just had to figure out which one was born in Venezuela. No problem.”

“Right. Simple,” I said with a snort. “George, has anyone ever told you you’re a genius?”

“Not often enough,” she said smugly.

“So can your genius take you one step further and find his office phone number for me?” I asked.

“Right here.” She pointed to her computer screen. “I’m a full-service operation.”

I dialed the number on the screen. After two rings a man answered. “Otilio Chavez.”

“Mr. Chavez, my name is Nancy Drew. I’m a friend of your sister, Anna,” I said.

“Yes?” The man’s voice sounded puzzled and a bit alarmed. “Is something wrong?”

“Well, sir, that’s what I was hoping you’d tell me,” I explained. “Anna sent an e-mail saying she had a family emergency and was flying home to Venezuela. I just wanted to find out if everything was all right.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Mr. Chavez said. “We don’t have family in Venezuela. Are you sure that’s what she said?”

“I’m sure,” I said. The bad feeling in my gut was getting stronger. “So I assume you haven’t heard from her.”

“Not since last weekend,” Mr. Chavez said. “We talked on the phone on Sunday. Everything seemed fine. And I certainly don’t know about any family emergency. Look, what is going on? Who am I speaking with, anyway?”

“Mr. Chavez, I’m a friend of Anna’s. I met her recently at a Pretty Face event. She called me yesterday to say she wanted to talk to me about something. But she never showed up for our meeting.”

“I don’t understand,” he said. “Should I call the police?”

“I don’t think there’s anything they can do,” I told him. “If she is missing, she’s been gone less than a full day, and that’s not long enough to start an investigation.” I bit my lip. “I’d like to help. If you give me her address, I can go over there and see if there’s any more information I can pick up about where she is.”

“Well…” I could hear his hesitation. “All right. It seems strange, since I don’t even know you, but… I don’t know what else to do. Listen, will you please call me and tell me what you find out?”

“I will,” I promised.

Grabbing a pen, I scribbled down the address he gave me. Then I hung up and used an online map site to show me how to get there. Anna’s place turned out to be quite close to the hotel.

“Anyone up for a brief excursion?” I asked.

“You know we are,” Bess told me. She grabbed her bag. “Let’s go.”

We hurried through the narrow, cobblestone streets of the far West Village. Ten minutes later we stood in front of Anna’s building, a smallish four-story brick structure on a tree-lined street. A grizzled, elderly man in blue work pants was hosing down the sidewalk in front of the building. “Can I help you ladies?” he asked as he noticed us hesitating on the stoop. “I’m the super of this building.”

“We’re friends of Anna Chavez in 4B,” I told him. “She was supposed to meet us earlier today and she never showed up. She’s not answering her phone, either. We just wanted to make sure she was okay.”

He frowned. “Anna? Buzz her.”

I pressed the buzzer for 4B. No one answered the intercom.

“Did you see her leave this morning, by any chance?” I asked the super.

“Nope.” He shrugged. “I saw her come in last night, around ten, ten thirty. But today, I didn’t see her.”

I took a deep breath. “Look, I know this is asking a lot, but would you mind going up there with us and opening her door? I just want to make sure she’s not sick or passed out or something in there.”

His eyes narrowed. “You sure this isn’t some kind of scam? You’re not just trying to get into her apartment and steal stuff?”

“I swear it’s not a scam,” I said. “Anyway, you’ll be with us the whole time. You can keep an eye on us.”

He glared at me, then shifted his gaze to Bess and George. We all did our best to look as trustworthy as possible.

After a moment he gave a curt nod. “Okay. Anna’s a good girl. I don’t like to think of anything bad happening to her. You come up with me. But no touching anything, you got it?”

I nodded, then waited impatiently while he went to his own apartment to get Anna’s spare key. He led us up the four flights of stairs to her door. “Anna?” he called as he unlocked it. “Anna, you here?”

No answer.

Her place was small but light-filled, airy, and exquisitely neat. Tropical plants flourished in the windows, and the walls were covered with photographs of exotic flowers and animals.

A plaintive mewing made me look down. A small tortoiseshell cat was winding around my legs. As soon as I took a step toward the kitchen, it scampered ahead of me, then turned to look back expectantly.

“That cat is hungry,” George observed.

I stepped into the kitchen and looked around. The sink had one or two dirty dishes in it that looked as if they’d been there at least a day, judging from the crust of dried food on the rim of the bowl. That seemed out of place, given how neat the place was overall. I noticed, too, that the cat’s food bowl was empty and its water dish dry. It mewed again.

“That’s funny,” the super said. “That cat don’t eat much. Anna always pays me to feed it when she goes away, and it never empties the bowl. She must not have fed it in a while.”

