easy conversation starters for a girl to use on a guy
Повторите, пожалуйста, эти слова несколько раз перед прочтением.
Enjoy your reading!
chat up a guy – поболтать с парнем
to make a move – сделать ход
to initiate a conversation - положить начало разговора
to play a subtle game – играть в коварную игру
take smb. for granted – принимать кого-либо как должное
to rouse interest – пробудить интерес
to crave for attention – жаждать внимания
obvious – очевидный
with a hint of fake recognition – с намеком на то что ты его “узнала”
to place in a mind – припомнить
to warm things up – подогреть интерес
to exchange glances – обменяться взглядами
aloof – равнодушный
approachable – охотно идущий на встречу
a knight in a shining armor – рыцарь в сияющих доспехах
to plan ahead - продумать заранее
an emergency – срочность
phone trick – трюк с телефоном
genuine – истинный
fumble – мять в руках
cell phone – сотовый
someone else – кто-то еще
to tap – стучать, хлопать
startled – испуганный
apologize – извиняться
be it …. or ….. – будь это … или ….
аlash your warmest smile – сверкни самой теплой улыбкой
a place you are familiar with – место, с которым ты знакома
to regret – сожалеть
improvise – импровизируй
awesome – классный
screw smth. up – испортить что-то
circumstances – обстоятельства
to no one in particular – никому в отдельности
walk past smb. – проходить мимо кого –либо
in a flight of stairs – в лестничном пролете
suddenly – вдруг
walk ahead – идти дальше
look clueless – выглядеть недоумевающей
potential – возможность
appear confused – казаться смущенным
to go into explanations – объясняться
dashing knight – лихой
rescue – спасение
accidentally drop – случайно уронить
scrunchy – резинка для волос
cutest grin – милая усмешка
assistance – участие
this can be bold to a few – не все осмелятся на это
raise your eyebrows slightly – приподнимите слегка брови
to play along- подыгрывать
to pick – выбрать
queue – очередь
to brush – прикасаться
work in your favor – работает в вашу пользу
Easy Conversation Starters with a Guy You Like
Looking for ways to chat up a guy without making it obvious? Use these 15 safe and good conversation starters with a guy and see how easy it can get.
As a girl, it’s pretty easy to get any guy’s attention. Almost all the time, all you need to do is look at the guy you like. If you really do want to make a move at a guy and initiate a conversation with him, try to play a subtle game and don’t ever let him feel like you’re more interested in him than he is in you.
It’s a guy thing. If he thinks he can get a girl easily, he’ll take her for granted or take it so easy that it may appear like he’s uninterested. But if you can rouse his interest in you, you can talk to him and still make him crave for your attention.
easy conversation starters for a girl to use on a guy
If you want to play it safe and easy, and avoid letting him know that you’re interested in him, use these conversation starters. They may be obvious at times, but these conversation tips will still give you complete control of the conversation.
#1 Have we met?Look at the guy you like with a hint of fake recognition, walk up confidently and use this line. “Hi, I’m sorry, but do I know you…? I feel like we’ve met somewhere, but I can’t place you in my mind…”
#2 Eye contact and a flirty smile.If both of you are sitting in a room for a while, this may be the best way to warm things up. Exchange glances now and then, and look away. But don’t be aloof. Be warm and approachable and smile now and then to let him know that you’re interested in talking to him.
#3 Can you help me with this? Make a man feel like a knight in shining armor and he’ll definitely think it’s his lucky day! Plan this step ahead, and as the guy you like walks towards you, ask him to help you with something.
#4 Can I use your phone? Create an emergency and any guy will gladly stand up to help you. One of the easiest conversation starters is the phone trick. Walk up to the guy and ask him if you could use his phone because your phone is dead. Just to make your act seem more genuine, fumble with the back panel of your cell phone in a place where he can see you, a minute before you walk up to him.
#5 Say something to him… followed by “Oops, I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else…” Pretend like you’re really busy, tap him on his shoulder, and start talking. And just as he turns around, appear startled, apologize to him for the misunderstanding, but continue to ask him for some help by using any of the other conversation starters here, be it some help with your bags or something else.
#6 Smile. See a guy you like? Exchange flirty glances with him for a while, and you can also use the help of your friends to make it rather obvious that you’re interested in him.
#7 Would it be alright if I sat here? This is something we hear all the time, be it in the bus, the train or even at the airport. Use this very line as you come up to a guy and sit next to him. But just as you ask him the question, flash your warmest smile at him so he knows that you’re a warm and approachable person. And before you know it, he’ll try to start a conversation with you.
#8 I wouldn’t do that if I were you. A perfect line to use when you see a guy while hanging out at a place you’re familiar with. Is the guy you like doing something that he may regret later? Improvise and just use this line. He’ll continue the rest of the conversation.
#9 How boring is this! Or how awesome is this, or how screwed up is this! One of the best ways to start a conversation with someone is by using the circumstances around you. Use this line if you’re sitting next to the guy you want to talk to, but are sitting too close to try exchanging glances. Just lean towards him, and say something appropriate to no one in particular and sit back. You can turn towards him and smile if you want. He’ll do the rest.
#10 Say hi and walk past him. Or just smile. This is a wonder move when it comes to talking to a guy you bump into often and feel the chemistry with, be it in the corridors or the cafeteria. When you’re about to walk past this guy, either in a flight of stairs or a crowded hallway, look at him suddenly, say ‘hi’ and walk ahead like you did nothing wrong.
#11 This is my first time here. I’m lost. Look clueless when you’re in a new place, either an office or any other place where there’s potential to get lost. If a guy you’re interested in is around, appear confused, walk up to him and use this line. Don’t go into explanations. Just wait.
And before you know it, the dashing knight would hold you by your hand and come to your rescue.
#12 Make something fall near him. If you play this well, there’s no way he’ll think it’s a conversation starter move. As you walk past him, accidentally drop a pen or let your scrunchie drop near him. As long as he notices it, he’ll immediately pick it up for you. Flash your cutest grin and thank him for his assistance.
#13 While shopping. This can be bold to a few, but when you’re out shopping, there’s really not much time to chat up a guy or use a conversation starter on him. If you catch a guy glancing at you now and then, just hold up two girls’ tee shirts against you and look at yourself in the mirror.
And when the guy you’re interested in glances towards you, lift the two tee shirts higher and raise your eyebrows slightly in a questioning manner. If he wants to play along, he’ll definitely help you pick, and strike a conversation too.
#14 In a queue. If you’re standing in a crowded place or in a long line, brush him accidentally while picking something up. And as he turns around, look at him, smile and apologize. All you need to do is look warm and approachable, and he’ll definitely talk.
#15 Say it straight. Exchange glances with the guy for a few minutes until you know he’s interested in you too. Walk up to him when he’s alone, and just say ‘hi’ or something like “I see you’ve been watching me…”
And there we have it, girls, 15 really easy conversation starters with a guy that’ll definitely work in your favor. Use these tips and you’ll see just how easy it can be to chat up any guy you like.