Приведем примеры аннотации и реферирования специальных текстов на русском и иностранных языках.

Пример 1

Морякам хорошо известно место, которое находится к востоку от по­бережья Флориды. Сюда заходят корабли, чтобы пополнить запасы пресной воды, которые истощились за время долгого плавания. Берут воду из чаши диаметром в 30 метров, которая лежит в море среди соленых вод. Эту об­ласть пресной воды образует источник, который расположен на дне моря на глубине 40 метров.

Аннотацию к этому тексту можно написать так:

Русский язык:

В данном тексте рассказывается о том, как моряки пополняют запасы пресной воды в соленом море. Реферат может быть таким: В тексте расска­зывается о том, что моряки запасают пресную воду со дна моря из источника диаметром 30 метров, находящегося к востоку от побережья Флориды на глубине 40метров.

Пример 2

Английский язык


The text deals with computers and input data are described. Special empha­sis is laid on the advantages of the computer. Precis A computer is a counting ma­chine. There are two kinds of computers: special-purpose and general-purpose computers. A computer can store the information in its memory until it is needed. The process of inputting data into a computer is via punched card reader or punched paper tape reader from magnetic tape. The advantages of a computer are its small size and weight, reliability, speed of operation and little power required for running it.

A classroom demonstration of automobile stopping distances

By Robert D. Grimm

One almost universal complaint of high school students as well as college undergraduates is feat physics course material is often irrelevant Recognizing this problem we need to identify things that are important to students and that are explaining by physics concepts. One area that comes to mind almost immediately is a motion of automobiles. High school students are especialy preoccupied with cars sinc they are at the age when they are beginning to drive. Here’s a question on automobiles that can teach some physics. Consider two cars, a 1500-lb economy model and a 3000-lb gas-guzzler both moving with the same velocity Which car will stop first if both drivers lock up the wheels at the same instant

After the students make predictions, open a driver’s manual to the page whre the stopping distances are listed according to the initial velocity of the car/ The figures in such tables are based on smooth stops, without the wheels being locked and skidded. Note that the data are independent of type of car. This lack or dependence on mass would also be true with locked wheels. If the coefficient of friction in the same for two cars on the same surface (usually a good approximation), then the friction force is Mmg and the deceleration is Mg, independent of mass. Two cars of different masses will stop in the same distance. This idea is not always obvious to students and is also an idea that has not received a great deal of attention as a classroom demonstration.

One rather simple demonstration of this concept is shown schematically in Fig. 1. Two ramps may be constructed from pieces of wood or whatever materials are available. fig. 1. The experimental set-up with two bathroom tiles loaded on the cart. For the first trial one bathroom tile is placed on the top of the cart, smooth side down. The loaded cart is then released and travels down the ramp until it collide swith the end of the shorter ramp. At this time the tile slides off the cart and skides to a stop just as our economy car would in the "real life" example. If the rams are built in such a way that the angles of inclination are the same, and the separation distance d is equal to the height of the car, the tile will slide on to the second ramp with very little interference.

A second run is now made with two tiles. Place the tiles on the cart with rough surfaces facing each other so they act as one body. These represent the gasguzzler car in our example. If the experiment is done carefully, it will be seen that both car s stop in the same distance. In both trials visibility of the stopping position can be increased by putting a flag in the center of the tile and recording where the flag stops on the lower ramp with a second marker.

For the velocity of the car to be the same for both trials, the relational kinetic energy of the wheels must be negligible compared to the total kinetic energy of the cart A fairly massive cart with light wheels is therefore suggested. A number of scientific supply houses have carts that closely approximate this requirement (From: "The Physics Teacher", N.Y., No. 11, 1998)
