Сопоставьте части предложений. Переведите предложения письменно.

The Economist online is part of The Economist Group and journalists often co-operate on articles
The Economist speaks with a collective voice, the other half by a group of independent shareholders, including many members of the staff.
Since 1928, half the shares have been owned by the Financial Times, The Economist considers itself the enemy of privilege, pomposity and predictability.
What does The Economist believe in? that was why it was called The Economist.
The founder insisted that all the arguments and propositions put forward in his paper should be subjected to the test of facts, is responsible for The Economist on the internet.

8. Прочитайте текст и ответьте письменно на вопросы:

6. What is The Economist?

7. Why does the Economist call itself a newspaper?

8. Why is it anonymous?

9. Who was The Economist founded by?

10. What are the main principles of The Economist?

Переведите текст письменно и приготовьтесь к чтению абзацев №1, 3, 4.

Составьте письменное реферирование текста.



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Кафедра иностранных языков



Контрольные работы

по дисциплине "Деловой иностранный язык"


Специальность/ направление: 38.04.01 «Экономика»

Магистерская программа: «Налоговое консультирование, налоговый учет и контроль»

Форма обучения: заочная

Составители: к.филол.н., доцент Сергиенко Н.А.; к.п.н., доцент Орехова Е.Ю.; к.п.н., доцент Ставрук М.А.; ст. преподаватель Костюнина М.В.



Сургут 2015

Контрольная №1

Вариант 1

Task 1. Read and translate the following words. Mind the stress: a) on the first syllable; b) on the second syllable; c) on two syllables.

a) concept, item, scarcity, scarce, vital, realize;

b) economy, ingredient, resource, society, deprived, assemble, compete, concern, increase;

c) connotation, economics


Task 2. Match the words with the definitions below.

Concept, goods, scarcity, society, wealth, welfare, to compete, to distribute, to evaluate.

1. Movable property; merchandise.

2. Idea underlying a class of things; general notion.

3. To take part in a race, contest, examination.

4. To put (parts of a set of things) in different places; give or send out.

5. To find out, decide, the amount or value of.

6. Smallness of supply compared with demand.

7. System whereby people live together in organized communities.

8. Condition of having good health, comfortable living and working conditions, etc.

9. Great amount of property, money, etc.; richness.


Task 3. Translate the following words, mind the use of the words in bold:

economy, economics, economic, economical, economize.

1. A country's economy is the organization of its wealth-producing commerce and industry: Britain's economy is increasingly based on services.

The economies of many developing countries are based on cash crops.

1.1 Economy can also mean 'the deliberate saving of money through carefully-controlled spending': We use recycled paper for reasons of economy. The budget has been cut so we'll have to make economies.

1.2 We can refer to something as a false economy when an apparent saving of money in fact results in inefficiency and/or unforeseen extra costs: Buying second-hand equipment can be a false economy.

1.3 We refer to an economy of scale when there is a reduction in unit cost owing to an increase in the volume of production: The doubling of output can lead to economies of scale of up to 30%.

2. Economics is the scientific study of a society’s money, industry and trade: She studied economics at the London Business School.

Note that economics is a singular noun (like other subjects, Maths, Physics, Business Studies, etc.).

3. Economic means ‘related to the economy’: The 1970s and 1980s were a period of political and economic crisis. Economic growth leads to a per capita improvement in living standards.

3.1. Economic can also mean ‘cost-effective’: We have to keep wage costs low to make it economic for us to continue production.

4. If something is economical it does not require a great deal of money to operate: I have a small car because it’s more economical to run.

The word can also be used to refer to an efficient way of doing things: Holding business meetings at an airport can be an economical use of time.

5. The verb is to economize and means ‘to save money’: We need to economize in order to keep costs at an acceptable level. It is unwise in the long run to economize on quality.


Task 4. Make adjectives from the followings nouns.

Scarcity, concept, goods, resource, wealth.

Task 5. Make nouns from the following verbs.

To assemble, to concern, to evaluate, to increase, to realize.

Task 6. What are the opposites?

Wealth, excess, plentiful, to distribute, to decrease.

Task 7. Translate the text in writing and be ready to read it. Answer the following question: How does economics as an academic discipline serve society?