“She didn’t tell you she was going away today, did she?” I asked.


I looked up and met Bess’s and George’s gazes. They both had the same worried look I knew must have been on my own face. Surely Anna would never go away and leave her cat uncared for, even if there was some kind of family emergency. Put that together with the dirty dishes in the sink and the appointment she had never shown up for…

There was no hard evidence, but the feeling in my gut had grown to a near certainty.

Something had happened to Anna Chavez. Something bad.




We thanked Anna’s super and left the building as quickly as we could. “What should we do?” Bess asked as we hurried back toward the hotel. “Shouldn’t we call the police?”

I shook my head. “Like I told Anna’s brother, there really isn’t anything the police could do. They won’t declare a person officially missing and open an investigation until no one’s seen the person for something like two full days. And it’s not like there are any signs of violence in Anna’s apartment or anything.”

“So we’re on our own,” George said.

“For now,” I agreed.

Back at the hotel, we returned to Bess and George’s room. I didn’t want Kelly to overhear what we were about to discuss — especially since I was worried that she might be involved in some way.

“Okay,” I said when we were all sitting down. “Let’s figure out what we know so far.”

“Do we know anything at all?” Bess asked doubtfully.

“Well, we know Anna was troubled by something,” George pointed out. “Troubled enough to call Nancy about it.”

“And it seems reasonable to think it had something to do with the protest at the reception,” I added. “After all, I saw her having an argument or something with Kyle McMahon right after the protest. And she called me the next day.”

“I still can’t believe the protesters could be right about Pretty Face,” Bess objected. “I mean, their whole reputation is built on the fact that they don’t do animal testing! If it turns out that’s a lie, they’re finished!”

“Pretty good reason to want to keep it a secret, isn’t it?” I said grimly.

Bess’s eyes widened. “You think Kyle McMahon is behind her disappearance? You think she was going to blow the whistle and he made sure she couldn’t?”

“I think it’s a good place to start,” I said.

“Couldn’t it be something else, though?” George argued. “I mean, Pretty Face must have competitors, other companies who are trying to sell to the same market. Maybe someone in one of the rival companies set up the protests to smear Pretty Face.”

“And Anna found out about it and the people at the rival company had to keep her from spilling the beans,” I finished. “Yeah, that’s a possibility too, George. Good thinking. Either way, there are a few things we need to investigate. I know you two are here on vacation, but I’m going to need a lot of help on this.”

“You know we’re with you,” Bess said. “Finding Anna is more important than our vacation.”

“What she said,” George chimed in.

I smiled at my two best friends. Where would I be without them?

“Okay,” I said, grabbing a pen and a pad of Horatio Hotel notepaper from the desk. Scribbling stuff down helps me think. “Let’s break down our tasks.

“First, I need to trace Anna’s movements as much as I can to get a better idea of exactly when and where she disappeared.”

“You don’t think she’s… well… you don’t think whoever kidnapped her did something bad to her, do you?” Bess asked hesitantly.

I bit my lip. I’d been wondering the same thing.

“Well, the e-mail that was sent out to cover her disappearance did say she’d be in touch in a few days,” I pointed out. “Let’s hope that means that whoever took her plans to release her at some point.”

“I wonder if I could figure out where that e-mail really came from,” George murmured.

“You read my mind. That was the next thing I was going to suggest,” I said, grinning. “If I can get you access to Kyle McMahon’s computer, could you get into his e-mail and see whether or not he’s the one who sent that message?”

“Not a problem,” George declared. “Chances are, all I have to do is figure out his password.”

“Great.” I wrote that task down. “Now, the next thing on my list is for you, Bess,” I went on.

“Good, I was starting to feel left out,” she said.

“I need you to hang out with Kelly. You’re trying to find out two things. First, see if you can get any details from her on what her father was doing between…” I checked the call log on my cell phone to see what time Anna’s call had come in. “Between six fifty p.m. yesterday and seven thirty this morning. That’s what time the e-mail was sent, so whatever happened to Anna happened somewhere in that time period.

“Second, I want you to see if you can figure out what Kelly’s secret is. I know she has one, and I think it might have something to do with those protesters.” I’d already told Bess and George about the tube of stage blood in the trash can. “I invited her to hang out with us tonight, and she started acting funny, which makes me think she has some plans of her own that she doesn’t want me to know about. But you might have better luck than me. It seems as though, ever since she found out I’m a detective, she hasn’t really trusted me all the way. See if you can get her to tell you anything.”

“On it,” Bess said, nodding.

