Write these numbers in full.

Test. Term 8. Companies. Cultures.


For each item, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use one word from the box each time

export launches manufactures supplies workforce

1. We sell some of our products abroad. We export some of our products.

2. Our company provides products for the energy industry. Our company _____________the energy industry.

3. Florite makes air conditioners. ______________________ air conditioners.

4. We employ over 300 people. _________________of over 300.

5. It introduces five new products each year. __________________five new products a year.


Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-5) with their endings (a-e).


1. Coca-Cola is a mass market — product; it 2. Selling special-interest holidays is a niche market; it 3. Rolex watches sell in a luxury market; they are 4. An export market 5. A home market a) is a small but often profitable market. b) is outside the producer's country. c) is in the producer's country. d) high-quality and expensive goods. e) sells to large numbers of people

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from below.

was organized was postponed was in charge of did not go attend organized

A meeting of the Tennis Club Committee was organized for 1 March. But not everyone could ___________ to a meeting. So it ____________________ till March 31. One committee member said that this was too late, so eventually we _______________ a meeting for March 15. The chairperson ____________ it very efficiently, and we decided on some new membership rules. Only one committee member __________ to a meeting.

Fill in the prepositions in the gaps.


1. What is the situation on production ________ your plant at the moment?

2. What sort of quantities are you looking ________ ?

3. What are we looking ________ in the way of discount?

4. What were you thinking _______ in terms of delivery dates?

5. How important to you is the currency ____ payment?


5. Make present progressive sentences:

(-) – negation (+) – affirmative statement (?) – question


1. I / look for / the station (+) I am looking for the station.

2. you / work / tonight В ..(?). Are you working tonight?

3. it/rain (-) It isn’t raining.

4. Peter / try / to save money (+) __________________________________________________

5. why/ those children / cry (?) __________________________________________________

6. all your friends / play football / this afternoon (?) ______________________________________

7. she / look / very well today (-) ______________________________________________

8. I think she / make / a big mistake (+) ______________________________________________

9. you / wear / your usual glasses (-) ______________________________________________

10. I/hope /to get a new job (+) ______________________________________________

11. the 10.15 train from London to Edinburgh / run / today (?) ______________________________________________


Present Simple and Present Continuous. Write what happens in each area at Goldcrest Hotel and what is happening now.

Area What happens What is happening now
Kitchen prepare and cook meals chefs / prepare / today's lunch
Restaurant serve breakfast, lunch and dinner waiter / clear / the tables
Reception welcome guests, answer calls receptionist / talk / to a guest
Gift shop sell souvenirs sales assistant / help / a customer
A bedroom guests stay maid / clean / the room

This is the kitchen. We prepare and cook meals here. At the moment, the chefs are preparing today's lunch.


Write these numbers in full.

1. 260 two hundred and sixty

2. 6.8 _____________________________

3. 14-5% _____________________________

4. 1.040 _____________________________________________________________

5. 4,080 _____________________________________________________________

6. 18,000,000 _____________________________________________________________


8. Read these sentences from a chairperson's IT plan. Put will in the correct position in each line.


1. All our catalogues be online by next year. All our catalogues will be online by next year.

2. In ten years, 80% of our sales be online. __________________________________________

3. Most of our customers order their products at their computers.


4. Customers open one account to make all their purchases.


5. Security not be a problem. _____________________________________

6. As a result, efficiency improve. ___________________________________


Структура экзаменационного билета:

1.Прочитайте и передайте основное содержание предложенного текста на английском языке.

2. Ответьте на вопросы по прочитанному тексту.

3. Сделайте сообщение на английском языке на выбранную тему.

4. Ответьте на вопросы по выбранной теме.


Экзаменационные вопросы.Список тем, предлагаемых на экзамен в 8 семестре.


1. Where, when and how often do you usually buy different products? What is important for you when you buy a product like a computer or a TV?

2. Tell about a colleague or a manager who was easy (not easy) to work with.

3. Tell about a famous businessman or businesswoman.

4. The role of advertising in business. What are the key elements of a good advertising campaign? What advertising campaigns are famous in Russia?

5. Why is cultural awareness important for businesspeople? Cross-cultural communication: areas of potential cultural misunderstanding. What should visitors to Russia know about the following points: use of language, non-verbal communication, business negotiations, socializing?

6. How has the retail business changed in Russia in recent years? What do you think are the reasons for these changes? Which types of shops do you use to buy different things? Why? What experiences have you had of good or bad service in shops?

7. Company performance: think about a company that you know. How well has it performed in the last few years?

8. Think of something that you bought recently. Describe your purchase in terms of the four Ps. Are you loyal to any product or service?

9. Company profile: name of the company, headquarters, business activities, main markets, and main competitors. What makes this company successful (unsuccessful)?

10. Have you applied for any jobs? Was it advertised? Were you interviewed? How did it go? Was the selection process very long? What are typical mistakes a candidate can make in an interview? Your advice to interviewees.



Елена Михайловна Назаренко

Ст. преподаватель кафедры ИТО ИППС
