Задайте 4 вопроса к каждому предложению ( общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный).
Напишите транскрипцию следующих слов
Model: my [mai]
lake [leik]
18. Rough, sweet, over, never, vein, serious, seem, city, zoo, once.
Rough([ rf ]);sweet( [ swit ]); over([ v(r) ]); never([ nev(r) ]);
vein([ ven ]); serious([ sris ]); seem([ sim ]); city([ sti ]);
zoo([ zu ]);once([ wns ]).
Запишите форму множественного числа следующих существительныхи переведите их
1. A mouse, an umbrella, a friend, a glass, a goose, a tree, an idea, a roof, a dish, a number.
mice; umbrellas; friends; glasses; geese; trees; ideas; roofs; dish; numbers.
Заполните пропуски местоимениями “some”, “any”, “no”
Model: Do you have any books at home?
18.We haven’t got any milk. We can’t make an omelet.
23.There is some ham on the plate.
28.Are there any illustrations in that book? Yes, there are some .
34.He never puts some sugar in his coffee.
39.Do you want any apples? Here are some ripe ones.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного
Model: This is (short) way to the station.
This is the shortest way to the station.
22.She speaks Italian better than English.
31.I thought she was younger than me but in fact she’s a little older.
40.As he went on, the box became heavier and heavier.
49.I’m surprised Diane is 25. I thought she was older.
58.The Neva is wider and wider than the Moskva River.
Поставьте следующие предложения в the Past Simple и the FutureSimple, употребляя соответствующие обстоятельства времени
Model: It is warm today. It was warm yesterday.
It will be warm tomorrow.
21.This city has many monuments.
a) In this city there were a lot of monuments.
b) In this city there will be many monuments.
14.I am 17 years old.
a) I was 17 years old.
b) I will be 17 years.
7.We have many apple trees in our garden.
a) We had many apple trees in our garden.
b) We will have a lot of apple trees in our garden.
Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо
Model: In winter I usually go to bed at 11.
20.Wait me. I’ll be back a few minutes.
26.I began writing my composition at seven o’clock and finished only in midnight.
3. Your brother complains on you. He says you always laugh over him, never speak him and never answer his questions.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы во временах группы Simple
Model: Tom always (to eat) breakfast.
Tom always eats breakfast.
39. He knows several foreign languages.
25. You will go next summer to London?
11. Do you think you will be happy in your new neighborhood?
57.The farmer like to work in his garden every day.
34. Peter and Ann went 5 minutes ago.
Переведите с русского языка на английский язык
3.а) Мой старший брат учится в институте, а я учусь в школе.
б) Сначала мы пошли в лес. В лесу было прохладно.
в) После завтрака мы поехали на вокзал.
г) Вечером мы поехали в город.
д) Наша бабушка ходит в магазин утром.
8.а) Вы решили послать письмо или телеграмму вчера?
б) Как долго Элис будет отсутствовать? – В течение месяца.
в) Как ты добираешься домой? – На автобусе.
г) Мы обсуждали эти вопросы в понедельник.
д) Завтра ты пойдешь делать покупки, не так ли?
3.а) My older brother is in College, and I go to school.
б) First we went into the woods. The forest was cool.
в) After Breakfast we went to the train station.
г) In the evening we went into town.
д) Our grandmother goes to the store in the morning.
8.а) You have decided to send a letter or a telegram yesterday?
б) How long Alice will be absent? – Within one month.
в) How do you get home? – On the bus.
г) We discussed these questions on Monday.
д) Tomorrow you're going to shop, right?
Переведите на английский язык
21.У меня нет учебника, но я хочу взять его в библиотеке.
27.В выходные мы часто устраиваем пикник.
3.У нее сейчас много денег. Она может купить этот словарь.
21. I do not have a textbook, but I want to take it to the library.
27. On weekends we often organize a picnic.
3.She is now a lot of money. It can buy this dictionary.
Контрольная работа №2
Задание № 1
Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:
3Goose, company, life, deer, tomato, city man, play, news, child, technology, system.
3. geese, companies, lives, deers, tomatoes, city people, play, news, children,
Technologies, systems.
Задание № 2
Напишите числительные на английском языке:
20.2, 4, 11, 77, 9991, 87123, 900701, 77098,121321, 9132561
26.9, 19, 21, 57, 853, 775, 8987, 6133, 55445, 7910907.
3.6, 65, 78, 976, 900, 4567, 88605, 55997, 123776, 1654000.
20.two, four, eleven, nine thousand nine hundred ninety-one, eighty-seven thousand one hundred twenty-three,
nine thousand seven hundred and one, seventy-seven thousand and ninety-eight, one hundred twenty-one thousand three hundred twenty-one,nine million one hundred and thirty-two thousand five hundred sixty-one.26. nine, nineteen, twenty-one, fifty seven, eight hundred fifty three, seven hundred seventy-five, eight nine hundred eighty-seven thousand, six thousand one hundred thirty-three, fifty-five thousand four hundred and forty-five,
seven million nine hundred and ten thousand nine hundred and seven,26. six, sixty-five, seventy-eight, nine hundred seventy six, nine hundred,four thousand five hundred sixty-seven, eighty-eight thousand six hundred and five, fifty-five thousand nine hundred ninety-seven,one hundred twenty-three thousand seven hundred seventy-six,one million six hundred and fifty-four thousand.
Задание № 3
Задайте 4 вопроса к каждому предложению ( общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный).
Маny centuries ago man learned to shape clay into blocks.
1.Общий вопрос:
Did man learn to shape clay into blocks many centuries ago?
2.Специальный вопрос:
When did man learn to shape clay into blocks?
3.Альтернативный вопрос:
Did man learn to shape clay in blocks many centuries ago or a few years ago?
4.Разделительный вопрос:
Many centuries ago man learned to shape clay in blocks, didn’t he?
18.The people of Babylonia were rich and powerful.
1) Whether the people of Babylon rich and powerful?
2) How were the people of Babylonia?
3) Whether the people of Babylonia, the rich and powerful or poor and insignificant?
4) The people of Babylonia were rich and powerful, isn't it?
23.He is starting his new business this year.
1) Whether it begins your own business this year?
2) When he starts his business?
3) He begins his business this year or next?
4) He begins his business this year, isn't it?
28.They were both interested in car production.
1) Both of whether they were interested in producing cars?
2) What kind of production they are both interested?
3) They are both interested in car production or in the production of motorcycles?
4) They are both interested in car production, isn't it?
14.The population of the world increases every year.
1) Increases whether the world's population every year?
2)As the rapidly increasing world population?
3) The world population is increasing each year or decreasing?
4) The world population is increasing every year, isn't it?
15.Rubber is a flexible substance.
1) Rubber is a flexible substance?
2) What material is rubber?
3) Rubber is a flexible substance or solid?
4) Rubber is a flexible substance , isn't it?
Задание № 4