“I also think we should try to find one of the protesters and see if we can get them to tell us where they’re getting their information,” I said, making a few more notes. “George, if I get you the protesters’ names, can you make some calls and see what you can find out?”

George shrugged. “Not a problem. But what are you going to be doing?”

“I’m going up to the Pretty Face offices to see if I can get into Anna’s office. There might be some clues in there.”

First I made a quick phone call to one of my more useful contacts, Officer Ellen Johansen, of the River Heights Police Department. We get along really well and, whenever we can, we help each other out on cases. She’s one of the few police officers in River Heights who doesn’t resent me for solving more mysteries than they do.

I asked Officer Johansen to call a friend in the New York City Police Department and have them give her the contact information for any protesters who’d been arrested yesterday. I gave her George’s number so that she could pass the info to George as soon as she got it.

“Okay,” I said at last, clapping my hands together. “Let’s hope that’ll bring us some clues.” I checked my watch and saw that it was already nearly five o’clock in the afternoon. “Yikes! I’d better get going. I’ll meet you guys back here at six fifteen.”

Once more I got on the subway and headed uptown. I hadn’t quite figured out how I would persuade the receptionist to let me into Anna’s office, but as I came into the building I spotted Anna’s lab mate, Marty Anders, hurrying out. He must be leaving for the day. Maybe I can use that.

Upstairs, I saw that the receptionist was tidying up her desk and getting ready to go. “I’m sorry to bother you,” I said, “but I left my day planner in the lab. Could you call Mr. Anders for me?”

“He’s already gone for the day,” she said.

I bit my lip. “Can I just quickly go back there? I know exactly where I left it.”

The receptionist looked doubtful. “I’m not supposed to let anyone back without an escort. But I’ve got to get going — my boyfriend is waiting downstairs for me.”

Perfect! “I promise I’ll go straight to the lab — I remember how to get there,” I said. “Please, I hate to ask you to bend the rules, but I really need my day planner.”

The receptionist hesitated. Then she nodded. “Okay, I guess you’re technically part of the company, since you’re a Miss Pretty Face.” She pointed toward the door. “Go ahead. I’ll buzz you through. Just don’t get me in trouble, okay?”

“I’ll be out in a flash,” I promised. “Thanks!”

She buzzed me through the security door and I hurried back to the lab. Anna’s office was the one across the lab from Marty’s, I guessed. The door was closed and through the frosted glass I could see that there were no lights on. I slipped inside, leaving it dark and closing the door again so that no one would notice me if they happened by, and turned on the computer.

While I waited for it to boot up, I glanced quickly over the surface of Anna’s desk. Almost at once, I realized with a zing of excitement that someone else had been there before me. I mean, Anna was a neat person, but this desk was beyond neat. There was nothing on the wooden surface except a blank pad of paper. The in-tray was empty. Opening the file drawer, I saw that it had been emptied as well.

I turned back to the computer. “ENTER USER ID AND PASSWORD” was blinking at me from the middle of a blue screen. I groaned softly. “George, where are you when I need you?” I muttered. How was I ever going to figure out Anna’s user ID and password?

I decided to tackle that after I searched the rest of Anna’s desk drawers. Maybe the password was written down somewhere.

The other desk drawers appeared to hold nothing but a few boxes of paper clips and staples and some spare pens. Just to be thorough, I ran my fingers over the insides of each drawer.

Hey! “What’s this?” I said out loud. Something was taped to the underside of the drawer above the one I had opened. It felt like a piece of paper. Heart beating faster, I worked my fingertips under the tape and gently peeled it away.

I pulled out a square of glossy paper that had been folded in quarters. I was about to unfold it when I heard something that made the hairs on the back of my neck rise.

It was the click of Anna’s office door, opening.

And then a deep, rumbling voice said, “Just what do you think you’re doing?”




I jumped up and spun around. Standing behind me was the one person in the world I didn’t think I could bluff — Adam Bedrossian, the head of corporate security for Pretty Face cosmetics.

Still, I had to try. “Wow,” I said, giving him a big smile. “You startled me!” I spoke as casually as I could with my heart racing about a million beats a minute. “I was just looking for my day planner. I came up here this afternoon to talk to Anna and I think I left it somewhere in her office.”

Adam folded his brawny arms. “Anna wasn’t here today,” he said, his eyes narrowing. “In fact, she’s gone out of town for a while.”

“I know,” I said. “I talked to her lab mate, Marty. He brought me back here. I think that’s when I left it behind.” As far as Adam would be able to check, everything I had said so far was the truth. Unless, of course, he decided to search me and found my day planner in my purse. But I hoped he wouldn’t go that far.

