Translate the text in a written form.


Тексты для КР №2



Bob: Do you mind if I use your phone to call my friend?

Bill: Sure. Would you rather use my cell phone or the one in my office?

Bob: The one in your office is fine. Do I need to dial anything special to get out of the building?

Bill: Yes. You should dial 9 and then your number.

Bob: If another call comes in while I'm on the phone, should I put my wife on hold and take it?

Bill: No, that's all right. If you don't answer it will just go through to my voicemail and I can call them back later.


Bob picked up the receiver and dialed 9 then his number.

Bill left the office, pretending not to listen to Bob's end of the conversation with his friend.

Finally Bob hung up.

Bill: I couldn't help but overhear you're having chicken for dinner tonight. Can I come over?


The words to be introduced and checked by the teacher:


rather - лучше, охотнее, предпочтительнее

cell phone – сотовый телефон

to dial - набирать номер, звонить

on hold – на проводе, на связи

voicemail – голосовая почта

receiver - телефонная трубка

to hang up - повесить телефонную трубку

to overhear – подслушивать


Dialogue 2


- Hello! I'm just trying out my new mobile.

- Oh yes. Are you far away?

- Not really. I'm quite near.

- You sound very clear.

- Well, I did spend a lot of money on it.

- Where are you at the moment?

- I've already told you I'm in the area.

- Well, this is very interesting but I am very busy.

- Don't worry, I'll see you very soon.

- Oh, there goes the front door bell. Oh, it's you! I might have guessed!



The words to be introduced and checked by the teacher:


to try out - испытывать; тщательно проверять

I might have guessed. - Я должен был догадаться!

Dialogue 3


- Do you know what time it is?

- No, I have no idea.

- It's time you got up.

- I don't believe you. You can't be right.

- I'm telling that you must hurry up or…

- Or what? Come on, tell me.

- Simply that you're going to be late for work.

- I think there's something you've forgotten.

- Now, it's your turn to tell me.

- Remember that there's no work today because it's Sunday.


The words to be introduced and checked by the teacher:


to hurry up – торопиться, спешить

Come on, tell me. – Ну же, скажи мне!

Dialogue 4


Customer: Have you had a chance to look at my car yet?

Mechanic: Yes, we've given it a complete examination.

Customer: And what do you think is wrong with it?

Mechanic: That's a bit of a difficult answer to give in a few words.

Customer: Well, just give me the general picture…

Mechanic: To start with… it's losing a lot of oil.

Customer: I see. Anything else?

Mechanic: Well, there's a lot more. I mean the petrol tank has a hole in it.

Customer: Why don't you tell me the truth. What should I do?

Mechanic: Okay, I'll come straight to the point. Buy a new car!


The words to be introduced and checked by the teacher:

customer - клиент

mechanic – автомеханик

complete - полный, детальный, доскональный

oil – моторное масло

petrol tank - бензобак

What should I do? – Что же мне делать?

to come straight to the point – перейти сразу к делу



Dialogue 5


-Good morning.

-Good morning, sir.

- I’d like to open an account, please.

- Certainly, sir. Do you live in Geneva?

- Yes. I’m at the Interpreters’ School.

- Are you a student?

- Yes.

- What sort of account would you like?

- A current account, I think.

- Have you got any large sums to deposit?

- No, only a thousand francs or so a month.

- Well, we can open a current account with a cheque book for you as long as the initial sum is at least three thousand francs. But I’d advise you in your case to take an account that gives you more interest, and which is more practical. We normally advise students to open deposit accounts.

- Can I take money whenever I like?

- Yes. There are two or three types of account. They permit you to withdraw up to ten thousand francs a month.

- Can I receive money directly from abroad?

- Certainly.

- And can I withdraw at a branch office?

- Certainly, though it may be more convenient to open your account in our branch near the University.

- No, I live quite near here. Do you need my passport?

- Yes.

- I’m afraid I haven’t got it. Will my student card do?

- No, I’m afraid not.

- I’ll come back later, then.

- Very good, sir.


The words to be introduced and checked by the teacher:

account – счет

deposit account - депозит, депозитный счет; сберегательный счет

Syn: savings account

current account - текущий счет

checking account - 1) специальный счет, с которого снимаются деньги по чекам клиента 2) счет, позволяющий в любой момент вносить и снимать деньги (до востребования)

to open an account with - открывать счет в (банке, магазине и т. п.)

take into account - принимать во внимание, в расчет

interpreter - переводчик (устный)

to deposit - класть в банк; депонировать

to deposit money in a bank - положить деньги в банк

initial - начальный; исходный

at least - по крайней мере, по меньшей мере

to advise – советовать

interest - заинтересованность, интерес; проценты (на капитал)

to permit - позволять, давать возможность

to withdraw - забирать; отзывать; брать назад

up to - вплоть до; до

branch office - филиал

though - хотя, несмотря на

convenient - удобный, подходящий; пригодный; близкий, находящийся под рукой


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Kафедра «Философия, история и право»






по дисциплине ________________________________

Вариант №





Курс________ № группы _________

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Курск 2016


Структура курса………………….………………………….………...3

Цели и задачи обучения …………………………………….…..……3

Содержание обучения…………………………………………....……5