“You think you left your day planner in one of Anna’s desk drawers?” Adam drawled, raising his eyebrows. “That seems… odd.”

I forced a laugh. “No, of course not. But I thought if one of the cleaning staff had found it on her desk, they might have put it into one of the drawers. You know, for safekeeping.”

“Smart thinking,” Adam commented dryly. I had a feeling he wasn’t talking about the office cleaning staff. In fact, I strongly suspected he didn’t believe a word I was saying.

Abruptly he unfolded his arms and gestured toward the lab door. “I take it you didn’t find it.”

“Not yet,” I said.

“Well.” He smiled a humorless smile at me. “I think we can both agree that you’re not going to find it here. So how about if I walk you to the elevator, and you get back to the beauty pageant.”

“Sure, thanks,” I said. There was no other response I could think of.

“It’s a good thing I found you here,” Adam told me as we walked down the empty, carpeted corridor. “I noticed Anna’s computer was on. You know, we take our corporate security very, very seriously, Miss Drew. Our trade secrets are very valuable. If someone had found you, say, looking through Anna’s computer files, I don’t know that I would have been able to clear up any misunderstandings about what you were up to.”

“Uh — right,” I said, not sure where he was going with this.

“Trouble of that kind would probably get a girl kicked out of the Miss Pretty Face pageant,” he went on, as if he were simply thinking aloud.

“Oh, I see what you mean,” I said, my hackles rising as I realized what he was doing. He was threatening me! “I guess it’s lucky for me that I wasn’t looking through Anna’s computer. I was just looking for my day planner.” Of course, I would have looked through Anna’s computer if I’d had the chance, but I hadn’t, so…

“Lucky indeed,” Adam agreed with a bland smile. We reached the elevator and he pressed the Down button. In less than ten seconds the doors swished open. “Well, have a nice evening, Miss Drew. Looking forward to seeing you onstage at the pageant.” And not before that, he didn’t have to add.

“Thanks for all your help,” I said, giving him an equally fake smile and a little wave. “See you later.”

A few minutes later I was back on the subway and heading downtown for what seemed like the millionth time that day. It was crowded with rush-hour traffic, so I had to stand. I stood there, clutching a pole and willing my pulse to slow down. That had been close — too close. I’d have to be extracareful from here on in. With Adam Bedrossian around, I couldn’t afford to make any mistakes.

I considered the possibility that he might have some connection to Anna’s disappearance. If he did, I knew there was no way I’d find out anything from talking to him. Adam Bedrossian was a pro and would never give anything away by accident.

If I was right about Kyle McMahon being behind Anna’s disappearance, it was possible Adam was working with him. Still, I decided it made the most sense to investigate Kyle, not Adam. Kyle was Adam’s boss, after all, so if they were working together, Kyle was probably the one giving the orders. Besides, I had a feeling it was going to be much easier to find out about him than it would be to find out about the security chief.

With a start I remembered the bit of paper I’d found taped inside Anna’s desk. I pulled it out from the waistband of my jeans, where I’d quickly stuffed it before I turned around to face Adam.

I unfolded it. It was a page that had been torn from what seemed to be some kind of science or nature magazine. It had a photo of a small, brilliantly colored frog sitting on some kind of jungle leaf. Unfortunately, I couldn’t make out much more than that because the entire article was written in Spanish. I ran my eyes over it, but the only words I could make out were la rana (“frog”) and venenosa, which I guessed meant “venomous.” I also saw the phrase “la selva tropical Venezolana” a couple of times. I vaguely remembered from Spanish class that selva was Spanish for “jungle.” Venezuelan tropical jungle?

Why would Anna have taped part of an article about venomous frogs to the inside of her desk? As I stared at the page, trying to make out more of what it said, I noticed the date of the publication. The article had come out more than two years ago. So it wasn’t even current!

I wrinkled my forehead. It didn’t make any sense. What was so supersecret in an old article about a Venezuelan rain-forest frog?

Well, maybe if a Spanish speaker read the whole page, they could tell me what I was missing. My boyfriend Ned could probably help with that. He had a couple of friends at college who were Spanish majors. I could fax it to him and ask for a quick translation.

The subway arrived at my stop and I got off. By now I knew the way so well I didn’t even have to pause and figure out where I was. I walked down the street toward the Horatio, dialing my cell phone.

Ned didn’t answer his phone, so I left a message asking him to call me as soon as he could and to leave me a number where I could fax to him.

As I entered the hotel, I saw Harrison Hendrickson making a beeline for me, his face stormy. Oh, no, I thought, my stomach clenching. What have I done now?

“I just had a phone call about you,” he said, not even bothering to say hello. “From the security director at Pretty Face. I understand you were caught wandering around the office after hours, unescorted.”

So Adam Bedrossian had ratted me out. What a jerk!

“You are skating on very thin ice,” Harrison said coldly. I noticed that he had stopped calling me “sweet pea,” and although it had bugged me before, now I kind of wished I could hear it again. “I would have thought that, after what happened this morning, you would have started taking this pageant more seriously, but apparently not. Well, I’m putting you on notice. One more of your… lapses and you are out of this contest and the runner-up takes your place. Do you understand?”

“I —” was all I got out.

“Good,” Harrison said curtly, and stalked away.

Feeling wilted and deflated, I headed for the bank of house phones. First I called Kyle McMahon’s room and made sure that he wasn’t there. Then I called up to Bess and George’s room.

“You sound wiped out,” George told me after we’d said hello. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I just got yelled at again by Harrison, but I’ve got more important things to worry about than the pageant wrangler.” I looked around to be sure no one was within earshot. “Can you meet me at Kyle McMahon’s room, four-oh-nine, in five minutes? It’s time for that little job I asked for your help with.”

“On my way,” George said. We hung up.

I ran up to my own room, hoping that Kelly would be out too so I wouldn’t have to hide what I was doing — which was grabbing my lock-pick set so that I could break into her father’s room.

Fortunately the room was empty. I spent a brief moment wondering if Bess had learned anything useful about Kelly. Then I grabbed my tools and hurried down to 409, where George was waiting, looking nervous. The corridor was empty as far as I could see. “Tell me if you see or hear anyone coming,” I instructed her, and set to work.

It took a few minutes for me to pick the lock. Hotel room doors are almost always high-tech, with electronic locks that have to be opened with a computerized key card. Luckily criminal technology had kept up with the times, and my tools were able to do the job.

The door light flashed green and I turned the knob. “We’re in,” I murmured, and slipped inside. George was right behind me.

“Whew! My heart is racing,” she said with a shaky laugh. “We just committed a crime!”

“It’s only a crime in the technical sense,” I pointed out. “We’re not here to steal anything, we’re trying to solve a mystery and find a missing person.”

“Somehow I doubt the judge at our trial is going to accept that as a defense,” George retorted. She put a hand to her chest. “Okay, it’s slowing down now. How do you stay so calm, Nan?”

I grinned. “Guess I’m just an outlaw at heart.”

George had moved past me and was glancing around the room. “Um, I hate to say this, but I think the first mystery we need to solve is, how can I hack into Kyle McMahon’s computer when it doesn’t seem to be here?”

I groaned. “Oh, no!” Kyle must have his laptop with him wherever he is. I’d counted on him leaving it in the room, since he could access his e-mail and do lots of other things with his PDA.

“Looks like we broke in for nothing,” George said. “What should we —”

She froze in the middle of her sentence, her eyes widening in horror. So did mine. We’d both heard the same sound.

The sound of the electronic lock on the room door clicking open.

Someone was about to walk into the room.

And we were about to get caught!




There was no way to explain our presence in Kyle McMahon’s room. Somehow, I had the feeling “Whoops, we thought this was our room!” just wouldn’t cut it.

I dug an elbow into George’s ribs and pointed to the bed. She nodded and we both dove for the carpet. We wriggled our way under the bed on our bellies, like commandos. There was a terrible moment when my jeans pocket snagged on something sticking out of the bed frame, but then I heard a little rip and I was free. I slid forward another few inches and pulled my feet in under the dust ruffle.

Not a second too soon! I was facing in the direction of the door, and I saw the triangle of light from the hallway fall on the carpet as the door opened. I also heard Kyle McMahon’s voice as he entered the room.

“I don’t understand why you’re bringing this problem to me, Carole,” he was saying, apparently talking on his phone. There was an edge in his voice I hadn’t heard before. “Production is your department, not mine. If the stuff hasn’t arrived, get on the phone and find out where it is. I don’t want excuses, I want product in the stores! We’ve got numbers we have to hit, or we’re both in trouble.”

I watched his feet move over to the desk. There was a gentle thud; he must have been putting stuff down on the desktop. Maybe his laptop? A lot of good that would do George and me, trapped under the bed!

“Look, this conversation is a waste of my time. And between the pageant and the new offices downtown, not to mention my regular workload, time is not something I have to waste right now. As we discussed in this morning’s staff meeting.” Kyle exhaled heavily. “Just fix it, Carole. Do whatever you have to do. Perfect Face is our biggest hit ever, and we cannot mess it up. Not acceptable. I don’t care if you have to fly to Caracas and pick the stuff up yourself — just get it. All right?”